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Boston Celtics Roll Call


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Jun 17, 2013
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So Fab is now a project in Memphis. Usually I am a Danny supporter but it looked right from the start that this pick was strange.

he needs a roster spot cleared and they go under the cap.


We were over the luxury tax line and by trading Melo were under it. I think it boiled down to who do we dump to get under the line and Melo was the odd man out. Never heard of the guy we got and he'll probably never do anything. Great move Danny you draft a guy in the 1st round to dump him a year later to get under the luxury tax line.

Not sure why anyone supports Danny. Asides from the KG/Allen summer he has been horrible. He was borderline about to be fired before that summer. I'll give that summer to him, but that's about it. That and bringing in Doc. Unless he's able to bring in a star to play with Rondo and Green, he wont last long.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I am with you, I am looking forward to the rebuild. Year 1 will be evaluation but year 2 the deals will take place.

Wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it because Danny held onto KG and Pierce way too long. We could of gotten Bledsoe and Jordan for KG, but no he held onto him. We could of gotten Josh Smith for getting rid of Pierce and a top pick, but no. Our 2013-14 Celtics could be.

C: Jordan
PF: Smith
SF: Green
PG: Rondo

Rondo and Smith are great friends and would work well together. Jordan is a legit 5 and Bledsoe would be great trade bait.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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#1 Boston. I agree with you that Danny should have rebuilt starting a year earlier.

Crotch, we basically got the ability to keep the other players on the roster, including the new brazilian, and playing minutes for them and Kelly, by dumping Fab

Still, it was a pick at 22, and there are some reasonable projects he could have chosen


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, I do like the fact that now we are tax recipients instead of payers. We are positioning ourselves for some big moves and we have yet to use our amnesty provision. I suspect we will be bad next year but still compete and develop chemistry between the people who will be here at the end of the rainbow. #1Boston, I to have been one of Danny's biggest critics but he has proven me wrong before. Last year, I honestly thought we had a shot at a title but the dominoes started falling early and we never recovered. I wasn't really thrilled with the prospect of Deandre Jordan and Eric Bledsoe in green. Those are not championship pieces. I'd rather get the picks. We have flexibility and will build around the cornerstones of Jeff Green, Rajon Rondo and Jared Sullinger. Let's give it a year or two to play out. Word.


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Jul 2, 2013
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What did we get for him, L-Man? Word.

The appropriately named Donte Greene, a 23 year old 6 foot 11 forward. who never actually played for
Memphis but was signed by them as a free agent on April 17 of this year.

career minutes in 263 career games, all with Sacramento. Slowly improving but unimpressive PER.

At this point it looks to me like a benchie-for-benchie deal. But he's still far from his prime, which
usually comes later for players as tall as he is than it dies for shorter players.



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Jun 17, 2013
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Well, I do like the fact that now we are tax recipients instead of payers. We are positioning ourselves for some big moves and we have yet to use our amnesty provision. I suspect we will be bad next year but still compete and develop chemistry between the people who will be here at the end of the rainbow. #1Boston, I to have been one of Danny's biggest critics but he has proven me wrong before. Last year, I honestly thought we had a shot at a title but the dominoes started falling early and we never recovered. I wasn't really thrilled with the prospect of Deandre Jordan and Eric Bledsoe in green. Those are not championship pieces. I'd rather get the picks. We have flexibility and will build around the cornerstones of Jeff Green, Rajon Rondo and Jared Sullinger. Let's give it a year or two to play out. Word.

Jordan is a starting 5 and Bledsoe is nice trade bait, just for KG. We would still have Doc on top of everything.


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The appropriately named Donte Greene, a 23 year old 6 foot 11 forward. who never actually played for
Memphis but was signed by them as a free agent on April 17 of this year.

career minutes in 263 career games, all with Sacramento. Slowly improving but unimpressive PER.

At this point it looks to me like a benchie-for-benchie deal. But he's still far from his prime, which
usually comes later for players as tall as he is than it dies for shorter players.


