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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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It wasn't. People who operate in hyperbole say stupid things. People that know football do not say such things.


Deion Sanders @DeionSanders Follow
That was the worst play call in the history of the Superbowl!!! Worst QB decision Ever!!!!! Ever Ever! Naw I mean Ever!

Sheldon Richardson @Godforshort Follow
U have a running back named beast mode n u line up in shotgun formation n throw the ball on 1 yr line...the real MVP IS SEATTLE OC

Gerald McCoy @Geraldini93 Follow
Ohhhh you almost had it!! You have to be smarter than that!! Hahahahahaha

Joe Staley @jstaley74 Follow
That seahawks coordinator just cost every player a ring lol. U. Have. Marshawn.

Emmitt Smith @EmmittSmith22 Follow
That was the worst play call I've seen in the history of football.

T.S STARK @untouchablejay4 Follow
Football is simple made complicated by coaches!!!!!

JamellFleming @JamellFleming Follow
U got beast mode and u choose to pass the ball on the 1. That's crazy

Alfred Morris @Trey_Deuces Follow
Wow! Got to feed beast mode!

Golden Tate @ShowtimeTate Follow
If I'm Marshawn I'm livid

Cj Spiller @CJSPILLER Follow
WOW you have the best back n you throw the ball

Jonathan Stewart @Jonathanstewar1 Follow
Wow why not let @MoneyLynch win the game

These are just a few from people that obviously know football.

If Lockette holds a grudge he knows where the door. I doubt he does because he knows the deal. How in the world do you know lynch hates him?

So your fine with Bevell just throwing his own player under the bus? Yeah, Bevells never to blame.

Well, he flipped him off during a Cardinals game in front of thousands. Doesn't seem like a ideal relationship.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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They absolutely teach the receivers what to do when the play breaks down. They absolutely teach Wilson about footwork when the play breaks down.

Screw natural ability, all the credit goes to the coaches. Hell, with proper coaching, any QB can do what Wilson does. :L


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Screw natural ability, all the credit goes to the coaches. Hell, with proper coaching, any QB can do what Wilson does. :L

Huh. I don't recall making any sort of claim even close to this. Let me go look again......

Nope. I didn't saying close to that. You should probably find the straw man that said that and give him a good verbal lashing.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sorry, when you say such things as the coaches teach the receivers where to go when the play breaks down and they teach Wilson footwork, that seems to me like your giving the credit to the coaches or where it doesnt belong. Like I said, if the coaches taught Wilson how to escape when the defense collapses on him, then I guess any QB should be able to do what he does.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Sorry, when you say such things as the coaches teach the receivers where to go when the play breaks down and they teach Wilson footwork, that seems to me like your giving the credit to the coaches or where it doesnt belong. Like I said, if the coaches taught Wilson how to escape when the defense collapses on him, then I guess any QB should be able to do what he does.

What do you think coaches do? I'm honestly curious now. Do you think that players come into the pros and simply excel based on their God given talent?

Why do you think that there are coaches for each position? Why would we need a receiver coach if he isn't coaching them? If Wilson already knows how to do everything based on talent, why do we need a QB coach?

You seem to be creating a construct in which coaches never contribute to winning but are always responsible for losing. It doesn't work that way.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Sorry, when you say such things as the coaches teach the receivers where to go when the play breaks down and they teach Wilson footwork, that seems to me like your giving the credit to the coaches or where it doesnt belong. Like I said, if the coaches taught Wilson how to escape when the defense collapses on him, then I guess any QB should be able to do what he does.

Football 101:

Coaches design plays that maximize the things their players do well and minimize the things they do not do so well.

Wilson is a natural outside of the pocket.

To not understand that the coaches are actually aware of that :shock: and maybe factor that into their playbook is astounding.

You want Wilson to improvise. It's part of what he does well. Having the receivers on board with how he approaches it just makes sense. You act as though it's all entirely adlibed every single time it happens. Like it's a neighborhood pickup game with your buddies scrambling around with an arm in the air.

This is the NFL, not your backyard.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Whatever, all the credit goes to the coaches I guess. Even when a play breaks down, I guess it really doesn't break down since this is the NFL we're talking about. All the players are taught where to go and how to escape even. I'll take all of that into consideration next year when Wilson is running for his life. I'll make sure to tell everybody watching the game that its under control and the coaches drew it up that way since they somehow plan for those things.

Great talk.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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Whatever, all the credit goes to the coaches I guess. Even when a play breaks down, I guess it really doesn't break down since this is the NFL we're talking about. All the players are taught where to go and how to escape even. I'll take all of that into consideration next year when Wilson is running for his life. I'll make sure to tell everybody watching the game that its under control and the coaches drew it up that way since they somehow plan for those things.

