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Dallas Mavs


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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No Cuban doesn't. There's absolutely no reason to pay Tyson 50+ million. When Deandre tells us tonight that he's going back, it's time to finish with one of the worst 7 records. Tyson does nothing for us moving forward. He's not a draw. He wasn't even very good defensively last year. It's time to suck and use that pick to acquire the next "face'

Chandler was fine, it was the absolute lack of a supporting cast that made him look so poor, no one on that team defended but him

But I also agree, it would not be a good signing, just time to suck at that point


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Jul 3, 2013
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The ripple effect of Jordan going back to the Clippers, from a Maverick standpoint, is a true horror story.

I certainly think this could spell the end of Carlisle's time in Dallas. He's under contract for one more season, and I can't imagine he'd want to stick around for a total rebuilding process.

And can't Parsons opt-out after next season?

All of those have crossed my mind. They're also very likely. Also, Ben Rogers re-tweeted Wes Matthews saying if DJ is out, so am I. It was quickly removed, but that doesn't make it go away.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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All of those have crossed my mind. They're also very likely. Also, Ben Rogers re-tweeted Wes Matthews saying if DJ is out, so am I. It was quickly removed, but that doesn't make it go away.

That would be fine by me, there's not a lot of money left out there for him to make more, but his injury scares me too, could be time to implode the whole thing, acquire young players and draft picks and hope the Mavs don't screw that up like they usually do


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That would be fine by me, there's not a lot of money left out there for him to make more, but his injury scares me too, could be time to implode the whole thing, acquire young players and draft picks and hope the Mavs don't screw that up like they usually do

I like Matthews' game. I told my gf before FA started that I wanted Matthews and DJ both only if it was both of them. Matthews is the type of player that would fit well into our system, but he's not going to do us much good by himself. Although, if we did keep him we would still suck. Both of them will miss enough time.

Can't you just see the Mavs finish with the 8th worst record? That just seems to be the luck with the local sports teams.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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I like Matthews' game. I told my gf before FA started that I wanted Matthews and DJ both only if it was both of them. Matthews is the type of player that would fit well into our system, but he's not going to do us much good by himself. Although, if we did keep him we would still suck. Both of them will miss enough time.

Can't you just see the Mavs finish with the 8th worst record? That just seems to be the luck with the local sports teams.

Without anything resembling a center they are going to be terrible


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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All of those have crossed my mind. They're also very likely. Also, Ben Rogers re-tweeted Wes Matthews saying if DJ is out, so am I. It was quickly removed, but that doesn't make it go away.

This guy is going nowhere. No one else is gonna pay him anything remotely close to what we've offered.

And how about this, could the Mavs withdraw their offer? After all, it's all only a handshake agree, right Jordan?

I'm no suggesting the Mavs would ever do such a thing. But could they, legally?


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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This guy is going nowhere. No one else is gonna pay him anything remotely close to what we've offered.

And how about this, could the Mavs withdraw their offer? After all, it's all only a handshake agree, right Jordan?

I'm no suggesting the Mavs would ever do such a thing. But could they, legally?

Yes they technically could, but it would make them look bad in dealings with future free agents


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Chandler was fine, it was the absolute lack of a supporting cast that made him look so poor, no one on that team defended but him

But I also agree, it would not be a good signing, just time to suck at that point

I felt this way all last season.

People were piling on Tyson when he had to defend a minimum of two guys every night. Most nights 3.


former loyal Hoopilist
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Yes they technically could, but it would make them look bad in dealings with future free agents

I understand and certainly wouldn't want us to do so. The franchise would NEVER recover from doing so IMO.

It was a semi tongue-in-cheek question.


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Jul 19, 2013
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This whole thing is CRAZY. When have we ever heard of a free agent giving one team his word and literally right before he's about to sign ( tomorrow) he goes back to the team that he just left. If this goes down, it has to be a first. I don't recall ever seeing anything like it. The teams were notified, the media spread the word all across the country, one fan base celebrated while the other one sulked. Pretty much a done deal except for the formality of signing the contract.

