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Dallas was handed that game on a platter


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jersey hit the nail on the head. Two apologies in the span of a few days for bad officiating in the same game may not make the league dirty, but it's still not a good look for the league or that officiating crew. When it gets to be this time of the year, everybody on that field, from the players and coaches to the zebras, are held to a higher standard because they're supposed to be better than all the players, coaches and officials that didn't get to the playoffs. For the league to have to make two apologies in a matter of days for calls made (or not made) in the same game and to have the focus of the aftermath of a playoff game be the officiating is embarrassing, both for the league and the officiating crew that screwed up. At the very least, it should make the league rethink using all-star officiating crews in any game other than the Pro Bowl where nobody really cares that much if the officiating stinks because the quality of play typically stinks too. I know the league was trying to reward the top rated officials at each position, but a good way to do that without messing with the continuity of officiating crews for the playoffs would have been to give bonuses to the officials that graded out the highest at their respective positions and let the highest rated overall crews work the playoffs. Could you imagine if they did with the players what they're doing with the officials for the playoffs? Instead of each team using the players that got them to the playoffs in the first place, every team would be required to use the best players in the league at every position. There'd be some really talented playoff teams, but it'd be four more weeks of Pro Bowl-level "competition".


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jersey hit the nail on the head. Two apologies in the span of a few days for bad officiating in the same game may not make the league dirty, but it's still not a good look for the league or that officiating crew. When it gets to be this time of the year, everybody on that field, from the players and coaches to the zebras, are held to a higher standard because they're supposed to be better than all the players, coaches and officials that didn't get to the playoffs. For the league to have to make two apologies in a matter of days for calls made (or not made) in the same game and to have the focus of the aftermath of a playoff game be the officiating is embarrassing, both for the league and the officiating crew that screwed up. At the very least, it should make the league rethink using all-star officiating crews in any game other than the Pro Bowl where nobody really cares that much if the officiating stinks because the quality of play typically stinks too. I know the league was trying to reward the top rated officials at each position, but a good way to do that without messing with the continuity of officiating crews for the playoffs would have been to give bonuses to the officials that graded out the highest at their respective positions and let the highest rated overall crews work the playoffs. Could you imagine if they did with the players what they're doing with the officials for the playoffs? Instead of each team using the players that got them to the playoffs in the first place, every team would be required to use the best players in the league at every position. There'd be some really talented playoff teams, but it'd be four more weeks of Pro Bowl-level "competition".

Spot on! If the players can get bonuses for performance (unless you Keapernick which loses money), then refs should get the same as well. Hopefully the NFL will learn from this debacle and keep the crews that have worked together for 4 preseason/16 regular season game together. It just makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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SMH at another thread started by a seahawk fan from a game that had nothing to do with their team. You should be glad, you get Carolina instead of Detroit.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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SMH at another thread started by a seahawk fan from a game that had nothing to do with their team. You should be glad, you get Carolina instead of Detroit.

Get off your fucking high horse. Seahawks fans can post about any game they want. Here you are, posting on a board of a team that the Packers arent facing this week, and nobody is going to tell you that youre not allowed to. And just because Seattle gets the easier road with Carolina doesnt mean that Seahawks fans are required to ignore the controversial way that game went down.

And I dont necessarily agree with the op that Detroit was robbed. But it takes a special kind of tool to go to a team board and tell them what not to talk about. Especially with some lame shit like, "it benefitted your team", so all Seahawk fans should be happy and appluad the poor officiating down the stretch of that game.
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Sep 1, 2011
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SMH at another thread started by a seahawk fan from a game that had nothing to do with their team. You should be glad, you get Carolina instead of Detroit.

Frigging Packer fan worried about what Seahawks fans are talking about on their board. Get a life. You want to talk smack about the Seahawks? We have a thread for that, otherwise keep it to the general NFL board.


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Jul 17, 2013
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SMH at another thread started by a seahawk fan from a game that had nothing to do with their team. You should be glad, you get Carolina instead of Detroit.

You must be lost. You are on the SEAHAWKS forum, not the NFL GENERAL forum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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SMH at another thread started by a seahawk fan from a game that had nothing to do with their team. You should be glad, you get Carolina instead of Detroit.

I doubt you'll be back if the Pack get bounced out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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You're still lucky you got Carolina instead of Detroit......


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Sep 1, 2011
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You're still lucky you got Carolina instead of Detroit......

That the breaks. Most of us were hoping for the Lions, because we just like to see the Cowboys lose. Shouldn't you be focusing on the Cowboys?

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Interesting how Harbaugh got a penalty for going onto the field today, yet Dez Bryant didn't get one... Still trying to figure out this one...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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So fucking fine me......

Please, we actually welcome you to our board but you gotta not troll. We can talk trash on the main board. We appreciate input and opinions form other fan bases. And Carolina gave us a real run for the money. It was not a cakewalk game.