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Boston Celtics Roll Call


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, way back in the CBS sports timeframe I listened to most posters from LA saying the CBA would not effect the Lakers, as the Lakers have the TV revenues to pay what ever tax they want. At that time, all posters not LA were discussing how the teams need to handle the CBA change. Your now talking about its effects, 3 to 4 years after all other teams/GM's adjusted. They are writing articles in LA about it. Those were discussed in Boston 3 years earlier.

The writer carefully pointed out no single digit lottery picks but he failed to mention that they had other picks, lots of them, and in those days, the Jerry West days, they used those picks to grab many quality players, and rebuild with a superstar at pick 13 called Kobe Bryant (it was a deep draft).

You cant boo babble me on how the Lakers built there teams. I know how they built them. And if you were being honest on here too, you too would admit it. It was always with picks. Only one quality FA ever came to LA, just one, and that was Shaq. All others, all others required trading picks.

Picks were always critical to grabbing the worthies, the magics, the kobes. But now the picks are worth even more post CBA. This is why, the giving away picks to then alienate the stud you gave them up for, when he played hurt for you, and now you trash him for his decision, is simply foolish. They knew when they went for him he would need to be the man. But Kobe love could not let them give the reigns to dwight, and to phil. It was dumb, foolish and many times they could have changed direction. Instead, the now have overpaid, 30M Kobe running the show. The have no picks ahead, they have no youth that they are developing, and the FA market will never work like it did before the CBA. I mentioned and predicted many of these topics in the past, and if you will recall, I appluaded Mitch for the dwight trade. But to see it go this way was just plain stupid. It was NY Jets stupid.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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Trojan, way back in the CBS sports timeframe I listened to most posters from LA saying the CBA would not effect the Lakers, as the Lakers have the TV revenues to pay what ever tax they want. At that time, all posters not LA were discussing how the teams need to handle the CBA change. Your now talking about its effects, 3 to 4 years after all other teams/GM's adjusted. They are writing articles in LA about it. Those were discussed in Boston 3 years earlier.

The writer carefully pointed out no single digit lottery picks but he failed to mention that they had other picks, lots of them, and in those days, the Jerry West days, they used those picks to grab many quality players, and rebuild with a superstar at pick 13 called Kobe Bryant (it was a deep draft).

You cant boo babble me on how the Lakers built there teams. I know how they built them. And if you were being honest on here too, you too would admit it. It was always with picks. Only one quality FA ever came to LA, just one, and that was Shaq. All others, all others required trading picks.

Picks were always critical to grabbing the worthies, the magics, the kobes. But now the picks are worth even more post CBA. This is why, the giving away picks to then alienate the stud you gave them up for, when he played hurt for you, and now you trash him for his decision, is simply foolish. They knew when they went for him he would need to be the man. But Kobe love could not let them give the reigns to dwight, and to phil. It was dumb, foolish and many times they could have changed direction. Instead, the now have overpaid, 30M Kobe running the show. The have no picks ahead, they have no youth that they are developing, and the FA market will never work like it did before the CBA. I mentioned and predicted many of these topics in the past, and if you will recall, I appluaded Mitch for the dwight trade. But to see it go this way was just plain stupid. It was NY Jets stupid.

Wrong on many levels. The problem for the Lakers re: the CBA is the contracts that they are locked in to, not the money that they will have to spend. The Lakers knew as soon as the new CBA hit that their hands were basically tied until the contracts expire.

You act like they had no idea as to what was coming!! Mitch said himself that they knew as soon as the new CBA hit that they were going to have to wait a couple of seasons for the big contracts to expire. The trade for Dwight was simply an attempt to stay in the championship hunt and have the centerpiece to build around after those contracts expire. It didn't work, so now they will wait out the season for the contracts to expire and then start making moves.

Kobe had nothing to do with Dwights decision to leave and the reigns would have been handed to Dwight hads he been able to handle it. The problem was that he couldn't. Not hiring Phil wasn't smart, imo. However, they still have Phil as an advisor and voice in the organization, which is better than nothing.

And no the Lakers don't have Kobe and his $30 million contract "running the show"!! This is the last year of Kobe's contract and he's not getting another max deal!!

