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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Is our line just that bad and has been for so long or is it Cable? I am starting to believe it is more Cable than it is the guys we got. Why you ask, well because we do have some talent on this line in Okung, Unger, And even Carp shows flashes of being very good then you got the rookie Britt. He is a solid player yet the line play is worst in the NFL. Sorry to say but we do NOT have the worst talent in the NFL on the line but we do have the worst play in the NFL from the line. I think it's time to start looking at their position coach. Not only can he not teach up these guys he can not find talent when he gets to pick "his guy"

I think the finger pointing needs to start being pointed at Cable.
Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, I think the Panthers pass protection is even worse than ours; but I agree with you that we have ONE OF the worst offensive lines in the NFL.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Our LT, LG, C and best blocking TE are hurt. Our RT is a rookie. I think we need to pump the brakes here. We know its not the best line in football but when healthy they are a great run blocking team and about an average pass blocking team.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I am not defending Cable, but as SeattleCoug said, we have injuries, but also remember, ZBS is a run blocking scheme. This team is a run based team with a mobile QB who can get out of harms way and still make good decisions. I agree we have some talent on that line, but most of it is focused on run blocking. Okung is starting to slip a bit imo.

It would be nice to have Dallas' line, but JS and PC chose to spend their draft capital elsewhere.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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After the game yesterday Cable said it was the toughest game he had ever been a coach of to call.

Seattle was on their 3rd string C, 3rd string LG (who had never actually played guard before), 2nd string LT, and Willson who can't block to save his ass. Britt was fucking awful and Sweezy wasn't good.

They tried some basic blocking (pulling guard power game) and that failed miserably. They tried their zone blocking and that failed.

Unger has been out for several games and he is the captain of that oline. Miller has been out and we already know we have no other blocking TE's on the roster.

How can you blame Cable when he is given the dog meat he had on that line yesterday? That's on JS/PC and their drafting/FA's. The injuries are piling up and their backups to the backups are total scrubs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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After the game yesterday Cable said it was the toughest game he had ever been a coach of to call.

Seattle was on their 3rd string C, 3rd string LG (who had never actually played guard before), 2nd string LT, and Willson who can't block to save his ass. Britt was fucking awful and Sweezy wasn't good.

They tried some basic blocking (pulling guard power game) and that failed miserably. They tried their zone blocking and that failed.

Unger has been out for several games and he is the captain of that oline. Miller has been out and we already know we have no other blocking TE's on the roster.

4th String Center//

At begining of year, Center position, Unger. Jean-Pierre, Schilling, Whoever the guy was who played yesterday.

How can you blame Cable when he is given the dog meat he had on that line yesterday? That's on JS/PC and their drafting/FA's. The injuries are piling up and their backups to the backups are total scrubs.

4th String Center//

At begining of year, Center position, Unger. Jean-Pierre, Schilling, Whoever the guy was who played yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't care how well you draft or what you do in free agency... you're going to have issues when you have to use 3rd and 4th string guys as starters at multiple positions on the offensive line for multiple games. You just are. You do your best to get solid players as far down the depth chart as you can, but third and fourth stringers are third and fourth stringers for a reason. It sounds like the starters at those positions could be back as soon as the Giants game, so we won't have to worry about using 3rd and 4th stringers at those spots for much longer, but let's try not to call out Schneider and Carroll for not finding high quality players at every position three and four spots deep. That's not an easy thing to do.


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Apr 23, 2013
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4th String Center//

At begining of year, Center position, Unger. Jean-Pierre, Schilling, Whoever the guy was who played yesterday.
Okung couldn't play so Bailey started at LT.
Carp went down so Gilliam (a T) played at LG.
Shilling, who dressed because there were too many inactives already chosen, had to come in to replace a guy named Patrick Lewis who started at C and struggled mightily.
We started a rookie at RT.
I am somewhat amazed the team did as well as it did considering the situation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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people i am NOT talking just about THIS game. I am talking about the Day he got here as far as cable goes. The Day he got here the line has degraded when the pieces are there to improve. lol some times i wonder what other people are seeing. I myself have always looked at the BIG picture not the snap shot that game day brings.


You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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It's hard to coach or play well when your O-line has no continuity due to injuries or shuffling players in & out of the lineup.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Our LT, LG, C and best blocking TE are hurt. Our RT is a rookie. I think we need to pump the brakes here. We know its not the best line in football but when healthy they are a great run blocking team and about an average pass blocking team.

