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Dak lost the game...


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Aug 19, 2013
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While better of course, Trophies from the 90's aren't all that pertinent either. Just deal with this year.

Dak has been good enough to keep a really, really good QB on the bench. I'm happy with Dak. Actually, I'm ecstatic with Dak. If other teams like their young QB better, good for them. Just don't tell me who I should like and don't try to portray it like I'm a moron for thinking a kid who has a 4-12 team at 9-1 is better. We had the same OL last year. The one thing that stands out above all else with Dak is "winner". So far, he is at his best when he needs to be and that is something guys like Staubach and Aikman had. At some point (maybe tomorrow) that will come crashing down and he'll blow a game. But that won't completely nullify what he has already accomplished. :2cents:


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Aug 14, 2013
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Dak has been great, and has displayed all the physical and mental attributes necessary to be successful at the NFL level. Dak is off to arguably the best start for a rookie QB ever. Those who want to say Wentz has better "tools": fine, be happy with Wentz. We will see who wins more games. I'm taking Dak, and happy as hell for it.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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While better of course, Trophies from the 90's aren't all that pertinent either. Just deal with this year.

Dak has been good enough to keep a really, really good QB on the bench. I'm happy with Dak. Actually, I'm ecstatic with Dak. If other teams like their young QB better, good for them. Just don't tell me who I should like and don't try to portray it like I'm a moron for thinking a kid who has a 4-12 team at 9-1 is better. We had the same OL last year. The one thing that stands out above all else with Dak is "winner". So far, he is at his best when he needs to be and that is something guys like Staubach and Aikman had. At some point (maybe tomorrow) that will come crashing down and he'll blow a game. But that won't completely nullify what he has already accomplished. :2cents:
whole lotta non redskin fans will be pullin for the skins tomorrow.
Go Cowboys!


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Jul 19, 2013
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I think Dak is better. I'm not sure I think it is close right now. You don't have to agree. But the passive aggressive "anyone with a level head" or 'every GM in the league' doesn't help your argument. Why do people always write things like that? He is not Foles. Oh and he really hasn't run much. I'm still waiting for him to. Not sure why people who seem to have his career laid out seem to point out his ability to run all the time. I'm hoping in these close games he tucks the ball more and runs because I know he can to it, but that's just going to make him better because thus far he really hasn't.

So every GM in the league doesn't help my argument when someone interviewed 25% of them and they all said Wentz... but that doesn't matter. OK


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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So every GM in the league doesn't help my argument when someone interviewed 25% of them and they all said Wentz... but that doesn't matter. OK
I'm happy your drama act has moved to the general board.
Darn shame you never survey the room.
Still has much to do with presentation I suppose. :noidea:


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
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It's hillarious you guys are all out pounding your chest. Dak is better than any Eagle ever. Dak never struggles. Dak is so much better that Wentz. 9-1 has you guys hyped. I get it. People have been dumping on Dallas for 20 years but nows your time to vent. I get it.

Fortunately every GM in the league agrees with me. Level headed people don't compare a line that is 80% different than the one I mentioned. It's your time to brag.


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It's hillarious you guys are all out pounding your chest. Dak is better than any Eagle ever. Dak never struggles. Dak is so much better that Wentz. 9-1 has you guys hyped. I get it. People have been dumping on Dallas for 20 years but nows your time to vent. I get it.

Fortunately every GM in the league agrees with me. Level headed people don't compare a line that is 80% different than the one I mentioned. It's your time to brag.



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Jul 19, 2013
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By your math that would be what, 18 seasons ago? If 12 months is 3-4 seasons...screw it, I can't count that high.

