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Bill Belichick speaks today


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No I did not....sorry.
But I`m sure highlights will be on.

I just reread what I posted that you were responding too. Wow, sounded a bit aggressive but wasn't meant to be. It was Saturday night after all, a little Vitamin C mixed with a little Vitamin V. :yahoo::suds:


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PV = nRT

To make the claim that the temperature caused the reduction in pressure of the balls from 12.5 PSI to 10.5 PSI, the balls would have had to been inflated in a room with 90 degree (Fahrenheit) air (given the ~ 50 degree temperature on the field at game time.)

I don't know, maybe you can vigorously rub a ball to get it's temperature up to a point that you add one full PSI... but then you turned in balls that were out of regulation to begin with.

I'm certainly no scientist, but I think what we are starting to find out is that it's a bit more complicated than what has been reported so far.


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No I did not....sorry.
But I`m sure highlights will be on.

If you get a chance I recommend watching the full version. I watched some news clips and then the full version. It ended up being a great example of how the media distorts what was actually said. Unfortunately this is part of the problem, a lot if not most people are getting their story off of sound bites.


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We have no idea what the NFL has done but what Belichick is saying is the he and the Patriots have looked it on their own.

We have players who know for sure and those who have no clue if they can tell a footbalk with less pressure

And we have two team that were embarrased on the field complaining afterwards.

My unbiased insights ;)


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Well we do know that the balls were inflated to the correct PSI standards in the second half, when Brady put up better numbers.

We also know that if they were on the low side 12.5 that a drop because of temp could easily be explained (NFL mentioned that the 11 balls had various levels of psi below 12.5 and only one was "well below" *what ever that is*)


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Aug 15, 2014
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Bill Belichick to Football World: Go F*ck Yourself

Only lunatics and jealous idiots in other towns still believe Darth Belichick and the Evil Empire cheated by lowering the pressure of their footballs, for one half of one game.


If it's a bluff, it's the ballsiest, most high-risk bluff in history.

But any person with a brain knows that this has been a ridiculous story all along


The truth is a lot simpler than the needless hysteria. Here's what happened, folks, to the most overanalyzed footballs in NFL history: NFL officials approved balls for play that were on the cusp of official PSI or maybe even a little under. The pressure of those balls changed, lowered, with the changing conditions from the controlled environment indoors to the wet, cool condition outdoors.


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My personal favorite part of his presser is when he layed a beat down on the reporter asking about "spygate".

I also have a sneaking suspicion that Tom E. Curran's access to the team has been revoked in a Ron Borges sort of way.

.....I agree,.......tommy curran tried going "mark brunell" on B.B., and got bitch-slapped....!


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Aug 15, 2014
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I also have a sneaking suspicion that Tom E. Curran's access to the team has been revoked in a Ron Borges sort of way.

I disagree strongly.

Sometimes as an interviewer you simply (try to) force your source to be clear, without wiggle room. You do that if you believe them; you do that if you don't; you do that if you're genuinely not sure. I'm speaking from considerable personal experience there, from both sides of interviews.

Once the heat of the moment passed, BB surely understood that.


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I disagree strongly.

Sometimes as an interviewer you simply (try to) force your source to be clear, without wiggle room. You do that if you believe them; you do that if you don't; you do that if you're genuinely not sure. I'm speaking from considerable personal experience there, from both sides of interviews.

Once the heat of the moment passed, BB surely understood that.

He sure hasn't forgiven Ron Borges now has he? I would wait and see Fencer.:nod:


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He sure hasn't forgiven Ron Borges now has he? I would wait and see Fencer.:nod:

Borges flat-out fabricated things, early in BB's time with the Pats. (I wrote in to the Globe about that, and got back an email thanking me for a COURTEOUS complaint about Borges. :D) Curran has never done anything close to that.


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IIRC, it was Grahambo's rookie season that wrote. The fabrication were some alleged comments by Patriots staffers about GRR vs. Kenyatta Jones, which were so contrary to fact that there's no way Borges had the multiple sources for the stupidity he was pretending he did.

Yankee Traveler

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Mark Brunell said you can throw the ball 10 yards farther with an under-inflated ball.

Brunell spent so much time obsessing over his footballs instead of his play that he was a career backup.
In fact, he won a SB as a ball holder.

Some reference you got there...


