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Cowboys zeke elliot suspened 6 games


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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You could save the last part, your'e full of shit, youre defending the guy cause he plays for your favorite team

Me on the other hand would not be defending Beckham if this was him, just like i didnt defend Josh Brown

For the millionth time, the NFL has stated that they "Interviewed dozens of witnesses" before they decided on the suspension, so based on that statement they are getting evidence "Not from the victim"
Interesting, dozens of witnesses yet nothing leaked from them about guilt.
As for Brown he was indefensible and has he been a Cowboy I wouldn't defend him.
As for ODB if he sitting right now in Zekes shoes I'd defend him.

You've basically put yourself in a corner if any Giant is ever accused of wrong doing. Your only take must be guilty regardless.


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Interesting, dozens of witnesses yet nothing leaked from them about guilt.
As for Brown he was indefensible and has he been a Cowboy I wouldn't defend him.
As for ODB if he sitting right now in Zekes shoes I'd defend him.

You've basically put yourself in a corner if any Giant is ever accused of wrong doing. Your only take must be guilty regardless.

I just have no tolerance for this specific crime, guys that put their hands on women, just could all drop dead as far as Im concerned

Ill defend a Giant if he gets busted smoking some weed, or some related offense like that

But Ill never defend that act, ever, you could call me out all you want if I ever do

Sir Robin Of Camelot

You seem angry. Miserable, even.
Nov 29, 2016
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I don't deny DV was possible, my stance is and will remain in if all they have is unconfirmed testimony from this girl, I will not convict Elliott or any other man.

Which is why the Columbus law enforcement agencies didn't have a leg to stand on in the end.

We both know - the league will not take the same approach.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Probably a good time to read this article in D Magazine. The author reviewed the entire 77 page police report. There isn't much ambiguity here.

On the Zeke Elliott Suspension: Even a Liar Can Be Beaten and Choked
OK, I read it. So there is a very detailed account from Thompson of what Elliott did. But, the problem is there is literally nothing coming from anyone else stating Elliott is the one that did this or was ever physical with her. EVERYTHING implicated Zeke comes from her and only her. Yes some are his friends, but none of them ever said anything? No one at the birthday party at the bar, or the house party or a neighbor or a store employee or waitress or anyone?
The writer also was a practicing attorney that represented DV clients and has this in her history:
Meet the New Exec Ed of D Magazine

none of that means she shouldn't be believed either of course, but you can assume she would be more likely to side with the accusers, yet even she called Thompson duplicitous, yet she left all of those pages out of the article. Did no one corroborate her account that Eliiott did it? All these people are around them and no one ever saw him do anything to her? I'm still stuck looking for something from someone other than her. If her story is true, then someone knows something and will come forward. To me this article is nothing more than writing Thompson side of what happened. It could be true, but it could be all lies too.


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Here's some more light reading. I really recommend it for all those ready to count Elliott out.

The Ezekiel Elliott Appeal Is A Potential NFL Nightmare

So the NFL should tie itself to the judicial system when it comes to DV? You do realize that DV cases are more then the judicial system can handle, right? Very hard to prosecute, often times the victim refuses to cooperate after filing charges. They are so numerous that reality is the police can only do a light investigation, they don't have the resources to really dig deep. More often then not both parties lie, exaggerate and what not and the police have more urgent matters.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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So the NFL should tie itself to the judicial system when it comes to DV? You do realize that DV cases are more then the judicial system can handle, right? Very hard to prosecute, often times the victim refuses to cooperate after filing charges. They are so numerous that reality is the police can only do a light investigation, they don't have the resources to really dig deep. More often then not both parties lie, exaggerate and what not and the police have more urgent matters.
Yes they should, but that's another argument. My stance is while DV may have happened all evidence comes from an untrustworthy source, a source who asked a friend to lie about Zeke, a source who threatenend Zekes career, a source who talked about blackmailing Zeke.