I'd bet we get nothing from Greene, which proves Danny threw away a 1st round pick last year. This move was to get under the luxury line, nothing more and nothing less.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
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Ainge has no plans on keeping Donte Green. He was strictly traded for to waive and take Boston under the tax threshold. He is a big fella for a small forward though. Word.


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Jun 17, 2013
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Ainge has no plans on keeping Donte Green. He was strictly traded for to waive and take Boston under the tax threshold. He is a big fella for a small forward though. Word.

Yeah so basically Danny used a 1st round pick on a guy to dump him a year later to get under the Luxury line. As I've said before Danny has been horrible other then the KG/Allen summer. I'm not sure how I feel about him drafting young talent.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Look, Danny discovered Al Jefferson. He made the terrific draft day trade for Rajon Rondo. He made a good pick with Bradley. How do you feel about Kendrick Perkins for Jeff Green in hindsight? I mean, he is faced with making some unpopular decisions from time to time but he for the most part has done a very good job. He has to think about what's best for the team not only for the upcoming season but for the future as well. He is not armed with owners as fiscally irresponsible as James Dolan or Mikhail Prokhorov. Cut him a break. We will be back in the finals before you know it. Watch how he flips some of these bad contracts and picks to rebuild quickly. 2013-14 is probably pretty much a sacrificed season. But come 2015 teams had better watch it. Word.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Danny has made good decisions all along the way, excluding to me the Melo pick, and not resigning Tony Allen. If a GM makes 3 significant decisions a year, then two clear set backs is what it is.

We will know in the next 24 months for sure. It sucks to rebuild, especially post CBA. I am pretty confident other teams will have some huge troughs. The super free agent era was killed by that CBA. See baseball to see how this type of deal puts pressure on your young picks.


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Jun 17, 2013
South Florida
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Look, Danny discovered Al Jefferson. He made the terrific draft day trade for Rajon Rondo. He made a good pick with Bradley. How do you feel about Kendrick Perkins for Jeff Green in hindsight? I mean, he is faced with making some unpopular decisions from time to time but he for the most part has done a very good job. He has to think about what's best for the team not only for the upcoming season but for the future as well. He is not armed with owners as fiscally irresponsible as James Dolan or Mikhail Prokhorov. Cut him a break. We will be back in the finals before you know it. Watch how he flips some of these bad contracts and picks to rebuild quickly. 2013-14 is probably pretty much a sacrificed season. But come 2015 teams had better watch it. Word.

Al Jefferson was a nice find, along with Rondo, Perk and Green. The team he was forming through the draft wouldn't have contended in my mind. Danny knows how to build a team using talent that is proven, but him trying to draft a team worries me. I hope he proves me wrong, but I think we can agree he would of been fired if it wasn't for the KG/Allen summer.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree. He turned Wally Sczerbiak, Delonte West and Jeff Green into Ray Allen which begat Garnett's approval for a trade to Boston. That was huge. He probably would have been fired if he hadn't pulled that off - but he did. What excites me about the CBA (if that can be said) is that we have a GM who understands the new labor agreement ahead of the curve. Danny was also ahead of the curve when it came to using statistical analysts to help him make informed draft decisions. Danny has no control over where Boston ends up picking but he does a good job with what he has. I think Olynyk will end up being a great move just like Sullinger was. I don't consider the #22 pick for Fab Melo to be a big waste but it is true we could've had Draymond Green from Golden State. Max contracts are becoming something that only the elite of the elite can command and that's why I give Ainge an above average chance of rebuilding this team more quickly than say, Joe Dumars, has been able to do in Detroit. I'm going to order the NBA League Pass this season, not because I'm expecting us to win a championship but because I am intrigued by the Rondo/Green pairing and want to see the entire transition from the Big 4 era to the new Boston Celtics. Word.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I agree. He turned Wally Sczerbiak, Delonte West and Jeff Green into Ray Allen which begat Garnett's approval for a trade to Boston. That was huge. He probably would have been fired if he hadn't pulled that off - but he did. What excites me about the CBA (if that can be said) is that we have a GM who understands the new labor agreement ahead of the curve. Danny was also ahead of the curve when it came to using statistical analysts to help him make informed draft decisions. Danny has no control over where Boston ends up picking but he does a good job with what he has. I think Olynyk will end up being a great move just like Sullinger was. I don't consider the #22 pick for Fab Melo to be a big waste but it is true we could've had Draymond Green from Golden State. Max contracts are becoming something that only the elite of the elite can command and that's why I give Ainge an above average chance of rebuilding this team more quickly than say, Joe Dumars, has been able to do in Detroit. I'm going to order the NBA League Pass this season, not because I'm expecting us to win a championship but because I am intrigued by the Rondo/Green pairing and want to see the entire transition from the Big 4 era to the new Boston Celtics. Word.

