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Detroit Tigers Ongoing 2015 Thread


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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I get the frustration with the Tigers... I am to. Maybe I am a tad more optimistic... but to think they could not easily field a contending team next year after selling off guys that were going to be free agents anyways... adding some young talent... and having 50-60 mil to spend on starting pitching and LF even AFTER arbitration raises because of all the money coming off the books... you basically didn't watch the red sox do the same exact thing in 2012 when they traded away half their team and ended with 69 wins... reload.. then win it all in 2013.
I think they could be just fine next year..... If DD sells properly.

But I don't if we stand pat or dig the hole deeper by buying. I've been quiet on here for nearly two weeks because I'm honestly rooting against our Tigs e'ry night. It sucks, but it's what best longterm.

Was happy to come back to the TV in the 8th and see the bases loaded. Was happier to see Jones walk back into the dugout, then watch Gutierrez take a little 360 foot stroll.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh and last thought before I bounce for the night...

Matt Cain is making 20 mil and has sucked for the same amount of time as verlander.. i know he is on the giants and you don't pay attention.. but do you think he will ever have a 200 inning 4 era season again?
How did the Giants win with a albatross Matt Cain contract last year? Cain isn't half the pitcher Verlander was.. and his struggles are worse than Verlanders.. but why don't people talk about it? Because the Giants still won with him struggling...

Verlander's contract won't handicap the tigers any more than Cain's has to the Giants.... and Verlander will be a MUCH more useful pitcher the next 4 years than Cain will be.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
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So you think Verlander is never going to go 200 innings again under 4 era? He is what 32?

Here is a list of guys currently under 4 era this year that could hit 200 innings same age or older than verlander

chris young
edison velesquez
cj wilson
dan haron
aj burrnett
john lackey
james shields

I know you are pissed about Verlanders performance.. but don't tell me you honestly believe at 32 he will never have a sub 4 era 200 inning season... I am sure nobody thought dan haron would either... or aj burnnett.. or lackey...
Alright, fine, I won't tell you then. Lol

Shields has never been awful for 2.5 years. But Burnett is an excellent example of the bright side of things.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think they could be just fine next year..... If DD sells properly.

But I don't if we stand pat or dig the hole deeper by buying. I've been quiet on here for nearly two weeks because I'm honestly rooting against our Tigs e'ry night. It sucks, but it's what best longterm.

Was happy to come back to the TV in the 8th and see the bases loaded. Was happier to see Jones walk back into the dugout, then watch Gutierrez take a little 360 foot stroll.

Sadly I am with you in rooting for them to lose... I would rather see them do something for the future good and get young talent when they have the shot. The only way you can win with guys like verlander having a high salary is if you can get cheap young talent in to compensate... once again.. using the Giants as an example.. even the years with Barry Zito.. they won with bad contracts because they had young cheap players step up.... Sell at the deadline... add some nice young pieces preferably mlb ready or close... and pop the window of contention back open for a few more years.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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I'd like JV to ONLY make 20mil.

That's why DDs/Chris I has to Bonillafy that douchemeister's contract. And get rid of the JerseyChasin Upton while they're at it.


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I honestly am frustrated with Verlander... but I will 100% guarantee he has at least 1 more all star quality season with easily 200 innings and under 4era.... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he got another no no before his contract was up either... laugh all you want... but the truth is...

His velocity is back up
His secondary pitchers have good depth
He has good movement

He is getting lit up in 1 inning... by leaving pitches up... Its not like the stuff isnt there... it is... he just needs to get his control back... which I think can be done. Is he an ace? No... but can he post a good season or two? Yes...


Basketball School
Aug 24, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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2 things

Fire Aumus

Sell Price, Soria, Cespedes and Avila for any young talent out there from any stupid and desperate team that thinks they are still in the runnin..


El Chapo
Jun 24, 2015
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2 things

Fire Aumus

Sell Price, Soria, Cespedes and Avila for any young talent out there from any stupid and desperate team that thinks they are still in the runnin..


DD needs to get MAXIMUM return for the sell-off.

Outside of the Miggy trade and dumping Fielder's contract--I think DD has been a horrible GM.

Spending all of Bernie Ilitch's money, no WS title to show for it, and an albatross like JV's contract.

DD has to be one of the most over-rated GMs of all-time.

He got lucky in Florida because Mesa blew the save in Game 7.

DD's a fucking piece of shit.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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BA put out there Top 50 mid season prospect list recently (taking out the prospects who have been called up). No Tiger prospects on that list. Also, Tigers made NO major International signings this period either. BA STILL has the Tiger organization ranked #30!. IMO...there is NO question that Price, Cespedes, Davis, and any warm body Dombrowski can find, need to be swapped for some A and AA talent. I don't care if Detroit is at or over the .500 mark come the end of July....PizzaBoyII needs to be put in a Senior Care Center (if he isn't already) and the kids MUST tell Dombrowski to cut bait. Let's see how good DD is at landing some quality young talent. (Worrisome, since the organization under his regime seems to have had a hard time recognizing it. (RE: Castellanos, Wilkins Ramirez, Jacob Turner, Ryan Perry, Knebel, Thompson, Maybin, etc)


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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DD needs to get MAXIMUM return for the sell-off.