:agree: It's impossible to blame anyone when our line keeps getting decimated with injuries... It's hard to build continuity that way... Our line came together and got healthy last year and played fantastic in the playoffs so I"m not totally worried... We just need guy's back..
Sep 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The guys who keep coming back to continuity are right. Fielding the same 5 players on the O line for a dozen games in a row would be huge, even if the players themselves aren't all great. It takes time for a line to gel, and this line has had very little time working together. If you know the strengths, weaknesses and tendencies of the guys on both sides, you can compensate. If you just met them last week, you can't.

That said, the false starts that have plagued the team for years are a coaching issue. They extend across many, many players and across multiple seasons.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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The guys who keep coming back to continuity are right. Fielding the same 5 players on the O line for a dozen games in a row would be huge, even if the players themselves aren't all great. It takes time for a line to gel, and this line has had very little time working together. If you know the strengths, weaknesses and tendencies of the guys on both sides, you can compensate. If you just met them last week, you can't.

That said, the false starts that have plagued the team for years are a coaching issue. They extend across many, many players and across multiple seasons.

False starts are mostly a coaching issue, but I also think its a talent issue too. Guys that aren't as talented and get beat a lot probably end up feeling like they need to get a faster jump to avoid letting someone past them. A guy like Walter Jones barely ever false started because he wasn't terribly worried anyone was going to beat him or especially out muscle him. Too bad people have to age, Walt was the best.

Dolemite censored

Bigfoot is real
Jul 1, 2014
Bigfoot Country
Hoopla Cash
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Is our line just that bad and has been for so long or is it Cable? I am starting to believe it is more Cable than it is the guys we got. Why you ask, well because we do have some talent on this line in Okung, Unger, And even Carp shows flashes of being very good then you got the rookie Britt. He is a solid player yet the line play is worst in the NFL. Sorry to say but we do NOT have the worst talent in the NFL on the line but we do have the worst play in the NFL from the line. I think it's time to start looking at their position coach. Not only can he not teach up these guys he can not find talent when he gets to pick "his guy"

I think the finger pointing needs to start being pointed at Cable.

Its way too early to heat up the tar.

Cable has put together an ad hoc O-line decimated by numerous injuries, and Seahawks were able to win games that they had to.

Cable was a very good HC in Oakland, but good head coaches under Al Davis got booted out in favor of bootlicking lackeys.

Cable is not the problem, and starting this bitching this early shows a lack of fan commitment.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Its way too early to heat up the tar.

Cable has put together an ad hoc O-line decimated by numerous injuries, and Seahawks were able to win games that they had to.

Cable was a very good HC in Oakland, but good head coaches under Al Davis got booted out in favor of bootlicking lackeys.

Cable is not the problem, and starting this bitching this early shows a lack of fan commitment.

Weren't you rooting against the Hawks last week?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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the thing is people that even this injury riddled line is playing at the same level as the starters really. We have not seen any improvement in our Oline play since Cable really got here. Everyone say's it's continuity and i agree but when we got a line full of people that can not stay healthy you will never get that. Having durable players is also a talent that SHOULD be looked for when drafting Olineman or picking one up. I am tired of the play we have got from our Oline the past 4 years and the fact it has not improved one bit. There is 8 games left and i as a fan demand improvement from them if not i hope to god Cable does not return next season.

I hear people say " we got to many back-up in, to many starts injured. Well hell guys these scrubs are playing at the same level as the STARTERS. The Numbers speak this loud and clear.

I am someone who was always on the fence with Bevell but the more i see the more i believe that no offense can succeed consistently with the play we have got from this oline for way to long. Yes we won a superbowl and the oline did look better in the playoffs last season but lets not forget how they looked in the final 4 games of last season, not good.


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah the O-line depth stinks. It has for awhile. Remember last year, the Monday night game at St. Louis? If memory serves, the best player the Hawks had on the line that night was McQuistan. I've defended Cable in the past, and I'll give you he doesn't seem the best at choosing talent out of college. But I'd like to see how the line performs with everyone healthy. I remember thinking the line seemed to do pretty well in the opening game against Green Bay. If they can all get healthy (and with some of the guys on the line, that is a big, big if) I think they'll be OK.

I don't think Cable is some offensive line guru, but if you can get the Seahawks line to perform well enough to win a super bowl with the guys they had last year, you've gotta be doing something right.

Dolemite censored

Bigfoot is real
Jul 1, 2014
Bigfoot Country
Hoopla Cash
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I watched Cable at Oakland for 2 seasons and he had them playing above their talent level.

He's doing the same here with 3rd and 4th stringers holding serve.

Criticism of Cable is fundamentally misguided.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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I'd like to see Cables input in drafting OL come to a end. Need to start hitting on some really talented OL in the future and I like someone else doing the evaluations on OL in the draft.