I'll give Danny the KG/Allen summer. He pulled it off and brought a championship back to Boston, props for that. I honestly hope he proves me wrong and rebuilds the Celtics into a contender because if he doesn't it's going to take a lot long to get back to being a contender.

I'm also very excited to to see the Rondo/Green duo and if whoever else steps up. I'm confident Green is a 17-20 a night guy with stater minutes and having that and Rondo is a good start to the future. Although I think with them two and the rest of the team I think will still win 35-40 games, which wont be bad enough for a high lottery pick. This draft is so deep any top 5-7 pick has a great chance to be a star. Add that to Rondo and Green and you have something.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I project Jeff Green's #'s next season will be 21ppg, 7rpg and 3apg along with about 1.5 blocks and 1.5 steals. He'll get that while shooting 50% from the floor, 38% from 3 and 80% from the foul line. Rondo I suspect will get us about 14 ppg, 12 apg and 5 rpg along with a couple steals on his best shooting season yet. They are going to win more games than everybody thinks next season. We are young and we will press. Fullcourt. We will force scads of turnovers next season. We may not get a 50 win season but we won't get any less than around 34 games minimum. Word.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Green will be in the high teens, and FG% under 50%. Teams will now focus on him. I do agree with Rondo stats. First month will be horrible. 30 wins, to 35. Year 2? 50 wins, then up from there. They will have plenty of cash and picks in year 2. Year 1 is the trough.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I'd say Green is in the 17-20 PPG range and 5-6 RPG. I think with the combo on Rondo/Green and the rest of the supporting cast will win 35-40 games and be close to the 8 seed and possibly sneak in. I think Danny has plans to move more guys though, so we get a top 7 lottery pick. If he can get rid of some of these bad contracts I'm all for it.


Dominant Species
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Let's start talking possible deals. What can we realistically get for Kris Humphries considering his rebounding ability and his expiring contract? How about we throw in Jordan Crawford and maybe even Gerald Wallace (who I suspect is working out at this very moment to prove his skeptics wrong). Word.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Green will be in the high teens, and FG% under 50%. Teams will now focus on him. I do agree with Rondo stats. First month will be horrible. 30 wins, to 35. Year 2? 50 wins, then up from there. They will have plenty of cash and picks in year 2. Year 1 is the trough.

50 wins in year 2 of this rebuild with what? Rondo, Green, and unproven youth?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Rule, I think this team can win 50 with some maturity, albeit they are missing a pure center.

You know they have plenty of picks, trade exceptions, etc. They have some decent yutes, and they will be salary dropping next two years. Danny has more to work with now than he ever did in 2007.

Post CBA aint an easy haul. Free agents dont make it to free agency easy now as CBA promotes staying with own team. Rules of this league changing and I feel confident Danny was on top of it, which is why I scratch my head on Lakers giving away what they had to see the guy walk the next year. Lakers have nothing to offer other teams and steal the last year of a contract FA.