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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Woe is me. To be a Rams fan these days... Only thing worse is if they move to LA. Then again, I'm in Dallas, so why do IGAF? The thing that pisses me off is that Fisher and other people in the FO were telling fans that Bradford was fine. He was walking around in the locker room, etc. But everyone else who saw it live, was pretty dam worried.

I'm with Retro. Ever since the Trent Green episode with Dirty Rodney Harrison, this team has excelled with their back-up QB. And I don't ever think Bradford had the respect of half the guys on the team anyway. Is Hill the guy or is Davis the guy? It will be interesting to see. No I don't want Kirk Cousins for a 2nd. I want to go forward. Even if it's looking towards Marriota or Winston and yes Jameis will be a beast in the NFL. He's got all the talent- speed, arm, quick trigger and the competitive fire that so many people having begging for on the Rams.

Sure I could keeping arguing with some of you about getting Suh instead of Bradford and yeah it's looking really good now, but it's over. Bradford is toast and I feel bad for him as a human being. But I can't feel sorry for anyone when it comes to watching my team line-up, because it's been 10 years of hell.

Back to the Trent Green point. Warner led the Rams to some great wins. Then when Warner seemed to be done, even Bulger stepped in and had some good years.

So before we panic, I say we give it a shot. I think a lot of players (if they don't get hurt) will rally and step up. I doubt we go 8-8. Hell I haven't even looked to see who else we have hurt.

But I am starting to sense a curse on this team. Hopefully it's just the opposite. Hopefully we are the BACK-UP QB squad.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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And I do believe Austin Davis knows the playbook better than Shaun Hill.

I've been saying give the kid a shot for 2 years now.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I think Davis is going to win the job outright because he has one helluva an arm, as you pointed out SJ76, he can run when he needs to, and the thing he demonstrated last night and the thing I was impressed with the most is he has alot of grit! Even with twos, threes, and fours around him, he managed to guide two more scores. So I say, let's give this kid a shot. This may be another Kurt Warner moment!!
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Fisher has come out today and stated that Hill is "their" guy. Seems to me, everytime Fisher states that about a QB, they get hurt. So it'll be Davis by injury default!


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Jul 12, 2013
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Ya Fisher is going to do the thing that doesn't put him on the hot seat. He doesn't like to take chances on guys. Which can work for you or against you.
SJ I was hoping Bradford was ok (as we all were) but you're right, the guy is toast. I feel sorry for him as a person but it's time to move on from the kid. With this Oline and with todays DE's you need a guy that can at least slide.

One thing that put me at ease a little is when Hill took off for a run. He has wheels! I was really surprised watching him outrun a defender even if it was a fat DT. lol.

I'm all for giving Davis a shot but I don't think the RAms have any faith in the kid. Maybe next week they can give both him and Hill a shot with the 1s before they make any final decision.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Lets all make a deal here guys.

I'm looking at some of the other Rams forums and EVERYONE is acting like the sky is falling. Lets not bring that type of atmosphere here. While I don't like what has transpired over the last 24 hours it's part of the game and maybe a fresh start at QB is just what the Dr. ordered......


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah I'm not freaking out. Hopefully we have no further injuries.


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Dec 24, 2013
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Think we should bring Bradford back next season at a reduced rate to compete against a first round rookie for the starting job. That is unless Davis takes the team by storm, but I agree that'll probably let Hill play instead of Davis for whatever reasons.


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Jul 12, 2013
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I think we just need to move on from Bradford. He's an injury waiting to happen. Same thing with Saffold. IF the man can't stay healthy what good is he on the bench? There are tons of players in this league that have great potential but can't stay on the field either due to injury or stupidity. Having two players in the SAME DRAFT 1st overall and 1st in the 2nd round both be injury ridden players? IF that's not bad luck I don't know what is.


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Jul 14, 2013
Medford, Oregon
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Think we should bring Bradford back next season at a reduced rate to compete against a first round rookie for the starting job. That is unless Davis takes the team by storm, but I agree that'll probably let Hill play instead of Davis for whatever reasons.

I think the whatever reason is because Hill gives them a decent chance to be successful while Davis is not close to that right now...That's just my opinion...Davis is what he was last year...A guy who give you a taste, then dumps out the rest of the bottle...Again, certainly just my opinion, which has not been worth much of late...


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, we will probably see Davis get some work with the ones this week vs the Dolphins ones.

And that's the big question mark with Austin Davis.

How will he stack up against real talent?

Duel threat QB's always look great vs two's, three's & rookies...


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Apr 20, 2013
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Smh....what a way to spoil my birthday weekend....bradford goes down again...I believe its finally time to move on from this guy. We should just take the L for drafting him and cut ties next year. He doesn't have the it factor or the gonads needed to lead or motivate the team.


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Apr 20, 2013
St. Louis
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Yeah it sucks about Bradford... I admire his courage. I bet he is so frustrated and upset. I hope some teams like Oakland and Buffalo take a look at him.

I'm not sure what he Rams should do. I've not seen much of Austin Davis because I've worked when the past two preseason games have been on and NFL Network hasn't shown much of their highlights.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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Well... now that I've had time to take it all in and calm myself, I'll weigh in on the whole Sam Bradford situation.

