Suck My Brine
You know anything about this Nuno starting today for Yanks?
Our yanks are awesome Dirt ... never count us out bitches
You know anything about this Nuno starting today for Yanks?
Best question
Is the AL East "normalizing"?
I did get one thing wrong about them.... I had them finishing in 4th place
Looks like I'm going to be wrong about that
You know anything about this Nuno starting today for Yanks?
Better question
is Wells normalizing?
Our yanks are awesome Dirt ... never count us out bitches
Yeah, exactly, not owning up in the least bit
"he was tired" because they sucked
Rest assured he would've mustered up the energy to post if they didn't
The ultimate coward, you're 42 paragraph Down-esque post notwithstanding
Phil Hughes
2014 NL Cy young
You know anything about this Nuno starting today for Yanks?
I mean, I can tell you that he has had superb numbers at the minor leagues levels the past few, but have no idea whether that's supposed to translate to the majors
Thurm will have to field this one
Mariano doing an interview about his foundation in dugout
Jobs speaking to his family very loud over PA system, leaning out of dugout
Mo tells him "suave" which apparently means shut up
Joba says don't ever tell me to shut up, I never see my family
They spent the next 2 days hugging and kissing each others ass
"I've heard of him. Give him $200 million" - Magic Johnson
buster only made a big deal out of this
he said "talking back to mo rivera is like talking back to Jesus while on the Cross just prior to being stabbed making sure he was actually dead"
oh, and when world gets here
remember how i said we didnt know how tazawa would handle the closer role mentally?
Of course, the day I came back, they had lost the day before, but it still made sense in Heatwave's mind
It never occurred to him as odd that I would hide from the boards because of Yankee losses... and then reappear on the day after a Yankee loss
So are you in the mood to talk Jays today unlike Friday? Such cowardice