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bob stoops: SEC is not overwhelming


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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according to you, Jonvi, and several others, the SEC teams all got favored in the rankings. If that's the case, they all should have lost. Hopefully the logic here does not get lost, but you folks can't have it both ways. SEC will be 7-2 and the only legit loss was Alabama; Georgia was lucky to have enough guys to field a team. A healthy Georgia would have blown out Nebraska. I have stated several times, the top SEC teams are not so dominant, however the bottom of the SEC is pretty good compared to the bottom of other conferences. 7 straight NC's speak to the ability of the top ranked SEC teams; even the most ardent critic of the SEC has to get that. Tennessee didn't even get a bowl game; yet they smoked Oklahoma. What's up with that? You folks continue to dog the SEC and the teams continue to do well.

yes, what is up with that?

I didn't think OU was scheduled to play Tenn until next fall?????

Did I miss something?????:gaah:


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
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All Stoops was saying is what I've been saying for years: TEAMS WIN TITLES, NOT CONFERENCES. The majority of the teams in the SEC suck major ballsack, but that's not any different than the other AQ conferences. I think everybody outside SEC country understand this logic. When Team SEC sack sniffers start claiming how their shitty teams like UK, Vandy, Tenn, Arky, Mrs State, etc would win other conferences, that's when jimmies start getting rustled.
You state the obvious that teams win titles. But, as long as I can remember, fans have also compared conferences. It's natural. All conferences talk about their quality as it is a way to attract quality athletes. Besides, there would be 50% fewer posts here if we didn't argue about conference strength.

The question becomes, how do you determine conference strength which is inherently a subjective evaluation?

1. NCs - aside from UCLA's run in hoops, no conference or team has ever won 7 straight national championships in any sport. In football, I think it was never more than 2 until the SEC's run (I could be wrong, it might be 3). That it was 4 different teams even reinforces the idea that the conference is strong. Even more so when you consider UT makes it 5 teams that won BCS titles in the BCS era.

2. Rankings - whether you want to look at top 5, top 10, or top 25 teams, the SEC has had way more teams in those categories in the 7 year run. Last year it was 5 of the top 10. This year it will be 4 of the top 10. You can claim bias all you want, but coaches from other conferences are voting. Sports writers who aren't aligned with the SEC are voting that way. Computer programs written by non-SEC aligned programmers.

3. Bowl wins - the SEC has pretty much had the best bowl results for the past decade (I think ... I've not researched it but recall others who have). This year people are saying we have favorable matchups. But, in many years we don't get favorable matchups because we have 1 or 2 teams in the NC game, which automatically brings the other teams up. And, as someone has pointed out here, if you want to argue the SEC teams are overrated, you can't argue the favorable matchups.

4. NFL draft - take last year ... the SEC had more than double the number of draftees than the next conference. College quality doesn't guarantee NFL success, but that those in the know in the NFL, and whose livelihoods rely on it, certainly think so.

5. Regular season matchups in OOC. No one really plays a touch OOC, but I'll give you that the SEC teams need to play better OOC schedules. But some SEC teams really step up and play a tough schedule. My Dawgs have played BSU, Clemson, Colorado, ASU in the past decade, and we have GaTech every year. 6 teams in the SEC play season ending OOC games against teams like GaTech, FSU, Clemson, and Louisville. But, and this is key, when they play OOC, the SEC teams have done as well as any other conference.

What else am I missing? Seriously.

Based on this, can you really say the SEC isn't the best conference? Which conference is better? Can't be NCs. Can't be bowl results. Can't be rankings. Can't be the NFL. So what is it?

Now, a couple caveats from someone who has followed college football for 45+ years.

College football is cyclical. The SEC is up right now, unarguably in my opinion, but the cycle will turn. I think it will do with coaching. I am really impressed with the PAC coaching right now. The SEC will lose Spurrier in the next few years, Saban in 5-10, etc. Some coaches aren't working out ... UF and Arky (although I am going to give fatty at Arky the benefit of the doubt). Other conferences are building the facilities that the SEC was ahead on. We may see a new NC this year. So, it will come around at some point ... it always does.