I aint drunk Im just drinking
Apr 17, 2013
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Brunell spent so much time obsessing over his footballs instead of his play that he was a career backup.
In fact, he won a SB as a ball holder.

Some reference you got there...

How about Theismann?:suds:

I knew I’d be asked a lot of questions, start to do a lot of interviews,’’ the 65-year-old Theismann said during a autograph and photo session Thursday to promote a Super Bowl contest that will benefit military veterans and their families. “And instead of pre-supposing what something might feel like or what it may do, I decided to go out out to Redskins Park and see what a ball felt like at 13 PSI, versus 11.’’

The verdict?

“You really have to push it to feel the difference in it. It’s negligible, as far as I’m concerned,’’ he said. For that, and a few other reasons, he concluded that for practical purposes, the possibility that the Patriots used altered footballs in the AFC championship game was “not a big deal. :suds:


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How about Theismann?:suds:

I knew I’d be asked a lot of questions, start to do a lot of interviews,’’ the 65-year-old Theismann said during a autograph and photo session Thursday to promote a Super Bowl contest that will benefit military veterans and their families. “And instead of pre-supposing what something might feel like or what it may do, I decided to go out out to Redskins Park and see what a ball felt like at 13 PSI, versus 11.’’

The verdict?

“You really have to push it to feel the difference in it. It’s negligible, as far as I’m concerned,’’ he said. For that, and a few other reasons, he concluded that for practical purposes, the possibility that the Patriots used altered footballs in the AFC championship game was “not a big deal. :suds:

Haters will claim Theisman is senile, has erectile dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome. Couldn't squeeze a ball hard enough to determine the difference. If it doesn't fit in their synopsis of what they think happened then it's all bs to them. Funny how many players past and present have been coming out saying it's no big deal. Saying they're not sure if they could tell the difference? Yet very little press coverage.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Since the mods don't let me start threads around here -- call that prudence or cowardice as you will -- I'll hijack this one with the question:

How severely should the Colts be penalized for faking DeflateGate?

I'm asking that under the hypothetical scenario -- which is not yet proved -- that the Colts deflated the intercepted ball to try to get the Patriots into trouble. I'm raising that scenario because of the increasingly widely-reported fact that the intercepted ball was at a significantly lower pressure than other Patriots balls.

But what has the NFL really found? As one league source has explained it to PFT, the football intercepted by Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson was roughly two pounds under the 12.5 PSI minimum. The other 10 balls that reportedly were two pounds under may have been, as the source explained it, closer to one pound below 12.5 PSI.

Rumor Mill | ProFootballTalk

I'd like to see something like a tampering punishment, where part of the penalty is just a loss to the offending team, and part is actual restitution to the team that was hurt. But then, I'm a Patriots fan. :)


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Since the mods don't let me start threads around here -- call that prudence or cowardice as you will -- I'll hijack this one with the question:

How severely should the Colts be penalized for faking DeflateGate?

I'm asking that under the hypothetical scenario -- which is not yet proved -- that the Colts deflated the intercepted ball to try to get the Patriots into trouble. I'm raising that scenario because of the increasingly widely-reported fact that the intercepted ball was at a significantly lower pressure than other Patriots balls.

Rumor Mill | ProFootballTalk

I'd like to see something like a tampering punishment, where part of the penalty is just a loss to the offending team, and part is actual restitution to the team that was hurt. But then, I'm a Patriots fan. :)

Why not call it what it is...you mouthed off and lied about me abusing my powers and then continued to do so when I pointed out that you were wrong.

But it's been a couple of weeks, so why not try to claim again that you were right. Maybe everyone forgot since the last time you challenged me to provide proof, I did, and you ran away AGAIN rather than manning up and admitting that you fucking lied.


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while the pats fans forgets about all the fake injuries by the pats vs manning no huddle another rule change . yall should just go ahead and admit your team are a bunch of cheaters and have been for years ! no other investigation stops in the nfl until next week but then again it is the nfl and the pats . brady feelings got hurt because he likes playing with small balls !!!! the pats oh we will deal with this after the season !!!! sb is a huge payday for the non profit .


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.....anybody watch ESPN's pregame show last night with Berman and company...?......loved Ray-ray's whine and ditka pretty much laffed at him and the whole deflate-gate crap.....!