Outside of the Miggy trade and dumping Fielder's contract--I think DD has been a horrible GM.

Spending all of Bernie Ilitch's money, no WS title to show for it, and an albatross like JV's contract.

DD has to be one of the most over-rated GMs of all-time.

He got lucky in Florida because Mesa blew the save in Game 7.

DD's a fucking piece of shit.

Ok... I get the venom from fans... I do.. but to say DD was a horrible GM outside the Miggy trade and Fielder's contract dump?

Are you forgetting:
Fister trade that brought him from Seattle for next to nothing?
Cespedes and Wilson for Porcello?
His trade for Peralta for nothing?
His trade for Iggy?
The trade for Sanchez and Infante for nothing?

To say all he did good was dump Fielder and get Miggy is pretty stupid. The guy brought the Tigers out of the basement and into 2 world series. Is he perfect? No... but you make it out like the guy has done nothing... when in reality... he is the reason the Tigers have been the toast of the AL Central for the better part of the last 10 seasons.

Dislike the guy for failing to build a bullpen... If he leaves.. celebrate... I could care less.. but your comment was so ridiculous it made me laugh out loud. You sound like a woman that had her husband lose some money at the casino. DD is a well above average GM and if he leaves... what ever team he goes to will be a contender.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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BA put out there Top 50 mid season prospect list recently (taking out the prospects who have been called up). No Tiger prospects on that list. Also, Tigers made NO major International signings this period either. BA STILL has the Tiger organization ranked #30!. IMO...there is NO question that Price, Cespedes, Davis, and any warm body Dombrowski can find, need to be swapped for some A and AA talent. I don't care if Detroit is at or over the .500 mark come the end of July....PizzaBoyII needs to be put in a Senior Care Center (if he isn't already) and the kids MUST tell Dombrowski to cut bait. Let's see how good DD is at landing some quality young talent. (Worrisome, since the organization under his regime seems to have had a hard time recognizing it. (RE: Castellanos, Wilkins Ramirez, Jacob Turner, Ryan Perry, Knebel, Thompson, Maybin, etc)

Iffy... do you even actually read the articles you post as facts? Tigers have multiple prospects in the top 100... and if you count the guys they traded away.. had a good handful of talent both thompson and adames are top 75 prospects. Knebel, Miller and Maybin are far from scrubs...try looking at their stats this year... Thompson is 20 years old... and is #65 in MLB top 100 prospects... You have no idea the state of the Tigers farm.. you just go off the media's portrayal and pray nobody notices you have no idea what you are talking about. Seriously Iffy.. you don't want to discuss the farm system with me... you are not even a member of baseball america and you can't read their actual scouting reports yet you try to use them as a basis for your idiocy... how can you use them if you cant even read what they say? Tigers farm is 30th.. because they traded away a ton of talent the last few years... It doesn't take long to reload it.. look at the Yankees.. their farm was god awful 2 years ago. Now it is top 5. If the Tigers held on to prospects.. they would have 4 in the top 100 right now... and that is before the guys they added in the 2015 draft and what ever they get in the coming trades.
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Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Maybin > 90% of MLB centerfielders this year

.285 8 45 .349 16

Show me 5 CFers better than Maybin's stats Iffy. Just 5.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tigers could easily vault up farm system rankings if DD is able to trade for at least 1 top level prospect using Price... and a few mid level guys from the other guys. I actually would rather see them get someone like Heany or vincent velasquez that are no longer on prospect lists but are young mlb ready starters.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do you even read the posts? Top 50! None - Zero! Failure to sign a top International Player. Maybin failed as a Tiger. Tigers are #30 in Team ranking of farm systems. Don't try and spin it. They stink now. They have stunk for years. What FEW decent players they found, they traded away. Dombrowski has failed this franchise in that area. It would have been nice if he had swapped the destruction of the team's farm system for a WS title, but fans will have to settle for a couple of WS appearances.
So bottom line.... Do I take YOUR word on the state of the Tiger farm system - or do I take the word of BASEBALL AMERICA?


Canadian Tiger
Apr 25, 2013
Downtown London
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Iffy where is your buddy Dick hanging out these days ...is CBS done?


Basketball School
Aug 24, 2013
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I'm not absolving DD of anything.. He's made horrible moves the last few years.. But lets look at it from this perspective.. He actually did try to improve the bullpen with 2 moves most people wouldn't have been opposed to had it not blown up in his face..

Trade for Soria
Signing of Nathan

Both were legit BP arms prior to coming here and have been pretty much disasters since. The problems is when you let guys like Jaokim Soria go and count on an unproven rocket arm like Rondon, you have a high probability of getting burned.

Do I think DD should not be resigned? Sure. But Ausmus is fucking trash as well..


Canadian Tiger
Apr 25, 2013
Downtown London
Hoopla Cash
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Wednesday at Comerica
Sanchez on the hill. ...


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
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Nice to see Marte starting at first.

I have no beef with him as a backup corner infielder.

I'm still pretty sure DD is a damn good GM. Time for him to show it by going outside his comfort zone. (He's sold off proven players for youngsters before. That Scherzer kid he traded for wound being okay....)