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Apr 23, 2013
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I know your right, but I cant help but to feel there will be repercussions from all of this with the players. I have a bad feeling that this team will implode next season. Hope i'm wrong.

I would say with some teams you are probably correct but these guys have grown up together, won together and now lost a heart breaker together. This is something they'll learn from and I bet they all come out on fire next season. I see a solid run at SB 50.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Then you would have missed the team you supposedly root for beat Carolina and the Green Bay in home playoff games.
I attended both games and had an absolute blast. In no way would I wish those didn't happen.

Glad you had a good time and i'm sure those will be some great memories. Shame both games were made to be pointless.

My wife and I are flying out next season to catch a game. I have to warn everybody though, whichever game I attend, Seattle will lose. Just the way my life works. I've seen Seattle play 4 times before and they lost all of them.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If anyone can dial them in, it is Pete.
Fear not, we will be back tougher than we were this year. Just watch.

Man, I hope your right. Of course I feel like the chances of us getting back to the big show is slim. Thomas and Chancellor may never be right again and who knows what players we will lose. Just doesn't seem likely to me.

...and mellow a bit bro. It's not good to carry so much weight. Tell Stu as well.
Yeah I know. Its not healthy, but I cant help it. I'll never get over that call just like I've never gotten over 2005.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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While you have convinced yourself that it is the worst call in the history of sports, that doesn't make it so.

Many, many people agree its the worst call ever. If its not the worst call, its up there. Atrocious.

And Bevell's comments about Lockette are not exactly something that will stick with anyone who doesn't have a grudge like some fans.

Geez, did you ever think Lockette might hold a grudge? How about Baldwin (since he has already aired his displeasure of it) and the rest of the receivers and team? Lynch already hates the guy. One of the most dick moves ever by any coach.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How often have we seen Wilson do his best Houdini impression and Lynch drag multiple defenders for positive yardage after getting hit in the backfield? How many times have we heard Wilson praised for his improvisational skills when a play, as written, breaks down? It would be unfair to Bevell to say that the success of the offense has had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the players, but there have also been plenty of instances in which the players, Wilson and Lynch specifically, have made him look like a genius because they took a busted play and turned it into a productive play.

At this point, I think Bevell goes into the 2015 season as the Seahawks offensive coordinator. If Carroll was going to fire him, it would have happened sometime last week. That said, considering how rare it is for teams to make it to the Super Bowl three consecutive years to begin with, the only way you could trace the team's failure to get back to the Super Bowl next year to Bevell's firing is if the defense was as dominant as ever, but the offense saw its production fall off a cliff and that drop-off could only be attributed to the new OC and nothing else.

Also, not to be a dick, but where in the world did you get an 80+% reduction in the team's chances to get back to the Super Bowl if Bevell is fired? I'm not someone who blames Bevell for every problem this team has had since he's been here, but I think you might be giving him a bit too much credit for the team's success just to counter all the people who want to give him too little credit. I think most objective people would say that more of the credit for the recent success of the team should go to the defense, making it difficult to make the case that one change on offense, even if it's a change of coordinators, could reduce the team's chances of getting back to the Super Bowl by that significant a margin.

It's called symmetry. The coaches and players are on the same page. They are taught what to do when plays break down and they are called knowing the players know what to do when they do. It's part of the preparation. They aren't completed in spite of, but under approval and direction of, the coaches. I mean do you haters really think Bevell calls plays and has no idea Wilson might improvise out of them? :pound: Really? :lol: Wilson just makes it up on his own as he goes along and gets really really lucky a lot right? :L

Offenses are far more detailed and far more complicated than many of you think. They practice this shit over and over for every possible variation.

If you bring in a new OC you bring in a new staff that has to learn those subtleties about their players and strengths/weaknesses and it will take time to not only work out the playbook, but also those reactions you all cherish so much from Wilson. It takes time to react instead of think.

Yes, at least 80% less chance of making it to the SB. There is nothing you can say that would change that opinion.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Geez, did you ever think Lockette might hold a grudge?

Fuck Lockette. I seriously don't want to see him back on this team. Dumbass blew a play to give us the lead at the SB. While you are so full of hate for Bevell, I actually blame the players that didn't execute the fucking play they did have. Let him be pissed. Fuck him. Asshole doesn't deserve to be on this team.

And lol at Baldwin holding a grudge. You do know he's called angry doug baldwin right? He's always angry at everything. But he's also pretty fucking smart. He won't be a problem in any way. He gets it.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I know your right, but I cant help but to feel there will be repercussions from all of this with the players. I have a bad feeling that this team will implode next season. Hope i'm wrong.

Typical loser mentality.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ah Sonny, I see your still a cvnt.


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tzorn it's called Karma. All you have is negativity to spout off so Karma makes sure you do not have the joy of watching the win. I as well as everyone will now ask you to please stay away from any and all home games. Don't make us suffer just because you are a negative nellie. stay the frack away from our Hawks :)


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's called symmetry. The coaches and players are on the same page. They are taught what to do when plays break down and they are called knowing the players know what to do when they do. It's part of the preparation. They aren't completed in spite of, but under approval and direction of, the coaches. I mean do you haters really think Bevell calls plays and has no idea Wilson might improvise out of them? :pound: Really? :lol: Wilson just makes it up on his own as he goes along and gets really really lucky a lot right? :L


Your going to sit here and tell us the coaches teach Wilson how to run around like some epileptic mongoose when the play breaks down, or they teach the receivers where to run depending on where Wilson is? Good lord man, put the crack pipe down already.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tzorn it's called Karma. All you have is negativity to spout off so Karma makes sure you do not have the joy of watching the win. I as well as everyone will now ask you to please stay away from any and all home games. Don't make us suffer just because you are a negative nellie. stay the frack away from our Hawks :)

And not share the misery? I couldn't do that to you guys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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Many, many people agree its the worst call ever. If its not the worst call, its up there. Atrocious.