As an example, and with all due respect to Bama, I think these two losses may be the start of them leveling off (which is what could happen to the SEC). Sort of like once people saw that Mike Tyson could be beat. For 4 years, Bama pretty much had every break go their way ... you have to have that type of luck to win one NC, let alone 3 in 4 years. Then Auburn happened. Then OU showed they could be beat. Moreover, they will break in a new QB next year. For Bama fans who have said that any QB can slide into their system, that was shown not to be the case against OU. They have had pretty much perfect play for the past 4 years from McElroy and McCarron. That won't always happen

Anyone who says the cellar of the SEC would win any of the other AQ conferences is an idiot. I keep hear people saying the SEC homers believe this. I don't know a one of us that would say that, and I challenge you to locate such a post and cite us to it.

Finally, for you to say a majority of SEC teams suck simply shows that you've let the SEC dominance get to your head, and you've lost the ability to reason. Name 8 teams over the past 7 years in the SEC that totally suck. You will pretty much have to stop at Kentucky. You can then find some that are marginal, but your use of the word suck is ignorant in my opinion.


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Penn State? 2010 and 2011. Yeah, sooooo long ago.

I really don't get your argument. Bama usually opens with a decent OOC opponent. Just because it's not at THEIR stadium, it's an advantage for Bama? If we had scheduled a home and home with WVU, our schedule wouldn't be any tougher than playing them once and playing someone else next year. If we were scheduling Illinois or Iowa State, I'd see your argument. But the schedule are supposed to be decent when we play them.

I give them a decent amount of credit but I also believe they prefer these netural fields vs a road game. a&m recently canceled a home and home vs USC so guess they are following Alabama model. so ok penn st and how many years between that home and home series....pretty sure its a good 5 years... ive seen lsu play at Washington, Georgia @ Arizona st, tennesssee at Oregon.

during USC 's bcs run they had several games on the road vs on paper good opponents...auburn, Nebraska, Arkansas. just to name a few.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Vandy's win now puts the SEC at 7-2 in bowls with UGa and Bama losing (and as hard as it is to believe, UT, UF and Arky not in bowl games). So, at worse, we are talking 7-3 in bowl games. Or, 8-2 with an eighth NC. Just another thing to consider.


Been around the block more times than the mailman
May 12, 2013
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Florida doesnt need to ride anybodys coattails. We are a huge reason the Sec has had so much success n the last 20 years. Plus we shut down the "Greatest offense of all time" that just couldnt be slowed down. We will be back eventually. If you want to talk about riding coattails, go ahead and call Out UGay fans. They are the masters of the art.

So 2 games over 500 over the past 20 years against OCC BCS opponents is huge, damn!:laugh3:


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I give them a decent amount of credit but I also believe they prefer these netural fields vs a road game. a&m recently canceled a home and home vs USC so guess they are following Alabama model. so ok penn st and how many years between that home and home series....pretty sure its a good 5 years... ive seen lsu play at Washington, Georgia @ Arizona st, tennesssee at Oregon.

during USC 's bcs run they had several games on the road vs on paper good opponents...auburn, Nebraska, Arkansas. just to name a few.

You said my response to Bama hate was wrong, but look at the bold... you're blaming A&M cancelling a series on Bama? That's not a rational argument. It's knocking on Bama. Bama usually schedules at least one decent *or supposed to be decent* OOC game a year. I don't see how a home and home with Hawaii or Colorado would be better? :noidea: Just because it's a home and home doesn't make it a better game.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
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Vandy's win now puts the SEC at 7-2 in bowls with UGa and Bama losing (and as hard as it is to believe, UT, UF and Arky not in bowl games). So, at worse, we are talking 7-3 in bowl games. Or, 8-2 with an eighth NC. Just another thing to consider.

Nut sack swinging at its finest.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Nut sack swinging at its finest.

