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Are the Browns assisting Watson to

Are the Browns assisting Watson to avoid financial punishment in the event he gets suspended in 2022

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Dec 25, 2018
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they already lose the game check when they get suspended the fine is on top of that
looks like browns attempt to save watson some money will back fire:suds:
I think they might say the fine is based on last season if that's allowed? Maybe his salary (or half or another figure)?


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I don't believe a non-governmental organisation can legally decide it can act in a 'not normal' way based on who commits an offence. It's not about what the offence is. It's about an employer, with a disciplinary procedure agreed with a union, treating all union employees the same way. It can't punish 1 union member with a $10 fine and another union member with a $1,000,000 fine for the same offence.
Maybe my understanding of US law is wrong.
It certainly is!
do the 24-26 even matter in this since it's been said all that can be mentioned in the appeal is the penalty and the penalty was based on 4 cases?
Only 4???????

Aaron Hernandez was found guilty of only 1 murder!
Ray Rice only knocked out 1 woman - and has never seen a field again.
Zeke Elliot got 6 games for doing nothing!
I'm calling bullshit on 6 games for 4 counts of sexual assault! - never mind 24!


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Dec 25, 2018
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It certainly is!

Only 4???????

Aaron Hernandez was found guilty of only 1 murder!
Ray Rice only knocked out 1 woman - and has never seen a field again.
Zeke Elliot got 6 games for doing nothing!
I'm calling bullshit on 6 games for 4 counts of sexual assault! - never mind 24!
when we are talking about 24-26 cases and the truth is it was 4, yes, I think it's fair to call it "only" 4.

are you trying to say better if he knocked out or killed one woman/person?


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If he can do whatever he wants there wouldn't be a CBA, there wouldn't have been an investigation, there wouldn't need to be an appeal, and there wouldn't be a Union.
when it comes to overall doing what he wants that might be true but when it comes to this case? I'm not sure it's not all posturing and he doesn't really care how long the guy is suspended.


I aint drunk Im just drinking
Apr 17, 2013
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If he can do whatever he wants there wouldn't be a CBA, there wouldn't have been an investigation, there wouldn't need to be an appeal, and there wouldn't be a Union.
The CBA gives him authority to dole out punishment as he sees fit:suds:


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Punishments have to be even across the board. The punishment has to be the same for a multi-millionaire veteran QB as for a UDFA rookie with no money. By all means suspend him for as long as is legal, but you can't fine him $3M+. Any fine is going to backfire.
Nope the punishment will be what ever Goodell ( or his representative) says it is, there is literally nothing in the CBA or US law that says all punishment must be even, just as salary doesn't need to be even. Any lawsuit filed will be dismissed as having no legal basis. Most states have a at will law that allows an employer to terminate an employee and not even give a reason.


Employers retain the right to hire and fire as they see fit unless they bargain that right away with a labor agreement and the NFL has not bargained that away, nor do I see them doing so in the future. Current CBA run through 2030 so don't expect much to change.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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when we are talking about 24-26 cases and the truth is it was 4, yes, I think it's fair to call it "only" 4.

are you trying to say better if he knocked out or killed one woman/person?
He settled, as in bought out the other cases. Must be something there he paid for?


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Aug 12, 2011
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Punishments have to be even across the board. The punishment has to be the same for a multi-millionaire veteran QB as for a UDFA rookie with no money. By all means suspend him for as long as is legal, but you can't fine him $3M+. Any fine is going to backfire.
You either can say this is independent or you can say that things have to be equal, but you can't say both.

So, again - if you want the same thing, then the same thing has to occur. So, please point me in the direction where anything remotely similar has happened to any NFL player that has been punished.

You can't - so the punishment should absolutely be greater than those who committed less crimes.

You speed and go 80 in a 65, you get a ticket. You go 120 in a 65, and you are arrested. Same crime, but different levels. That is exactly what has happened here. There are guys who got into trouble for breaking the conduct portion of the CBA. 1 women. Maybe 2. Watson has had 4 (that were introduced by the NFL). So, if the average suspension is roughly 4 games per woman/complaint/violation - then 4*4=16 games, or basically a full season. It's the same punishment across the board, but the level absolutely warrants a higher penalty.

