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Are the Ravens the best 1-6 team in NFL History?

Are the Ravens the best 1-6 team in NFL History?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 32 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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*Complains I cherry picked, then cherry picks one team to prove point :L*

Brady didn't put up MVP numbers until he got Moss and Welker. Fact. They were both on crappy teams before they got to NE. Brady had defense helping him early in his career, not a bunch of offensive weapons but of course you don't bring that up.

And funny that 'overrated' QB still either matched or outplayed Brady almost everytime they played in the playoffs, but I guess that's what happens when you talk to a big ass homer :rolleyes2:

I would love to debate your nonsense. But since you failed miserably from your first sentence I will only say this. Your obvious blind homer glasses kept you from seeing my last sentence "I'll let fans of the other teams discredit this post for themselves". So no I didn't cherry pick. I figured you couldn't handle more failure.

You obviously haven't watched the Pats over the past 15 years if you think for a minute they've had quality receivers. Again Moss for one year and Welker a passed over wanna to be special teamer for the most part. Good thing those two guys for a combined 6 years made Brady:doh: Your point about when Brady started putting up MVP numbers means what? This is a thread about a 1-6 team that is FULL of excuses. Not when Brady had or didn't have an MVP season. But thanks for recognizing his accomplishments. :nod:


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Nov 19, 2014
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Considering Harbaugh's been to and won in the post season almost every year he's been here, I think not.

You're a fool if you don't think constant personnel changes (player or coach) every year won't have a negative effect on a team.
You are a fool if you don't think this happens to successful franchises. The difference, not every fan base whines like Baltimore Bitches do about it. Probably comes from their HC. Does any other HC whine as much as Hairball?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Considering Harbaugh's been to and won in the post season almost every year he's been here, I think not.

You're a fool if you don't think constant personnel changes (player or coach) every year won't have a negative effect on a team.
Oh and forgive me for being so rude. I forgot to congratulate you and your coach on their excuse filled 1-6. Looking good Baltimore, looking good. You should be proud of old JH:pound:


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Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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*Complains I cherry picked, then cherry picks one team to prove point :L*

Brady didn't put up MVP numbers until he got Moss and Welker. Fact. They were both on crappy teams before they got to NE. Brady had defense helping him early in his career, not a bunch of offensive weapons but of course you don't bring that up.

And funny that 'overrated' QB still either matched or outplayed Brady almost everytime they played in the playoffs, but I guess that's what happens when you talk to a big ass homer :rolleyes2:

Flacco is not elite, and is mediocre at best. Fact.
Brady is elite. Fact


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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Flacco is not elite, and is mediocre at best. Fact.
Brady is elite. Fact

Is there an echo in here? You say this every week like it's going out of style.

I have never once said Flacco is elite.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Is there an echo in here? You say this every week like it's going out of style.

I have never once said Flacco is elite.

And yet somehow feel the need to try and diminish Brady's career. Interesting.


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May 21, 2014
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And yet somehow feel the need to try and diminish Brady's career. Interesting.

Right because no Pats fans have been doing this ad nauseum about Flacco.


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Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Harbaugh is not elite, and likely fired this year or next, and is mediocre at best. Fact.
Belichick is a future hall of famer and will retire on his own terms from the Patriots. Fact

How about this version @blue_suns ? Does that work better for you?


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How about this version @blue_suns ? Does that work better for you?

If you honestly think I give a shit about what Pats fans think about the Ravens, you might be a bit disappointed.

You know if my team was 7-0 after winning a Super Bowl, I wouldn't be spending most of my time butting in other teams business like they're on my mind 24/7. But that's just me.


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Nov 1, 2014
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If you honestly think I give a shit about what Pats fans think about the Ravens, you might be a bit disappointed.

You know if my team was 7-0 after winning a Super Bowl, I wouldn't be spending most of my time butting in other teams business like they're on my mind 24/7. But that's just me.

Yet you feel the need to comment about the Pats.:scratch:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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I would love to debate your nonsense. But since you failed miserably from your first sentence I will only say this. Your obvious blind homer glasses kept you from seeing my last sentence "I'll let fans of the other teams discredit this post for themselves". So no I didn't cherry pick. I figured you couldn't handle more failure.

