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Series Thread: Cleveland Cavs vs Boston Celtics


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Jul 17, 2014
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The Cavs are WAY overrated and this is by no means the most talented Cavs team ever...

The teams between 2008 and 2010 had a broader range of talent, not just 3 really good players.
dude that is so wrong its ridiculous

the Cavs were well coached on the fundamentals of defense and the team had some time to grow together- so they were a good defensive team

but talent wise?

I mean its not even close

Of Course Bron is the one constant

Kyrie and Love are so far ahead of anything the Cavs had back then- the best players LeBron had around him were guys like Mo Williams, past-his-prime Antwan Jamison, passed his prime Shaq, Delonte West, pre-prime Anderson Varejao, a decent Zydrunas Ilguaskas till he got really old...

even if you look at the other Cavs besides Kyrie and Love---- Mozgov is better then Z was for most of the time the two played together- Jr Smith vs. Delonte West? who is better- i mean- that migth be clsoer than you think but I would probably give it to Smith.....Shumpert is a rich mans Alonzo Gee.....Varejao now is better then he used to be when he could not hit a 15 footer (albeit he is not playing)...

the Cavs only vet with championship experience i can remember was Shaq that one year we had him and he actually got hurt for a good part of that year- this year they have Marion, Miller, Jones, Perkins- all former NBA champs- and at some point i bet each of those guys make a solid contribution...

These Cavs teams are WAAAAY better talent wise- but those Cavs teams did have continuity and a commitment to defense and outside shooters around LeBron-hence winning 66 and 62 games - that works in the regular season- but the playoffs you need that offensive talent

Unless you want to say 2012 Dwade is better- Kyrie looks to possibly be the best teammate LeBron has ever played with- he is definitely the best point guard- this is the first time LeBron is playing with a real above average NBA center, the Cavs traded for a "defensive stopper" in Shumpert that will guard the other teams best perimeter defender for periods of time so Bron does not have- Tristan Thompson is a GREAT GREAT role player- who is playing solid D, rebounding like a mad men, and does all the little things...

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.41
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The Cavs are WAY overrated and this is by no means the most talented Cavs team ever...

The teams between 2008 and 2010 had a broader range of talent, not just 3 really good players.

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Dropped 4k vcash on the Cavs (-4), ALL IN


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"Unless you want to say 2012 Dwade is better- Kyrie looks to possibly be the best teammate LeBron has ever played with- he is definitely the best point guard- this is the first time LeBron is playing with a real above average NBA center, the Cavs traded for a "defensive stopper" in Shumpert that will guard the other teams best perimeter defender for periods of time so Bron does not have- Tristan Thompson is a GREAT GREAT role player- who is playing solid D, rebounding like a mad men, and does all the little things..."

Another Wiggy rant/proclamation, but it's not championship or bust because Cleveland sports teams in general have sucked for so long...:doh:

A Bulls round 2 win might put him over the edge.

And didn't Wade in the '11 FINALS average something like 22/5/5 if my memory serves me correctly?

Actually after looking he averaged 26.6/7/5.2
Then 2012 23/6/5 , 2013 20/4/5.
Last year there was decline, but it was everyone, and the Spurs had a lot to do with it.

Who really gives a flying fuck what Kyrie has done in 2 games in the 1st round vs a crappy team?
How about present your case at seasons end?

To compare and elevate him in even the same sentence with a 3 time recent champ who also was a Finals MVP is laughable.
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Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah no doubt 2011 & 2012 wade is better than 2015 kyrie


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Cavs are WAY overrated and this is by no means the most talented Cavs team ever...

The teams between 2008 and 2010 had a broader range of talent, not just 3 really good players.



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Jul 17, 2014
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Mo Williams, Jamario Moon, Flip Murray, Boobie Gibson, Larr Hughes, Z, Young Varejao, Delonte, Gooden, Donyell Marshall!!!, Ira Newble, Ben Wallace, old Shaq, old Jamison, THE DAMON JONES, Sasha Pavlovic, Eric Snow, Luke Jackson, Wally Szcierbiak, Joe Smith, Jawad Williams, JJ Hickson

cmon now- those are prety much all the players during the contention years that mattered.....

compare with

Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love, Jr Smith, TIMOFY Mozgov, Anderson Varejao (hurt), Shawn Marion, Tristan Thompson, Shumpert, JJones, Perkins, Mike Miller, Delly,

I think team B beats team A even if team B gets to choose from among ALL those players to field a team....


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Jul 17, 2014
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This is even up for debate?
its probably yet to be determined

IF the CAvs win it all and Kyrie averages 28 a game then hes gonna get the nod no if ands or buts- but as things stand right now I would side with for Wade

10/11 Wade is probably the best player LeBron has played with in single season- 25.5 pts 6.4 boards, 4.3 apg AND he actually managed to play in like 76 games- wow...those were the good ole days- this was the team that lost the Finals though obviously....if hte CAvs win the Finals that would be a nice little trump card for Irving to have if he remains a huge part of it- very big IF's of course

2011/12 Wade did miss over a quarter of the season with injuries but went 22.1pts 4.6 apg 4.8 rpb-49.7FGA 27% 3 pt avg. but he did play extremely well in the playoffs----

12/13 Wade goes for 21 5 and 5 basically and really starts to take a back seat to James

Irving this year went 22 5 and 3 basically with a 41.5% from 3- and the 2 high scoring games in the league....turned 23 in March

so- it would seem that 10/11 Wade would be the best unless somehow this Cavs team wins the title and Irving is a huge par of it- ---and then in Irvings year this year is pretty darn similar to Wades 11/12 and 12/13 years.....

I think the fact that Irving is a better fit to play with LeBron- and has a less redundant skill set also gives him a another think to consider- as Irving can play on or off the ball- and can spread the floor for James in a way that Wade never could - its more team work then dueling banjos..

LeBron REALLY only got 1 true year of prime Wade
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Jame championship pedigree alone, makes this Cavs roster much better then any other roster he ever played with in Cleveland.

If you took James off this Cavs roster though, Im not sure they even would win this series.

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
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What's stood out to me so far
-Love 1/4 form FT
-Bad start from Bron

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.41
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Jame championship pedigree alone, makes this Cavs roster much better then any other roster he ever played with in Cleveland.

If you took James off this Cavs roster though, Im not sure they even would win this series.
They'd still win easily, cmon