UGA fans are notoriously known for being the #1 tea baggers when it comes to Team SEC; at least they were at ESPN. You'll notice they will claim "SEC Supremacy" a lot.......


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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I like that Bama has had these OOC opponents over the last few years, but I would like to see Bama grow a pair and play some home and homes rather than this neutral site stuff.

Neutral sites are a nice payday every year. Home and homes only pay off 1 of the 2 years.

That's why so many teams like to do them - when they can.

Used 2 B Hu

Apr 19, 2013
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We might want to put the brakes on the 7-2 SEC record with Vandy choking like the old Vandy we all know all too well! 24-24 from 24-0 at half!!! :L

Vanderbilt Wants Bama!


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May 4, 2013
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Bama only gained 260 yds of total offense. Bama's D capitalized on stupid turnovers by our true frosh QB who had 0 experience. Again, it was 24-21 with only 3 minutes to go. It wasn't a beatdown, and remember, "If only Colt had played".........:yahoo:

When Bama destoyed Miami in the 1992 National Championship they only threw for 18 yards. However they rushed for 267. That game and the Texas game were very similar. If you only looked at stats you thought one thing. If you watched it you thought another. They rushed for over 200 yards in both games physically whipping the other team. They only did what they needed to do. I know you're half joking about the Colt thing but Alabama's game plan changed dramatically after he got hurt and they got a big lead.


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Apr 8, 2011
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Here's something I just whooped up...use at your leisure if you like...



  • boomer.jpg
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Been around the block more times than the mailman
May 12, 2013
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no water? I think the fact that you have only played 3 or 4 non conference road games in over 10 years speaks volumes...find me another team that can say that....even other teams in sec don't do that its a gump thing. these kickoff classics aren't road games either. sure penn st but how long ago was that.

Alabama as played 7 OOC road games in the last 20 years to USC's 29 during the same period….:L


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Alabama as played 7 OOC road games in the last 20 years to USC's 29 during the same period….:L

shhhhh Team SEC doesn't like facts. brace yourself for recruiting excuses. TEAM SEC EXPOSED


Been around the block more times than the mailman
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shhhhh Team SEC doesn't like facts. brace yourself for recruiting excuses. TEAM SEC EXPOSED

Next to PSU no other team has played more Non-AQ's, as we know them today, than Alabama during they're entire existences:doh:


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shhhhh Team SEC doesn't like facts. brace yourself for recruiting excuses. TEAM SEC EXPOSED

Wait.... what? You don't like how many OOC road games Bama has played, so Team SEC is exposed? Even after you said how great it was that LSU, Georgia, etc did play OOC games? So, is this really an argument, or just another troll attempt?

Listen, we'll just agree to disagree, and we'll polish our crystal trophies while you polish yo.... never mind.


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Nov 16, 2013
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A&M is 0-2 vs LSU in the SEC since joining. Mizzou is doing decent in the East and then loses to the west in the SECCG so meh. One thing is for sure since joining the SEC... A&M and Missouri have both crapped on the state of Oklahoma.

Yea and the Pokes have been crapping on the whole State of Texas for the last several years.

Funny isn't it.



Been around the block more times than the mailman
May 12, 2013
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Wait.... what? You don't like how many OOC road games Bama has played, so Team SEC is exposed? Even after you said how great it was that LSU, Georgia, etc did play OOC games? So, is this really an argument, or just another troll attempt?

Listen, we'll just agree to disagree, and we'll polish our crystal trophies while you polish yo.... never mind.

In 25 years the BCS will be known as the shortest lived formula to determine the NC and will be the biggest laughing stock of CF… enjoy while you can:lol:


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
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The division winners this year won a combined TWO games in conference play last year.
Are Auburn and Mizz made of magic or is the conference just not that strong???

TAMU was the #1 offense last year in the SEC with a rookie coach and QB. Is TAMU made of magic or is "sec defense" just a myth?

I'll give you guys with sec ejukashuns some extra time to figure it out.
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