First of all... I feel TERRIBLE for Bradford. The organization finally gets it's shit together, gets him some help on the offense and a great defense to match. Comes back from a season ending injury and is playing great, with good chemistry with two WRs who aren't just pit-stopping in St. Louis before heading to the scrap heap... and then... the bottom falls out. I'm not concerned with what the Rams will do with him now. He's not playing, so that's not my focus anymore and I won't speculate, or discuss the coulda-woulda-shoulda of Bradford until the season is over, beyond this thread.

As far as who IS playing... On the strength of the defense, I believe we can finish at, or around .500 (again) at best, with Shaun Hill at the helm. That's just my belief. Of course, I always keep teams like the '00 Ravens, '02 Buccaneers and '06 Bears in mind. Teams who accomplished quite a bit with a great defense and a mediocre QB under center. But, the defense is going to have to play lights out for anything like that to happen.

I'll still be watching EVERY game though ...and cheering my team as I always have for the last 30 years... but it's always gonna be in the back of my head all year, what "could have been". :bawling:


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I can't see Davis stepping right in and starting. It seemed the team was burying him behind Gilbert, probably due to no remaining practice squad eligibility? Hill will get first crack at it, with whomever makes the squad as the backup (maybe Davis over Gilbert now with Gilbert going to the PS?) waiting in the wings.

As far as these trade suggestions, I wouldn't bother either unless it was a later pick for a backup with upside (Connor Shaw from Cleveland?), or I could see someone like Vick learning the system behind Hill. Rams picked Hill over Sanchez in the offseason, see no reason to revisit that idea. Cousins is too expensive in terms of picks, and the Skins may look to him sooner than later with RG3's poor play this preseason. Someone like Ryan Mallet would depend on the draft pick cost, but is an immobile pocket passer, albeit with a cannon for an arm.

Rams may need to do some waiver wire shopping to see who gets cut loose this week if they aren't sold on Davis and/or Gilbert.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Lets all make a deal here guys.

I'm looking at some of the other Rams forums and EVERYONE is acting like the sky is falling. Lets not bring that type of atmosphere here. While I don't like what has transpired over the last 24 hours it's part of the game and maybe a fresh start at QB is just what the Dr. ordered......

You have my vote jacobarch. I stated yesterday that our season is not trashed. Not yet anyway. Let's see what transpires between Hill and Davis before we run around like Chicken Little.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Well... now that I've had time to take it all in and calm myself, I'll weigh in on the whole Sam Bradford situation.

First of all... I feel TERRIBLE for Bradford. The organization finally gets it's shit together, gets him some help on the offense and a great defense to match. Comes back from a season ending injury and is playing great, with good chemistry with two WRs who aren't just pit-stopping in St. Louis before heading to the scrap heap... and then... the bottom falls out. I'm not concerned with what the Rams will do with him now. He's not playing, so that's not my focus anymore and I won't speculate, or discuss the coulda-woulda-shoulda of Bradford until the season is over, beyond this thread.

As far as who IS playing... On the strength of the defense, I believe we can finish at, or around .500 (again) at best, with Shaun Hill at the helm. That's just my belief. Of course, I always keep teams like the '00 Ravens, '02 Buccaneers and '06 Bears in mind. Teams who accomplished quite a bit with a great defense and a mediocre QB under center. But, the defense is going to have to play lights out for anything like that to happen.

I'll still be watching EVERY game though ...and cheering my team as I always have for the last 30 years... but it's always gonna be in the back of my head all year, what "could have been". :bawling:

Well stated Caynine. I'll be watching as well. :agree:


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Jul 4, 2013
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Think we should bring Bradford back next season at a reduced rate to compete against a first round rookie for the starting job. That is unless Davis takes the team by storm, but I agree that'll probably let Hill play instead of Davis for whatever reasons.

This is what I predict will happen. I definitely see us drafting a QB in the first next year, but I'm not sure if the Rams are shipping Bradford off yet. If anything I see a QB competition next year with a fresh rookie. That is if Davis doesn't make any noise.

For now I will support Shaun Hill. Plus he is representing my school Maryland.

Make us proud, Shaun. :hope:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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If the Rams give ANY money to Bradford for next year and he gets hurt again, they truly look like some of the idiots they are.

Although I have no problem with Sam and a rookie battling, it's not going to happen. IF we get a high pick next year and 1 of the studs coming out - and I do mean a stud QB class is coming, they will keep a guy like Shaun Hill to be a mentor.

I just can't see the Rams spending more money on Bradford. It was a bad pick by the FO office 4-5 years ago and to think he's finally going to stay healthy is just crazy at this point. They have built everything around Bradford and he has the been a franchise piece. They will have to move on or lose their job.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I guess if the Rams get a mid-round pick in the 1st and draft a QB that is "borderline ready" to start would be the only way they bring Bradford back.

So the draft pick will determine everything. But even then, you are risking your reputation (which theirs isn't great anyway) if Sam gets hurt. Again.. I am all about the luck eventually balancing out, but we are talking about Bradford's body here. Bad shoulder, ankle, knee...

And it leads me back to the question: Is he capable to make reads fast enough or react to swarming defenses fast enough to protect himself?

Like I say.. The heat is coming every sunday. Pocket passers these days have to make quick decisions.