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Did Brady just admit to deflating the balls?


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Dec 3, 2013
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Yep...my complete lack of respect is firmly intact.

You were in here defending Rice knocking out his gf and saying he was just defending himself. I dont think he will lose any sleep losing your respect or anyone for that matter


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You were in here defending Rice knocking out his gf and saying he was just defending himself. I dont think he will lose any sleep losing your respect or anyone for that matter

That's absolutely not what I was doing. You are either flat out lying or have me confused with someone else. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt (which is more than your team deserves) and say it's the latter.


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That's absolutely not what I was doing. You are either flat out lying or have me confused with someone else. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt (which is more than your team deserves) and say it's the latter.

Maybe it was just OS and not you, if not you then I apologize.


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WTF happened to the image I posted? We got a mod protecting Flyer? Cripes.

Protecting me? They should protect you from yourself haha! I just state facts and the only way that you can handle them is to take shots...nice.


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How can it be cut and "dried" when we haven't heard from the league yet? We don't even know what the balls actually tested out yet. For example were they exactly 2 psi under? Were they various amounts of psi under? Was the intial report mistaken and it was .2 psi under? (This last one is curious to me because BB made it a point to use and example that was that exacty number under. And this is a man that when using specific information is trying to pass on specific information.)

You hate all things Patriots and are blinded by your hatred, pure and simple.

Why not take a step back and do two things.

1. Wait for all the facts to come out before passing judgement.


B. Wait for all the facts to come out before passing judgement.

Look this is my opinion based on the facts released. I'm not in the minority here. If you can't handle the truth then don't read the posts..its really quite simple. Hopefully soon we'll get a report from the league. For now brady looked like he was lying I can't see anyone believing otherwise unless you have your head in the sand.


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Protecting me? They should protect you from yourself haha! I just state facts and the only way that you can handle them is to take shots...nice.

1) Look up "sarcasm."

2) Re-read what I typed.

3) Feel like a retard.


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this story HAS become BIGGER THAN THE SUPER BOWL ITSELF, its completely taken over the sports world.

I'm loving every minute of it!!!!!!!!!


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this story HAS become BIGGER THAN THE SUPER BOWL ITSELF, its completely taken over the sports world.

I'm loving every minute of it!!!!!!!!!

I do feel bad for Seahawks fans though.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Actually, most everyone is missing what happened, anyone who understands basic science (which would eliminate most posters here) could do it easily.

As the temperature drops, so does air pressure, which is why car tires lose pressure in cold weather. NASCAR has researched this in great detail. Trust me, just like a world class golfer can tell how tight a compression his gold balls are wound, so too a world class professional QB knows how a few pounds pressure can make a difference in touch on a ball.

So, the Patriots simply put the balls in a very warm room or put heated air inside them. When measured, the balls would be inside legal limits, but outside in the cold, the pressure would drop, easily a couple of pounds on a day as cold as Sunday.

Notice how that both Belichick and Brady were careful to not say that someone ELSE might have knowledge, but that they didn't. As the church lady would say, "how convenient."

So in your attempt to always try to be the smartest guy in the room you chastise the intelligence of everyone else by claiming how obvious it is how this is done.

Everyone who lives or has lived in a northern state knows about pressure and cold. So does the NFL.

The question hasn't really been how could they, but did they. Heating the air isn't the only option for manipulating it before hand. Using different gasses could as well and wouldn't require heating.

What you are describing would happen naturally if your assertions were correct. At least in very very cold games. We just had the so-called ice bowl II for example. There are lots of games played in super cold places and presumably the balls are all weighed and checked in a much warmer area than the actual game conditions. Are you suggesting no one in the history of pro football has ever looked at pressure changes due to temperature?

Also, the drop in tire pressure due to cold doesn't amount to 15% of volume. At least not around here it doesn't. First cold every year I end up putting maybe a couple of pounds of PSI in to keep that damned pressure monitoring system quiet and there is a huge difference between a couple of pounds at 35psi than 12psi. It wasn't sub freezing during that game as it was or it would have been snowing instead of raining.

Possible to intentionally manipulate the ball with heated air or different gasses prior to weighing and having that ball change outside? Sure. Definitive explanation about this case? Far from it. The more important point is it couldn't have been accidental in terms of simply filling them at room temperature and having them drop that much in those game conditions. So it really makes no difference whether they used these methods, or had a kid with a needle bleed them all for the same length of time. The method isn't the question. The intention to do it is.

You can bet there will be a mythbusters kind of deal done on it all though.


Well-Known Member
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I do feel bad for Seahawks fans though.

LOL You are surely not familiar with the Seattle fans who post on this board!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I do feel bad for Seahawks fans though.

Why? We are mostly all happy the focus is on Tom's balls instead of dumb shit like Lane saying Gronk wasn't that good. :L

Some of our players do a fabulous job of looking fucking retarded in the media spotlight. Let that light be shined WAY away from them for as long as it can. :whistle:

R.J. MacReady

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Why? We are mostly all happy the focus is on Tom's balls instead of dumb shit like Lane saying Gronk wasn't that good. :L

Some of our players do a fabulous job of looking fucking retarded in the media spotlight. Let that light be shined WAY away from them for as long as it can. :whistle:



R.J. MacReady

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I thought I saw it all. But last night I saw Donte Stallworth on different media outlets last night.

I'm all for the guy to get a 2nd chance. But it is pure insanity to have an ex football player who killed a pedestrian while driving drunk in his Bentley, go on national TV and gives his opinion on if Tom Brady let some air out of a football.

Call me crazy.


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1) Look up "sarcasm."

2) Re-read what I typed.

3) Feel like a retard.

Yaya whatever. What you guys fail to understand is that in the original poll at the start of the year I wasn't buying that the pats were going to fall apart this year...but I'm a totally blind hater. But what pisses me off is that your team is good enough to win without the BS but they can't seem to help themselves. I think everyone just wants to see a fair game is there something wrong with that? On top of it most of you will blindly defend your team what's wrong with just saying yep we got away with one there? I think that you're so used to defending the team it just comes naturally...now hernandez is a bad example but I was trying to make a point.

As per Brady I was actually disappointed that he lied through his teeth. No evidence is needed when he says that he likes his balls at 12.5 but had no idea that they were well below that. Come on man! But you guys blindly believe that an all pro QB who has no clue that his football is low?

Anyway I agree let's wait this out and we'll see what happens no use speculating any further.


Well-Known Member
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Why? We are mostly all happy the focus is on Tom's balls instead of dumb shit like Lane saying Gronk wasn't that good. :L

Some of our players do a fabulous job of looking fucking retarded in the media spotlight. Let that light be shined WAY away from them for as long as it can. :whistle:

What??? I love me some good ole fashioned trash talk. That's what this time is supposed to be about.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What??? I love me some good ole fashioned trash talk. That's what this time is supposed to be about.

But we are. Trashing on Tom's balls and the deflateriots counts doesn't it?