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Cowboys zeke elliot suspened 6 games


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I think its more about the NFL now bring afraid not to suspend him 6 games due to their past leniency in these cases. Maybe the plan all along is to suspend him 6 games then lessen in via an appeal.
With any luck this will be the case where the us courts tell the nfl the must use due process in these cases.

Given the texts and that the police didn't pursue the case, the easy thing would of been to give Zeke a pass.


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Given the texts and that the police didn't pursue the case, the easy thing would of been to give Zeke a pass.
The texts add in the blackmail and career threats, I agree. Id have much less issue if he were suspended 2 games for all his issues this one included, but best I can tell no other of his issues were considered in this suspension.

Sir Robin Of Camelot

You seem angry. Miserable, even.
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OK, I read it. So there is a very detailed account from Thompson of what Elliott did. But, the problem is there is literally nothing coming from anyone else stating Elliott is the one that did this or was ever physical with her. EVERYTHING implicated Zeke comes from her and only her. Yes some are his friends, but none of them ever said anything? No one at the birthday party at the bar, or the house party or a neighbor or a store employee or waitress or anyone?
The writer also was a practicing attorney that represented DV clients and has this in her history:
Meet the New Exec Ed of D Magazine

none of that means she shouldn't be believed either of course, but you can assume she would be more likely to side with the accusers, yet even she called Thompson duplicitous, yet she left all of those pages out of the article. Did no one corroborate her account that Eliiott did it? All these people are around them and no one ever saw him do anything to her? I'm still stuck looking for something from someone other than her. If her story is true, then someone knows something and will come forward. To me this article is nothing more than writing Thompson side of what happened. It could be true, but it could be all lies too.

Fair assessment across the board. Including "this article is nothing more than writing Thompson side of what happened"... because that is essentially what this article is.

Here's the issue for me as a Cowboys fan - this commissioner and his office really doesn't care about "fair" (as I always tell my grandsons - the fair is in Dallas in October). The Ray Rice thing put his ass in a sling he hasn't recovered from yet. I fully expect this commissioner (and his subordinate meaning Mr. Henderson) to err on the side of being punitive. He has a track record of doing so. I am expecting 6 games. If it's 4, I'll be pleased. Less than that, ecstatic. But I am beyond getting upset over whatever the result is. Because, this commissioner doesn't give two shits about anything at this point beyond continuing to clean up the Rice shitstorm.

Bottom line here is this - Zeke put himself in this situation. All speculation about the incident(s) aside - any player who doesn't toe the line with regard to personal conduct is going to have to deal with this commissioner. No player wants to be in that situation. The NFLPA has neutered itself over the last few CBA's to the point they have no leverage short of yelling a lot. It's not like they will be any help.

I did a lot of stupid shit when I was 21/22... and was in the Air Force. At some point I had to make the decision that I could keep on doing stupid shit and end up with a Letter of Reprimand or worse... or grow up. My personal observation is Zeke is at that same crossroad. As my late father always said... "Son - play the game".

BTW - Honorable Discharge. I grew up.


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"How can you expect Elliott to know how she got the bruises? There are a lot of ways it could have happened." If Elliott was residing with this girl during the week of the alleged abuse and during the time where those bruises appeared (based on documented photographic evidence), how could he possibly not have any idea of how the bruises were caused?

So what you're saying is Elliott was at least generally aware? Sounds like 4 game minimum. The presence has been set.

I'm with you 12 + pages of non Cowboy fans explaining it's not about this one incident. Yet some on here only want to discuss this one incident. There is no hate directed at the Cowboys. The majority of fans here agree the CBA is a joke. But it is what it is. Jerry take one for the good of the NFL.

I'll agree about the CBA. I think the NFLPA and NFL need to come up with a system that is fairer to NFL players. Giving one person so much power is sure to cause problems at some point . . . seems like it already has.

Just an example but Josh Gordon may never play again because of substance abuse problems -- but someone with multiple reported incidents of domestic violence gets to return after 6 games. Sure, Gordon's actions are provable beyond a reasonable doubt but they're far less egregious than the allegations against Elliott. If the NFL wanted to really take a stand, they'd treat each alleged incident of abuse as a separate incident and ban him from the NFL. But that would be unprecedented and wouldn't be fair to Elliott. He deserves a chance at redemption, even if he's been a pretty terrible person thus far. The key is finding a balance.

In this particular case, I don't think anything unfair has been done to Elliott. I also think his threats to take this to the courts is standard puffery. No way he wants a court to go over all the evidence and confirm that the NFL was justified in suspending him.


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I don't deny DV was possible, my stance is and will remain in if all they have is unconfirmed testimony from this girl, I will not convict Elliott or any other man.

They have photographic evidence, phone records, text messages that all back up her account and help her credibility. Maybe they have more. It's not totally unsubstantiated testimony. You should really try to bone up on the evidence if you're going to defend a guy that likes to beat women.


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This isn't directly on point but discusses the defense strategy of taking anything the DV victim does and trying to make them appear less credible (because they know that DV cases hinge almost entirely on the word of one person against the word of another and they know that many potential jurors are unwilling or too simple-minded to try to understand the complexities of a DV case.) It's always an uphill battle, which is exactly why a prosecutor may not bring charges against an alleged abuser even if the police/prosecutor believe the victim's story.

http://www.ncdsv.org/images/Explaining Counterintuitive victim behavior.pdf

Sir Robin Of Camelot

You seem angry. Miserable, even.
Nov 29, 2016
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In this particular case, I don't think anything unfair has been done to Elliott. I also think his threats to take this to the courts is standard puffery. No way he wants a court to go over all the evidence and confirm that the NFL was justified in suspending him.