If you look at the thread I was saying the 2014 Eagles with 4 completely different Olineman then now we're good. But the 2014 Eagles oline is the exact same thing as the 2016 one. I can take quotes from years ago and plug it into this year's arument. Got you


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
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Want the link to the article where all 8 GMS said they'd take Wentz

Please, I would like to read it. But still, too funny that you think this would apply to all 32 GMs. And I do hope you link the article, I would like to see when it was written, and by who.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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There is no question Dak is the better QB right now. Does Wentz have the better "tools" or potential, he might or he might not...who fucking cares bc if he lives up to that potential than what good is it. There were a ton of QB's that had great potential and never lived up to it. All you can do is watch these two QB's progress. Bottom line is Dak is by far the better QB right now and that's the only thing that matters.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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It's hillarious you guys are all out pounding your chest. Dak is better than any Eagle ever. Dak never struggles. Dak is so much better that Wentz. 9-1 has you guys hyped. I get it. People have been dumping on Dallas for 20 years but nows your time to vent. I get it.

Fortunately every GM in the league agrees with me. Level headed people don't compare a line that is 80% different than the one I mentioned. It's your time to brag.

In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter at all. If a player has a great potential and never lives up to it then what good is he. Nobody knows how good he will be in the future even if he has the tools for success, we've seen it a million times. Right now presently, Dak is easily the better QB. Every GM with tell you that.


Supporting Member Level 3
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So every GM in the league doesn't help my argument when someone interviewed 25% of them and they all said Wentz... but that doesn't matter. OK

25% of them isn't all of them and you did say "no GM would take Dak over Wentz".


Supporting Member Level 3
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It's hillarious you guys are all out pounding your chest. Dak is better than any Eagle ever. Dak never struggles. Dak is so much better that Wentz. 9-1 has you guys hyped. I get it. People have been dumping on Dallas for 20 years but nows your time to vent. I get it.

Fortunately every GM in the league agrees with me. Level headed people don't compare a line that is 80% different than the one I mentioned. It's your time to brag.

That rant might carry more weight if this thread wasn't started by you who were bragging about Dak losing while Carson had just lit up the vaunted CLE defense.


Supporting Member Level 3
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If you look at the thread I was saying the 2014 Eagles with 4 completely different Olineman then now we're good. But the 2014 Eagles oline is the exact same thing as the 2016 one. I can take quotes from years ago and plug it into this year's arument. Got you

Actually if you look at the thread I'm the one that is trying to say that the 2015 line will be different from the 2014 line for the exact reasons you are now trying to claim. they are older, without a key piece, and could Lane stay clean. You were arguing that the line was the same. now it isn't.

whatever man. Homer it up, that's cool. I have the stats on my side that say Dak is better than Wentz. You can add any qualifier as to why it is that way, bottom line he is putting up better numbers and led his team to more wins. Directly led them, not relied on the defense or anyone else to carry him. He has been clutch and he has been smart. So I understand why GM's may pick Wentz based on what he COULD become. I prefer to take Dak on what he HAS become. JaMarcus Russel had all those same attributes Wentz has, so until actually does something with them I'll stick with what we have.


Surprise Motherfucker
Apr 17, 2013
North Dakota
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Please, I would like to read it. But still, too funny that you think this would apply to all 32 GMs. And I do hope you link the article, I would like to see when it was written, and by who.
The article is from like week 5 when Wentz was tearing it up


Surprise Motherfucker
Apr 17, 2013
North Dakota
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Didn't all the gm's say they would take Luck over Wilson too? How did that work out. :noidea: Sorry but the gm's are just pussy's who don't want to be wrong so they defend the first round pick until they can't anymore.


Surprise Motherfucker
Apr 17, 2013
North Dakota
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Please, I would like to read it. But still, too funny that you think this would apply to all 32 GMs. And I do hope you link the article, I would like to see when it was written, and by who.
Wentz or Prescott? NFL execs make their pick

"The six league insiders polled here -- the GM, ex-GM, head coach and three personnel directors -- all had Wentz rated higher than Prescott entering the draft. All six said they would still take Wentz over Prescott now, but the gap between the two would be much smaller."

They funny thing is I wonder how much their choice has changed now that Wentz is struggling and Dak is excelling.