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Apr 17, 2013
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So the NFL should tie itself to the judicial system when it comes to DV? You do realize that DV cases are more then the judicial system can handle, right? Very hard to prosecute, often times the victim refuses to cooperate after filing charges. They are so numerous that reality is the police can only do a light investigation, they don't have the resources to really dig deep. More often then not both parties lie, exaggerate and what not and the police have more urgent matters.

Since when did the police didn't have the resources to really dig deep? Are you telling me that the NFL have better resources?


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Yes they should, but that's another argument. My stance is while DV may have happened all evidence comes from an untrustworthy source, a source who asked a friend to lie about Zeke, a source who threatenend Zekes career, a source who talked about blackmailing Zeke.
How do you know "all" the evidence comes from a untrustworthy source? You got access to the evidence the NFL has?
Pretty sure that investigation involved more then just talking to both parties. Took like 13 months, sounds pretty in depth to me, much more then any police force would do. yeah I know the Zeke group been playing up the "she's a liar" but IMO that SOP in a DV case. You can expect both parties to lie. The NFL is aware of the texts and after investigation found that Zeke did commit the abuse. I'm pretty sure they aren't just taking sides in she said/ he said type of evidence but have more to go on. Usually there are no angels in DV cases IMO.

Fountain City Blues

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Since when did the police didn't have the resources to really dig deep? Are you telling me that the NFL have better resources?
No, but the way evidence works in the US is if you get evidence without going through proper protocol, it's worthless in court.


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Since when did the police didn't have the resources to really dig deep? Are you telling me that the NFL have better resources?
Hell yes. DV cases happen by the dozen, police departments have a budget.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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How do you know "all" the evidence comes from a untrustworthy source? You got access to the evidence the NFL has?
Pretty sure that investigation involved more then just talking to both parties. Took like 13 months, sounds pretty in depth to me, much more then any police force would do. yeah I know the Zeke group been playing up the "she's a liar" but IMO that SOP in a DV case. You can expect both parties to lie. The NFL is aware of the texts and after investigation found that Zeke did commit the abuse. I'm pretty sure they aren't just taking sides in she said/ he said type of evidence but have more to go on. Usually there are no angels in DV cases IMO.
Well as of right now all evidence we've seen comes from a lying, blackmailer.


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Nov 19, 2014
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"How can you expect Elliott to know how she got the bruises? There are a lot of ways it could have happened." If Elliott was residing with this girl during the week of the alleged abuse and during the time where those bruises appeared (based on documented photographic evidence), how could he possibly not have any idea of how the bruises were caused?

So what you're saying is Elliott was at least generally aware? Sounds like 4 game minimum. The presence has been set.

I'm with you 12 + pages of non Cowboy fans explaining it's not about this one incident. Yet some on here only want to discuss this one incident. There is no hate directed at the Cowboys. The majority of fans here agree the CBA is a joke. But it is what it is. Jerry take one for the good of the NFL.


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Well as of right now all evidence we've seen comes from a lying, blackmailer.

You got to realize that " we " don't matter. The NFL does it due diligence and hands down a decision. They aren't out to destroy the bright stars in the NFL. Pretty sure they would rather have found Zeke innocent. Would of been easy to do if that what they wanted, but they judge the evidence and hand down the punishment if needed regardless. No free passes, no matter how tempting.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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You got to realize that " we " don't matter. The NFL does it due diligence and hands down a decision. They aren't out to destroy the bright stars in the NFL. Pretty sure they would rather have found Zeke innocent. Would of been easy to do if that what they wanted, but they judge the evidence and hand down the punishment if needed regardless. No free passes, no matter how tempting.

I think its more about the NFL now bring afraid not to suspend him 6 games due to their past leniency in these cases. Maybe the plan all along is to suspend him 6 games then lessen in via an appeal.
With any luck this will be the case where the us courts tell the nfl the must use due process in these cases.