This is what people forget about the Brady case... I agree with most Cowboys fans that the "evidence" can be easily challenged based on the witness in question. But that's not what the court ruled on in the Brady case. What the court ruled on was whether or not the Commissioner had the right to levy a suspension. The CBA grants him that authority. If you go back and look at that case, you will find the judge pretty much agreed that the evidence against Brady was "sketchy" at best (I'm sure a Patriots fan can let me know if I'm off base here but that's what I recall)... but that wasn't a part of his ruling.

The CBA is the law.


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This is what people forget about the Brady case... I agree with most Cowboys fans that the "evidence" can be easily challenged based on the witness in question. But that's not what the court ruled on in the Brady case. What the court ruled on was whether or not the Commissioner had the right to levy a suspension. The CBA grants him that authority. If you go back and look at that case, you will find the judge pretty much agreed that the evidence against Brady was "sketchy" at best (I'm sure a Patriots fan can let me know if I'm off base here but that's what I recall)... but that wasn't a part of his ruling.

The CBA is the law.

All True Sir Robin


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This is what people forget about the Brady case... I agree with most Cowboys fans that the "evidence" can be easily challenged based on the witness in question. But that's not what the court ruled on in the Brady case. What the court ruled on was whether or not the Commissioner had the right to levy a suspension. The CBA grants him that authority. If you go back and look at that case, you will find the judge pretty much agreed that the evidence against Brady was "sketchy" at best (I'm sure a Patriots fan can let me know if I'm off base here but that's what I recall)... but that wasn't a part of his ruling.

The CBA is the law.

Yup. Actually, I made a mistake in that post -- I don't think the court would even go over the evidence, just evaluate the adequacy of the NFL's procedures and process during the Elliott investigation and suspension. And they're not going to rule in favor of Elliott.

Even if the court were to evaluate the evidence, I don't think they'd find that the NFL acted unreasonably and so Elliott would still be toast.


I Support Law Enforcement.
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They have photographic evidence, phone records, text messages that all back up her account and help her credibility. Maybe they have more. It's not totally unsubstantiated testimony. You should really try to bone up on the evidence if you're going to defend a guy that likes to beat women.
Publicly all evidence we've seen comes from a confirmed liar. So unless you've seen more than the rest of us, I'd say it's you who needs to "bone up" on evidence.

Please show me this trusted testimony you speak of.

When all is said and done, IF trustworthy evidence is presented I'll be the first to say I was wrong, I'll slso call for the police and DA to reopen their investigation.

I've said this many times, I'm not defending Zeke vecause he's a Cowboy, I'm defending him because his accuser has been exposed as a liar, and blackmailer.


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Publicly all evidence we've seen comes from a confirmed liar. So unless you've seen more than the rest of us, I'd say it's you who needs to "bone up" on evidence.

Please show me this trusted testimony you speak of.

When all is said and done, IF trustworthy evidence is presented I'll be the first to say I was wrong, I'll slso call for the police and DA to reopen their investigation.

I've said this many times, I'm not defending Zeke vecause he's a Cowboy, I'm defending him because his accuser has been exposed as a liar, and blackmailer.

Now who is the one lying?

If he weren't a Cowboy, you could view this objectively and realize that the probability that he caused the injuries and bruises to her is extremely high. But instead you try to hide behind attacks on her credibility. Only a simpleton would believe the argument that someone who has lied about one thing can never be trusted to tell the truth.

If you want to see the corroborating evidence, read Sir Robin's link that discusses how there are phone records to back up her story. Read some of the other articles that discuss that there are text messages and photographs to back up her story.

Instead, you'll hedge and say if "trustworthy evidence" is presented, you'll change your tune. But you won't seek out any of this evidence. And if it's presented to you, I'm sure you'll find a way to deem it "untrustworthy." Do as you wish, Elliott will miss 6 games. Unless he changes the way he conducts himself, he will ultimately miss far more games than that.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Now who is the one lying?

If he weren't a Cowboy, you could view this objectively and realize that the probability that he caused the injuries and bruises to her is extremely high. But instead you try to hide behind attacks on her credibility. Only a simpleton would believe the argument that someone who has lied about one thing can never be trusted to tell the truth.

If you want to see the corroborating evidence, read Sir Robin's link that discusses how there are phone records to back up her story. Read some of the other articles that discuss that there are text messages and photographs to back up her story.

Instead, you'll hedge and say if "trustworthy evidence" is presented, you'll change your tune. But you won't seek out any of this evidence. And if it's presented to you, I'm sure you'll find a way to deem it "untrustworthy." Do as you wish, Elliott will miss 6 games. Unless he changes the way he conducts himself, he will ultimately miss far more games than that.

So, with the evidence we know would you convict in a court of law?


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So, with the evidence we know would you convict in a court of law?

Why is that relevant? Whether there is sufficient evidence to convict him of a crime is a totally separate question than whether there is sufficient evidence to suspend him. O.J. Simpson wasn't convicted of murder but it doesn't mean he didn't do it. Bill Cosby wasn't convicted of a crime but it doesn't mean he didn't do it. Cosby has had people pull endorsements or back out of working relationships because of the allegations against him. Were you beating the drum for Cosby based on insufficient evidence? O.J. Simpson hasn't gotten an acting gig since his ex-wife was murdered. Why didn't you fight for his right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty?

There are really only three options: (1) you're a biased Cowboys fans unable to see things objectively here; (2) you're a buffoon; or (3) you're both.


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Publicly all evidence we've seen comes from a confirmed liar. So unless you've seen more than the rest of us, I'd say it's you who needs to "bone up" on evidence.

And you are wrong. No one......not the NFL, Prosecutor on the case or a representative from any Ohio Law Enforcement agency made a statement that the accuser lied.


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So, with the evidence we know would you convict in a court of law?

The situation now has absolutly nothing to do with criminal law. It is about an employers right to discipline however they see fit.