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Assistant Cory Davis gave money to Clinton-Dix


Resident Inhabitant and nerve striker
Apr 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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He didn't wait for the media to pick up on the story. It was self reported after Alabama learned of it over the weekend.

Alabama has a pretty high graduation rate since Saban has come. But lol @ bringing academics into it.



Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He didn't wait for the media to pick up on the story. It was self reported after Alabama learned of it over the weekend.

Alabama has a pretty high graduation rate since Saban has come. But lol @ bringing academics into it.

your right they do have high graduation rates so let me ask you this. How many gym teachers does the world need? Can you really stand by that statement knowing the courses that alabama players take are made easy for them for that purpose alone.

I never said he didnt report this current claim i did however say saben is a very shady character.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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your right they do have high graduation rates so let me ask you this. How many gym teachers does the world need? Can you really stand by that statement knowing the courses that alabama players take are made easy for them for that purpose alone.

I never said he didnt report this current claim i did however say saben is a very shady character.

You mean you just assume that about Alabama players and then expect me to correct you. Guess what school the player with the highest wonderlic score at the combine in the past 8 years went too.

Kinda like you just assumed all the other stuff I already responded too? And yes, you did claim he didn't report it, until after the media reported it which was bullshit. All we knew to start with was Clinton-Dix was suspended.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You mean you just assume that about Alabama players and then expect me to correct you. Guess what school the player with the highest wonderlic score at the combine in the past 8 years went too.

Kinda like you just assumed all the other stuff I already responded too? And yes, you did claim he didn't report it, until after the media reported it which was bullshit. All we knew to start with was Clinton-Dix was suspended.

so they got one out of how many right. Dont deny that bama supplies community college level courses for athletes. Lets see you team win with classes that will provide a real world degree that could support them if they were injured and could no longer play. Have solid education for a career if they don’t make it to the nfl.

As to who let the cat out of the bag first about the current story if saben was the one who broke the news again theres a first. Also, I saw this story on nbc long before I heard it from the horses mouth. So maybe it was local news first I wont argue that but would be surprised if true.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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For someone stating people need thicker skin you should practice what you preach.
Let’s be clear here all I stated was my opinion and since you bit I will further explain. Do I think saben handed the money to these kids himself, no. Do I think saben knew what directly was going on, no. My point here is in bama fans eyes the man walks on water pays attention to detail and runs a tight ship. If hes so disciplined about the up and up within his program how come he waits until the media picks up on the story? I would think for a man as smart as he is he would have noticed the Rolex, designer cloths, and new cell phone for examples. I hear fans say it goes on everywhere but saben is the best at policing it. So by your own words you agree that it happens but are naive enough to think saben knows nothing. Now that’s redneck thinking.
As far as your comments about the r*pe in South bend you should do some research also. When the school was made aware of the situation like saben they delt with it and no charges were filed because there wasn’t enough evidence and the only claim that was found to hold water was he groped her chest a far cry from r*pe. As to manti and his fake girlfriend he got played but I don’t see how that has anything to do with receiving benefits. Mantis bad decision although a bonehead one is the type of bad choices I can forgive. As far as evert the only thing I can say is at least he went to class and how many bama players can actually spell Alabama. Only a couple schools in the country will do what ND did about cheating most other schools would reward it.


My skin is fine, I have not resorted to name calling or whining, just refuting the obvious lack of factual evidence in your opinons, but I noticed you got your jimmies rustled and resorted to name calling. Not surprising being a good catholic boy like you obviously are as a Notre Dame fan.

Not sure when you last shopped, but you cant buy a nice suit of clothes, a rolex and new cell phone for under $300 dollars now days and what does this have to do with Saban and the loan that was made by an assistant coach anyway. Facts in this case are the loan was made over the summer and repaid in a short time frame. If so this is the usual punishment leveled by the NCAA, that plus usually a game or two of suspension. As for the other stuff, I and others have brought it up to show that no school is perfect and even the mighty fighting leprechauns are not above reproach and have their problems. Good luck living in that glass house you think you live in, i know ours is cracked, but its not broken completely. And lastly, its just like a stereotypical turned up nose to make a comment about education and graduation rates and shows the class we are really dealing with here. Yet another post without calling you a name, so i am still one up on you.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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your right they do have high graduation rates so let me ask you this. How many gym teachers does the world need? Can you really stand by that statement knowing the courses that alabama players take are made easy for them for that purpose alone.