I feel bad for the Mavericks if this happens because they could've most likely acquired Roy hibbert and cobbled something together this year. They will be forced into a total rebuild and I'd encourage them to lose 70 games next year on purpose and I wouldn't blame them one bit for doing so. In addition, I think it shows the entire world that Deandre Jordan is immature and can't make a decision and stand by it like most adults are capable of doing.

The Clippers organization should be viewed as the " villains" of the NBA if they aren't already. If you take into account their history with Donald Sterling and now this? I'm hearing reports that Jordan promised the Mavericks another chance to pitch Jordan, but the Clippers are refusing to leave his house until midnight tonight. The clippers should at least give the Mavericks another opportunity.


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Jul 3, 2013
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It's official. Jordan is going back to L.A. The time has finally come to throw in the towel. Don't do anything stupid like acquire Deron Williams, Mark. Lose and lose a lot. Try to find the right package with the high pick to get Cousins here.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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This whole thing is CRAZY. When have we ever heard of a free agent giving one team his word and literally right before he's about to sign ( tomorrow) he goes back to the team that he just left. If this goes down, it has to be a first. I don't recall ever seeing anything like it. The teams were notified, the media spread the word all across the country, one fan base celebrated while the other one sulked. Pretty much a done deal except for the formality of signing the contract.

I feel bad for the Mavericks if this happens because they could've most likely acquired Roy hibbert and cobbled something together this year. They will be forced into a total rebuild and I'd encourage them to lose 70 games next year on purpose and I wouldn't blame them one bit for doing so. In addition, I think it shows the entire world that Deandre Jordan is immature and can't make a decision and stand by it like most adults are capable of doing.

The Clippers organization should be viewed as the " villains" of the NBA if they aren't already. If you take into account their history with Donald Sterling and now this? I'm hearing reports that Jordan promised the Mavericks another chance to pitch Jordan, but the Clippers are refusing to leave his house until midnight tonight. The clippers should at least give the Mavericks another opportunity.

Hedo Turkgalo (sp.)


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May 17, 2012
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A lot of really incorrect stuff posted on here. I realize that some of this was earlier in the day before things were cleared up. But here are the facts:

1) Jordan called the Clippers on Monday and said he was changing his mind. They all kept it hush-hush until today so Cuban couldn't swoop in and change his mind.

2) Fegan never tricked Jordan or led him to anything. That was a tweet earlier in the day from that idiot Chris Broussard. Multiple reputable sources have since tweeted out that Fegan never tried any such tactic with Jordan, nor did he give the Clippers an ultimatum on trading CP3.

3) Cuban and co. were only made aware of these developments today through the media. Nobody in Jordan's camp ever contacted them.

4) The Mavs were lied to and promised a final meeting with Jordan before midnight, which is what caused Cuban and Parsons to go to Houston. Once there, they were physically prevented from seeing Jordan by the Clippers players and Ballmer, who had literally barricaded Jordan inside the house. They were inside laughing and playing games while Cuban was outside trying to figure out just what the hell was going on. Scumbag Blake Griffin even tweeted a photo of a chair they had set up against a door, as if the whole situation was hilarious.

5) The final kick in the nuts was that Jordan refused all calls and contact from Fegan, Cuban, and Parsons. He didn't even have the decency, professionalism, or maturity to tell them face to face that he was reneging on his word.

6) Oh, and Hedo Turkoglu didn't wait almost an entire week before changing his mind. Had Jordan done an about-face on Saturday, this wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal.

Both the Clippers and Jordan come out of this looking like complete slime.

The Clippers can ABSOLUTELY be blamed for this. You are sadly mistaken Don that the Mavs and other teams would have done the same thing as the Clippers did. There is an unwritten code of ethics among NBA teams that you do NOT continue to talk to a player once he has told you that he's moving on. It doesn't matter if he calls you later and said he's having second thoughts. You play by the rules and you tell him that he's already committed to another team. That's really shady business on their part to do what they did, especially with the childish barricading and tweeting they did. That's not just my personal opinion but straight from the mouths of many people in and around the NBA who have spoken out about this whole saga today.

Jordan himself is a piece of garbage on many levels. It's bad enough that he decided to go back on his word that he gave Mark Cuban. But to do so in such a manner that he did today is reprehensible. It also speaks to his immaturity and inability to make a decision for himself that the Clippers felt they had to lock him up in a house and not let the Mavs talk to him again out of fear that he might change his mind again.