It's really not that hard.


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Dec 25, 2018
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He settled, as in bought out the other cases. Must be something there he paid for?
OK....but those had nothing to do with the hearing. Might have paid because he has a lot of money and didn't want his name dragged through the mud any longer...or spend the next couple years in depositions or court?


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Jul 17, 2013
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when we are talking about 24-26 cases and the truth is it was 4, yes, I think it's fair to call it "only" 4.

are you trying to say better if he knocked out or killed one woman/person?
OK, only 4

Case 1 = 6 games
Case 2 = 10 games

6+10 = 16

Case 3 and 4 = indefinite.

A season is a light suspension.


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Apr 24, 2013
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Nope the punishment will be what ever Goodell ( or his representative) says it is, there is literally nothing in the CBA or US law that says all punishment must be even, just as salary doesn't need to be even. Any lawsuit filed will be dismissed as having no legal basis. Most states have a at will law that allows an employer to terminate an employee and not even give a reason.

View attachment 304728

Employers retain the right to hire and fire as they see fit unless they bargain that right away with a labor agreement and the NFL has not bargained that away, nor do I see them doing so in the future. Current CBA run through 2030 so don't expect much to change.
The NFL can suspend him. The NFL can fire him. The NFL can't fine him $100M. They can't take his house as a punishment.


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Apr 24, 2013
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You either can say this is independent or you can say that things have to be equal, but you can't say both.

So, again - if you want the same thing, then the same thing has to occur. So, please point me in the direction where anything remotely similar has happened to any NFL player that has been punished.

You can't - so the punishment should absolutely be greater than those who committed less crimes.

You speed and go 80 in a 65, you get a ticket. You go 120 in a 65, and you are arrested. Same crime, but different levels. That is exactly what has happened here. There are guys who got into trouble for breaking the conduct portion of the CBA. 1 women. Maybe 2. Watson has had 4 (that were introduced by the NFL). So, if the average suspension is roughly 4 games per woman/complaint/violation - then 4*4=16 games, or basically a full season. It's the same punishment across the board, but the level absolutely warrants a higher penalty.

It's really not that hard.
The 3 biggest NFL player fines were for selling drugs, (for which the player served prison time), involvement in a double murder (for which the player served 1 year of probation), and carrying a semi-automatic gun in an airport. This case is clearly less serious than those 3 cases so by your own argument the NFL punishment should be lower.

It's really not that hard.


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Dec 25, 2018
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The 3 biggest NFL player fines were for selling drugs, (for which the player served prison time), involvement in a double murder (for which the player served 1 year of probation), and carrying a semi-automatic gun in an airport. This case is clearly less serious than those 3 cases so by your own argument the NFL punishment should be lower.

It's really not that hard.
Was the double murder Lewis? If so, didn't even know he was fined.


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The NFL can suspend him. The NFL can fire him. The NFL can't fine him $100M. They can't take his house as a punishment.
Based on what? Where or what in the CBA says they can't do that?


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Where does it say they can?
They fine players all the time, owners also. I'm astonished your claiming they can't level fines or if they can they need to be equal. That's not how it works and not how things have happened in the past and not how things will work in the near future in the NFL.


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Apr 24, 2013
Bournemouth, UK.
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They fine players all the time, owners also. I'm astonished your claiming they can't level fines or if they can they need to be equal. That's not how it works and not how things have happened in the past and not how things will work in the near future in the NFL.
They fine players in accordance with Article 46 paragraph (e) on page 277 of the CBA. Some historical data:
Number of NFL players fined $1M+ for any single offense: 0
Number of players fined more than their paragraph 5 salary: 0

"Section 6. Fine Money:
(a) Fines will be deducted at the rate of no more than $3,500 from each pay period, if sufficient pay periods remain; or, if less than sufficient pay periods remain, the fine will be deducted in equal installments over the number of remaining pay periods. For the 2026–2030 League Years, the amount will increase from a rate of $3,500 to $4,500 from each pay period".

Watson wouldn't be in the NFL long enough to ever pay a multi-million dollar fine.