I never said he didnt report this current claim i did however say saben is a very shady character.

He speaks of education, but spells the mans name wrong.

Saban(correct spelling) is a shady character according to who, you? and we are supposed to take the word of someone who has no credentials on character reference to his name. If you were the Pope i still would trust you as Catholics are shady characters, cant trust bending over in front of them.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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so they got one out of how many right. Dont deny that bama supplies community college level courses for athletes. Lets see you team win with classes that will provide a real world degree that could support them if they were injured and could no longer play. Have solid education for a career if they don’t make it to the nfl.

As to who let the cat out of the bag first about the current story if saben was the one who broke the news again theres a first. Also, I saw this story on nbc long before I heard it from the horses mouth. So maybe it was local news first I wont argue that but would be surprised if true.

I don't think you've said a single thing that was true yet.

Lets see this proof of these easy classes. I know a few of them have had learning disabilities and have gotten help, but since you are making the accusations here, lets see the proof. I can keep on naming other players, but of course that would be a waste of time because you'll keep saying it's not the norm and what not. So lets see your proof.



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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so they got one out of how many right. Dont deny that bama supplies community college level courses for athletes. Lets see you team win with classes that will provide a real world degree that could support them if they were injured and could no longer play. Have solid education for a career if they don’t make it to the nfl.

As to who let the cat out of the bag first about the current story if saben was the one who broke the news again theres a first. Also, I saw this story on nbc long before I heard it from the horses mouth. So maybe it was local news first I wont argue that but would be surprised if true.

Funny but we have had a player as a Rhodes Scholar candidate who graduated in three years, they dont let you be a candidate taking community college level courses, so maybe you dont know shit about what your talking about. I hold two degree's from Alabama and I do quite well for myself.

You get too hung up on education and think that just because it says Notre Dame on the paper that it earns you a right of passage and gets you hired over others. I hate to tell you but education is what each individual makes of it while they are there and learning. One of the smartest guys to ever work for my company was a graduate of a small regional University that used to be a technical college. He has since gone on to work for a three letter government organization that stays in the news recently. He made the most of his and many do at Alabama as well as many other colleges. If they want an education, Alabama can give them a very good one and they can do as good or better than Notre Dame students in the work world, if they put their mind to it and try hard enough. Stop being such a snob and thinking you are smarter than us dumb ole rednecks, your ignorance is showing.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think you've said a single thing that was true yet.

Lets see this proof of these easy classes. I know a few of them have had learning disabilities and have gotten help, but since you are making the accusations here, lets see the proof. I can keep on naming other players, but of course that would be a waste of time because you'll keep saying it's not the norm and what not. So lets see your proof.


I don’t need proof. When a kids major at a university such as Alabama says physical therapy technician that’s not the degree I would expect from a so called student athlete at such a prestigious school.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I don’t need proof.

Of course you don't since you are just making shit up.


I doubt you could even pass the physical therapy technician exam.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My skin is fine, I have not resorted to name calling or whining, just refuting the obvious lack of factual evidence in your opinons, but I noticed you got your jimmies rustled and resorted to name calling. Not surprising being a good catholic boy like you obviously are as a Notre Dame fan.

Not sure when you last shopped, but you cant buy a nice suit of clothes, a rolex and new cell phone for under $300 dollars now days and what does this have to do with Saban and the loan that was made by an assistant coach anyway. Facts in this case are the loan was made over the summer and repaid in a short time frame. If so this is the usual punishment leveled by the NCAA, that plus usually a game or two of suspension. As for the other stuff, I and others have brought it up to show that no school is perfect and even the mighty fighting leprechauns are not above reproach and have their problems. Good luck living in that glass house you think you live in, i know ours is cracked, but its not broken completely. And lastly, its just like a stereotypical turned up nose to make a comment about education and graduation rates and shows the class we are really dealing with here. Yet another post without calling you a name, so i am still one up on you.