Additionally, the trading picks isn't going to work like it used to either because teams can't simply trade picks and add salary like they used to and with the way picks are panning out in the NBA anymore, they just aren't as valuable as they used to be.

As for picks, the Lakers start having picks again beginning with the next draft!!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Logic, bottom line: it is expected that as a C's fan, you think/hope that things will be dire for the Lakers for the foreseeable future. As a Lakers fan, I think/hope that they will back in the championship hunt much quicker!!

In about 3 years, we'll see who was right!!


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Well Trojan, I agree with that for sure. We both hope. But after the Pitino era, I will never take a rose glass view again. He gave away our future, and made so many bad trades.

I just hope their is no ownership or GM changes in LA! :yahoo:


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
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There is rumblings of bringing Sebastian Telfair back to Boston. In order for it to happen, it would have to be a trade involving SG/PF. Otherwise, all we could offer is a rookie scale contract AFTER waiving Donte Green which they oddly have yet to do. Word.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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There is rumblings of bringing Sebastian Telfair back to Boston. In order for it to happen, it would have to be a trade involving SG/PF. Otherwise, all we could offer is a rookie scale contract AFTER waiving Donte Green which they oddly have yet to do. Word.

What's the point of bringing Telfair back? Danny either needs to tank completely or try to put pieces together. The current team we have is an 8-10 seed. I love Rondo, but I see Danny moving him for more picks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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Logic, bottom line: it is expected that as a C's fan, you think/hope that things will be dire for the Lakers for the foreseeable future. As a Lakers fan, I think/hope that they will back in the championship hunt much quicker!!

In about 3 years, we'll see who was right!!

As a Celtics fan I personally think you'll land a star next summer and it wont be long until until your great again.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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This year there will be many changes, and in the end, more trades coming. I can get excited about the young players drafted in the last few years, but the vets and FA's ....ehhhh

I am most interested in seeing them develop the youngsters and keep the mediocre vets off the court


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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This year there will be many changes, and in the end, more trades coming. I can get excited about the young players drafted in the last few years, but the vets and FA's ....ehhhh

I am most interested in seeing them develop the youngsters and keep the mediocre vets off the court

You think Rondo lasts the season here? I love him, but I think Danny has plans to move him.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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He stays unless Danny gets a great offer. Any offer would need to be next summer once his health is confirmed.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nobody is going to offer Boston value for Rondo. He'll end up staying. What's more, he will be itching to demonstrate what he can accomplish as the bona fide leader of the team. The players on the court will be an extension of his will. He will command them to run and run we will. I believe Danny when he says we are not tanking. That doesn't mean I want to buy your swamp land but I'm buying that this is more of a refit than a rebuild. We have enough assets to get it done sooner than later. Picture Gerald Wallace with something to prove. Picture Kris Humphries playing his heart out in a contract year. If its up to me, I shitcan Jordan Crawford and try to package Bass, Lee and a pick or two for a stud. Word.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well Crotch, you know how much I like his game. I could see them trying to get an extension done next spring, and if the prices dont work, they would trade him on. I love your enthusiasm for this year, and I am excited to see how it develops, but I just dont see even 30 wins.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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Well it sounds like Rondo wont be playing until December maybe. I honestly thought he'd fight to come back for the opener but oh well. Sounds like will get to see AB and Brooks start together.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I think Danny wants to keep him out til December, make sure he's healthy and deal him before the deal line. Straight tank mode.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I think with Pierce and KG gone Rondo can really step up as the leader, which could show some of great, and, horrible traits of Rondo.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Danny in an interview yesterday said he has no plans to trade Rondo and he is a top 10 player.

The message? If you want Rondo you will give me star level assets.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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Danny in an interview yesterday said he has no plans to trade Rondo and he is a top 10 player.

The message? If you want Rondo you will give me star level assets.

Will see what Danny does. I think if Rondo sits til December and plays the rest of the year will still get a top 10 lottery pick and this is a very deep draft.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
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Because of the depth of this year's draft, don't be surprised if Danny ends up dealing our picks for a known quantity. Especially if we don't get into the top 5. Word.


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Jul 2, 2013
Boston, MA
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Stow the idea of trading Rondo!

If he can get back to even half of what he used to be we should keep him around.

We're NOT going to get our money's worth if we trade him while his health is iffy.