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Cavs Heat Game thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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that was a crazy block.

I love all these Hea fans ripping on Thompsons deal and then Thompson has a very good game- beating Whiteside 3 times for ally oops from Whiteside and just smashing Bosh with that rejection. I told them Thompson has really turned into a great finisher in the pick and roll....and is really improving defensively and at the free throw line.

Delly was the first player since 2012 to come off the bench and have 10 assists and 0 turnovers. He has played really well thus far. I am glad no one signed himaway because they couldve got him for a few mill.....Cavs PG is DEEP.

The Thompson 'deal' is a bad one, in premise, for any owner to have to pay because of all of the scenarios that have been explained to you numerous times.
Why the deal was made, we all understand.

And, regardless of anything else, if the Cavs aren't the last team standing at the end of June, which they more then likely won't be....then the season is a total bust for them regardless of reason.
James would be 0-9 as a Cav and not getting any younger...

And, didn't Whiteside block 6 shots yesterday...and prob should have been 7 but the refs made a bad call on one and gave him a foul?

I will say the Cavs ball movement did look good, but really, it should.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Cavs fans on this board...delusional, bandwagon, stupid as fuck...I'd name more but I don't have the time.