Thick skin my arse. Someone calls you an ass hat and your panties get in a bunch. What are we four. Hate to be the one to tell you this but the gold plated watches in wal-mart regardless of what you have heard are not rolex watches. Last time I checked even an entry level rolex was minimum a grand plus and pretty sure that’s common knowledge. My reasoning for the example of watches, phones, ect was just that an example. A kid shows up to practice with anything of worth and saben doesn’t ask himself, how did he get that? According to Alabama fans saben acts accordingly. Bullshit he does cause there is no way he doesn’t notice new shiny things kids from middle class or worse all of the sudden acquire.
Whats so hard to believe about SABAN (for the spelling nazi in the room) isn’t the honest hard nose coach you might think he is. His whole hiring at bama was a drama filled lies. He has always had a cloud of controversy over him and I don’t think its unwarranted.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Thick skin my arse. Someone calls you an ass hat and your panties get in a bunch. What are we four. Hate to be the one to tell you this but the gold plated watches in wal-mart regardless of what you have heard are not rolex watches. Last time I checked even an entry level rolex was minimum a grand plus and pretty sure that’s common knowledge. My reasoning for the example of watches, phones, ect was just that an example. A kid shows up to practice with anything of worth and saben doesn’t ask himself, how did he get that? According to Alabama fans saben acts accordingly. Bullshit he does cause there is no way he doesn’t notice new shiny things kids from middle class or worse all of the sudden acquire.
Whats so hard to believe about SABAN (for the spelling nazi in the room) isn’t the honest hard nose coach you might think he is. His whole hiring at bama was a drama filled lies. He has always had a cloud of controversy over him and I don’t think its unwarranted.

You are so butthurt you have to make shit up just to feel better about your team.

What does that moral victory crystal ball look like?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don’t need proof. When a kids major at a university such as Alabama says physical therapy technician that’s not the degree I would expect from a so called student athlete at such a prestigious school.

Wow, and you think a Physical Therapist cant make a good living after college. Average salary in the US(according to Indeed.com, $84,000 dollars, that could be a pretty good living in most areas without having a spouse.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are so butthurt you have to make shit up just to feel better about your team.

What does that moral victory crystal ball look like?

I never brought ND into this conversation other than to defend claims made against them and im butthurt. Thanks for proving my point.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I never brought ND into this conversation other than to defend claims made against them and im butthurt. Thanks for proving my point.

Butthurt enough to just make things up. Or do you just do that randomly?


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wow, and you think a Physical Therapist cant make a good living after college. Average salary in the US(according to Indeed.com, $84,000 dollars, that could be a pretty good living in most areas without having a spouse.

big difference between therapist and technician. again thanks for proving my point


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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big difference between therapist and technician. again thanks for proving my point

Don't think Alabama even has that as a course, thanks for proving my point.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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dont hurt yourself

I'm not, you'll be banned at the rate you are going. 29 posts and have yet to make a single intelligent post. You are either incredibly stupid or trolling.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Thick skin my arse. Someone calls you an ass hat and your panties get in a bunch. What are we four. Hate to be the one to tell you this but the gold plated watches in wal-mart regardless of what you have heard are not rolex watches. Last time I checked even an entry level rolex was minimum a grand plus and pretty sure that’s common knowledge. My reasoning for the example of watches, phones, ect was just that an example. A kid shows up to practice with anything of worth and saben doesn’t ask himself, how did he get that? According to Alabama fans saben acts accordingly. Bullshit he does cause there is no way he doesn’t notice new shiny things kids from middle class or worse all of the sudden acquire.
Whats so hard to believe about SABAN (for the spelling nazi in the room) isn’t the honest hard nose coach you might think he is. His whole hiring at bama was a drama filled lies. He has always had a cloud of controversy over him and I don’t think its unwarranted.

Wow, last time I showed up for football practice I had on my practice uni, pads or no pads for down days and cleats and carrying my helmet. I didnt wear a fine suit of clothes, Rolex or have my cell phone with me. Guess we are reaching a bit here on what Saban is looking for and when huh?

And you can call me the spelling Nazi if you wish(another name I am called, but I am butthurt supposedly) but I didnt bring up the education angle, so i was just pointing it out to you so you would not continue to look foolish, or any more foolish than you already are currently.

As far as his hiring, how do you know it was lies? He made a statement in the middle(figure of speech) of an NFL season stating he wasnt going to be the coach after he had spoken with the school. He had not accepted the job yet, the school makes an offer he cant refuse at a later time and he accepts the job. How is that lying? I am sure you have an answer and it suits your slanted viewpoint of a coach who destroyed and embarrassed your team on the field. this comes off as butthurt from the word go, but thats purely my(and others) opinion.