I've frequently been critical of Cuban's offseason strategies over the years, but this time he is not to blame. He got a verbal commitment from a star player to sign with his team and he expected that player to honor that commitment like every other player (with one or two exceptions) has always done. It tied up all of their money and prevented them from making any other moves. Now they're screwed.


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Also, two NBA legends tweeted today about this whole fiasco, basically in disgust toward the Clippers and Jordan especially.

I'm paraphrasing, but Reggie Miller said "Shaq, Hakeem, Robinson, and even Rik Smits are rolling in their graves over this nonsense. Can't believe this is being allowed". I'm not sure why he used the whole graves saying, but his point comes across anyway.

And Clyde Drexler tweeted something like "what kind of man can't stay true to his word? Your word is worth as much as your FT% #deandre". That last line I do remember specifically.

I hope this whole charade was worth it to both the Clips and Jordan because they have both lost a ton of respect league-wide.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Hopefully, this will bring down this ridiculousness of having a waiting period between a verbal commitment and the actual signing. B/c as it stands today, Jordan has sunk this franchise for the foreseeable future. Frankly, this reflects poorly on the NBA as a league.

As far as the unwritten rules, I cannot tell you how many different opinions I read/heard today stating/implying "there are no unwritten rules when it comes to trying to win a championship." But I'm not going to get into this any further. Nothing to be gained from it.

But your point on how this makes the Clippers and Jordan look is well stated and taken. To me it's one thing to attempt, much less succeed, at what they did. But to handle it in such an unprofessional, immature manner is unforgivable. This confirms to me what I suspected about their new ownership.

Can't help but feel this will bite them in the butt in the long run. Karma being what it is.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Also, two NBA legends tweeted today about this whole fiasco, basically in disgust toward the Clippers and Jordan especially

I hope this whole charade was worth it to both the Clips and Jordan because they have both lost a ton of respect league-wide.

The clippers are the bad guys of the NBA and have been for awhile now. Take solace in the fact that they will never win a championship. I don't see this team of immature punks having the ability to make it by a loaded Spurs team, a Rockets team that has had a year to gel, a Thunder team who will be healthy next year, and if they somehow get lucky and beat all of those teams? Lebron and the Cavs will be waiting for them.

I don't like Mark Cuban and I think the GM for the Mavericks is the weak link. Donnie Jr. Brings nothing of value to the table. No drafting or recruiting chops, but we can't ignore that the NBA has an unspoken rule or "gentlemans agreement" that when a player publicly commits to a team, you move on. The other 29 teams in the NBA should take note and refuse to deal with such a classless and shitty organization in the future.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Hopefully, this will bring down this ridiculousness of having a waiting period between a verbal commitment and the actual signing. B/c as it stands today, Jordan has sunk this franchise for the foreseeable future. Frankly, this reflects poorly on the NBA as a league.

As far as the unwritten rules, I cannot tell you how many different opinions I read/heard today stating/implying "there are no unwritten rules when it comes to trying to win a championship." But I'm not going to get into this any further. Nothing to be gained from it.

But your point on how this makes the Clippers and Jordan look is well stated and taken. To me it's one thing to attempt, much less succeed, at what they did. But to handle it in such an unprofessional, immature manner is unforgivable. This confirms to me what I suspected about their new ownership.

Can't help but feel this will bite them in the butt in the long run. Karma being what it is.
Those who say there are no unwritten rules are those who just want to see Cuban shafted. Any person with any integrity will say otherwise. And you are right. This waiting period is idiotic. It is strictly for drama and nothing else.


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Jordan has every right to change his mind. Sure it makes him look indecisive and immature but that is not illegal. What I find utterly disgusting and unbelievable is his refusal to even take a phone call from the man whom you just promised your services to for 80 million dollars. To not even give Cuban the decency of a meeting to explain his decision is one of the most cowardly acts in professional sports I have ever seen.

Deandre Jordan is a low-life scumbag of a human being and I cherish the thought of karma biting him and the Clippers in the ass with a season ending or better yet career ending injury. I hope for the worst for Deandre Jordan. He is the furthest thing from a man I can possibly imagine.

Good riddance Deandre. GFY over and over again.