You obviously haven't watched the Pats over the past 15 years if you think for a minute they've had quality receivers. Again Moss for one year and Welker a passed over wanna to be special teamer for the most part. Good thing those two guys for a combined 6 years made Brady:doh: Your point about when Brady started putting up MVP numbers means what? This is a thread about a 1-6 team that is FULL of excuses. Not when Brady had or didn't have an MVP season. But thanks for recognizing his accomplishments. :nod:

If you weren't so full of yourself and actually read the conversation between me and cdumler, you'd know why I brought it up.

Brady has had Moss and Welker for 6 years THEN got gronk, hernandez and edelman which adds up to around a decade of his 15 year career.

And this thread was made for and by manchildren that have an obsession with the Ravens to feed into their delusional superiority about being a fan of another team that's currently doing better, which is clearly shown by the 2 pats fans butting in on a conversation that had nothing to do with them or their team.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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Yet you feel the need to comment about the Pats.:scratch:

I guess you missed the part where a Pats fan brought them up in the first place. He responded to a post that had nothing to do with them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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If you weren't so full of yourself and actually read the conversation between me and cdumler, you'd know why I brought it up.

Brady has had Moss and Welker for 6 years THEN got gronk, hernandez and edelman which adds up to around a decade of his 15 year career.

And this thread was made for and by manchildren that have an obsession with the Ravens to feed into their delusional superiority about being a fan of another team that's currently doing better, which is clearly shown by the 2 pats fans butting in on a conversation that had nothing to do with them or their team.

Moss yes. Gronk yes. Hernandez, meh. Welker no. Edlemen no.

What I mean by this is the latter two have Brady to thank for becoming stars. Unlike QB's like Flacco who struggle without stars and fail to create them. (Go back over the total 15 years, it's not a who's who of NFL WR greats as you seem to imply. In fact, as far as drafting it'w been one of BB's weakest categories as a coach/gm.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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I guess you missed the part where a Pats fan brought them up in the first place. He responded to a post that had nothing to do with them.

Huh. A Quick search of your posting shows you seem to comment rather frequently on the Patriots and their fan base. I wonder why that is?:thumb:

Do you decide the night before or in the morning whether you will ride your high horse or spend the day in your ivory tower?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Huh. A Quick search of your posting shows you seem to comment rather frequently on the Patriots and their fan base. I wonder why that is?:thumb:

Do you decide the night before or in the morning whether you will ride your high horse or spend the day in your ivory tower?

Half the time it's dumb (as in not serious) comments about Brady on Rock's threads. The other half is responding to Pats fans in threads like this.

If you haven't noticed there's a lot of Pats threads around here.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Half the time it's dumb (as in not serious) comments about Brady on Rock's threads. The other half is responding to Pats fans in threads like this.

If you haven't noticed there's a lot of Pats threads around here.

There usually are of the team that is on top. In NE's case it has been for multiple decades so it tends to cause more attention drawn.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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If you weren't so full of yourself and actually read the conversation between me and cdumler, you'd know why I brought it up.

Brady has had Moss and Welker for 6 years THEN got gronk, hernandez and edelman which adds up to around a decade of his 15 year career.

And this thread was made for and by manchildren that have an obsession with the Ravens to feed into their delusional superiority about being a fan of another team that's currently doing better, which is clearly shown by the 2 pats fans butting in on a conversation that had nothing to do with them or their team.[/QU
Do you actually believe anything you post here? Do you even know when Gronk was drafted? Do you somehow think it was 9 years ago? How many games has he missed? I can play the injury card as well. You are failing at every possible level here. But keep trying I mean Hernandez really? Again this is about the sad state of affairs of the Ravens, not who was drafted when. Call me crazy but a great TE and some cast off WRs are supposed to be an excuse for an MVP quality QB? Last I checked every QB winning or even being in the running for the MVP have had better WRs and usually RB to complement them.
So not sure where you're trying to with this? Unless it's deflection city? Bottom line the Ravens are 1-6 and right now ready to be 1-7.


tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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tOffficial Avi Welcher
Aug 31, 2011
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Hi little buddy ... I love ur geh little moniker at the bottom of ur little page... geh

U gonna be around later when ur team loses again?

5 game slide ... lol!!!