It wasn't. People who operate in hyperbole say stupid things. People that know football do not say such things.

Geez, did you ever think Lockette might hold a grudge? How about Baldwin (since he has already aired his displeasure of it) and the rest of the receivers and team? Lynch already hates the guy. One of the most dick moves ever by any coach.

If Lockette holds a grudge he knows where the door. I doubt he does because he knows the deal. How in the world do you know lynch hates him?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Your going to sit here and tell us the coaches teach Wilson how to run around like some epileptic mongoose when the play breaks down, or they teach the receivers where to run depending on where Wilson is? Good lord man, put the crack pipe down already.

I'm saying they plan for it and if you don't think they focus it you have never played a down of football in your life. You play to your players strengths. It's football 101.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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Your going to sit here and tell us the coaches teach Wilson how to run around like some epileptic mongoose when the play breaks down, or they teach the receivers where to run depending on where Wilson is? Good lord man, put the crack pipe down already.

They absolutely teach the receivers what to do when the play breaks down. They absolutely teach Wilson about footwork when the play breaks down.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Facing a 9 man front and if Lynch doesn't get in, you burn a timeout and now you have no choice but to pass the ball.

If Jermaine Kearse doesn't get destroyed by Brandon Browner it was an easy TD Lockette puts his hand in front of his body it is at worst an incomplete. If Wilson throws it just a little lower is is an incomplete or TD. If Butler doesn't make a simply tremendous play on the ball, it is at worst 3rd down.

The numbers don't lie. Passing in that situation is overwhelmingly low risk. There was NO ONE in the backfield except for Butler.

While I think that Butler and Browner deserve credit for the play more than anyone deserves blame, the person to blame the most is Ricardo Lockette. You CANNOT let your hands get behind your body in that situation.

Believe it or not the plan is to take advantage of what the defense gives you, not try and beat them at what they are defending.

Blaming OCs is the easiest thing in the world to do. Fans don't have a clue about what is actually going on but they know how to play Madden and they can always judge results. If Lockette pulls in the TD everyone says that it was a brilliant play call that caught the Patriots flat footed. He doesn't and it is the worst play call of all time. It is ridiculous.

The team has won 30 games in the last 2 years. I think the coaches have shown that they know what they are doing.

Disagree with you strongly... STRONGLY ... It's frustrating as hell hearing people say we couldn't run there or shouldn't have run there... We should have run the effin ball... We had plenty of time that close to the goal-line even if they stopped us we would a easily gotten 2 more play's off and to say other wise is ridiculous... It's not like it takes a long time to hurry up and run a play especially after a run that close to the goal-line ...


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Sep 1, 2011
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Disagree with you strongly... STRONGLY ... It's frustrating as hell hearing people say we couldn't run there or shouldn't have run there... We should have run the effin ball... We had plenty of time that close to the goal-line even if they stopped us we would a easily gotten 2 more play's off and to say other wise is ridiculous... It's not like it takes a long time to hurry up and run a play especially after a run that close to the goal-line ...

I got to disagree with the "easily " gotten two plays off after a stop on a run play. In fact I'd say it ludicrous with 20 seconds on the clock.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Disagree with you strongly... STRONGLY ... It's frustrating as hell hearing people say we couldn't run there or shouldn't have run there... We should have run the effin ball... We had plenty of time that close to the goal-line even if they stopped us we would a easily gotten 2 more play's off and to say other wise is ridiculous... It's not like it takes a long time to hurry up and run a play especially after a run that close to the goal-line ...

If they run it and get stopped, the Hawks have to use their last timeout. They then MUST throw the ball. They could run or pass on 4th if it comes to that.

It takes roughly 15-20 seconds to run a play. No way they can run two more times. Not feasible at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If they run it and get stopped, the Hawks have to use their last timeout. They then MUST throw the ball. They could run or pass on 4th if it comes to that.

It takes roughly 15-20 seconds to run a play. No way they can run two more times. Not feasible at all.

I agree with this. 3rd down has to be a pass given the time left and 4th down can be either.


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
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If they run it and get stopped, the Hawks have to use their last timeout. They then MUST throw the ball. They could run or pass on 4th if it comes to that.

It takes roughly 15-20 seconds to run a play. No way they can run two more times. Not feasible at all.

By the time the clock had run down they had backed themselves into a corner, but there was still around a minute left after Lynch got to the half yard line on first down. They easily could have run all 3 times if they chose to do so. Shrewd move by Belichick to not call timeout.


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Because that's what you want... coaches locking themselves into schemes, personnel packages, hurrying up... instead of calmly making the best out of their downs, time outs, options, substitutions, etc. /sarcasm

Carroll was going to run three times [1st, 3rd, 4th] and only throw once [2nd].

That was THE BEST way to take advantage of time outs, all your downs, time left, run calm non-hurried plays, still go run-heavy, possible set-up mismatches, and keep the Defense guessing on each down.

I'd have rolled Wilson out with strict instructions to throw the ball into the 5th row unless a receiver was WIDE-Open or unless he could slow-waltz in... but let's not pretend the play that was called was so high risk... and let's please stop the laughable assertion that it was the "worst call in SB history."
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