Unreliable Narrator.
It's basically pro wrestling now. When asked any real question just "cut a promo" against a perceived political opponent and 40% nod, smile, and I assume drool.This is what happens when celebrity and media (social or traditional) attention become more important than merit, intellect, and capacity to do the job. The focus is on garnering attention and "winning" the competition, not on solving the problems of a society, compromise, and governance.
It's a total shit sandwich.
"Can you comment on the fires and what you can do to help?"
"Well Sleepy Joe Biden turned off the water in the hydrants and Newscum let him do it. When I get in there we are going make America great again! And we are going to rename the Panama Canal to the Trump Canal. No longer will the term Trump Canal refer to anal sex with Ivanka!*"