Great talk.

Man, I don't usually flat out insult people on the internet (there are enough assholes out there as it) but you are being a complete idiot. Complete. 100% idiot.

Just stop. Go get some ice cream. Come back after you've grown up a few years.


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
Hoopla Cash
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Glad you had a good time and i'm sure those will be some great memories. Shame both games were made to be pointless.

My wife and I are flying out next season to catch a game. I have to warn everybody though, whichever game I attend, Seattle will lose. Just the way my life works. I've seen Seattle play 4 times before and they lost all of them.

I've got you beat.

Saw them lose in Giants Stadium (2001)
Saw them lose in Gillette (2004)
Saw them lose in DC (2005, Josh Brown hit the upright as time expired and they would go on to win 11 straight)
Saw them lose in Seattle (2008, Seneca Wallace vs Matt Cassel)
Saw them lose in St. Louis (2010, their first loss to St. Louis in like 12 games)


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
Hoopla Cash
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The scramble drills are absolutely coached. They aren't choreographing exactly what Wilson's doing, but there are rules as to how the receivers break off their routes when Wilson goes into scramble mode.


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
Hoopla Cash
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The play design was for Kearse to beat Browner's jam and for Lockette to run a crisp route. Yes neither executed but that play design isn't exactly setting them up to succeed.

The more I think about this play, the more I believe the initial call to use 11 personnell was one of the larger mistakes. Yes there was single coverage but there wasn't one good matchup win on the field.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Tzorn is a piece of shit, always has been. He's been waiting with baited breath for the Carroll regime to trip up so that he can do what he does best, bitch. Unfortunately, they gave him the ammo he needed at the end of the SB to play his chicken little role. He prefers to watch them lose than win because bitches live to bitch.

Lol @ anyone that thinks that teams don't practice scramble drills.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I've got you beat.

Saw them lose in Giants Stadium (2001)
Saw them lose in Gillette (2004)
Saw them lose in DC (2005, Josh Brown hit the upright as time expired and they would go on to win 11 straight)
Saw them lose in Seattle (2008, Seneca Wallace vs Matt Cassel)
Saw them lose in St. Louis (2010, their first loss to St. Louis in like 12 games)

Don't say this too loud or the babies around here will say its karma and you deserve it.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
He's been waiting with baited breath for the Carroll regime to trip up so that he can do what he does best, bitch. Unfortunately, they gave him the ammo he needed at the end of the SB to play his chicken little role.

Enough ammo to last a lifetime with the biggest fuckup in football history.

Lol @ anyone that thinks that teams don't practice scramble drills.

I'm sure they do practice scramble drills to some extent and tell the receivers a general direction where to go, but that gets thrown by the wayside when Wilson is back there running side to side and the receivers are covered. Natural ability and instinct plays the bigger part is all i'm saying.
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I'm sure they do practice scramble drills to some extent and tell the receivers a general direction where to go, but that gets thrown by the wayside when Wilson is back there running side to side and the receivers are covered. Natural ability and instinct plays the bigger part is all i'm saying.

Lol, so what do you think a scramble drill is then? :L

No, it's not scripted entirely. No one said it was. It is something they discuss and practice. It is a major part of their offense. It isn't left entirely to chance. The receivers are taught what to do when Wilson breaks out of the pocket. They practice those rules for their break away and Wilson hitting those routes.

Even the other Bevell haters aren't going to help you out on this one. You really don't know football if you don't understand how offenses are built and practiced.

Wilson is one of the best scramblers in the game. It's a part of their offensive brand and identity. It is very much something they work on to maximize the impact on games. It is factored into their game plans. It is counted on as part of what they do. Not sure how many more ways you need it explained to you, but it appears the answer is more than we already have.

Hell, even the line has to be taught if they are going to break down, how to do so in a way that still leaves Wilson a lane out. The backs have responsibilities based on where they are when it happens. The TE's have their own rules for it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I got to disagree with the "easily " gotten two plays off after a stop on a run play. In fact I'd say it ludicrous with 20 seconds on the clock.

Easily we get 2 more play's off even if we ran on 2nd down ... We could a ran the ball and did hurry up and ran the ball again then used the time-out if we needed... NO way do we waste 20 seconds ... When your near the goal line it's easier to line back up because players are not down field there all near the line...

Another heart breaking stat ..... The Pats allowed opponents to score 81% of the time in power situations (runs on 3rd/4th & <2, or w/i 2 yds of goalline). Dead last in NFL.

And on the flip side..... SEA was second in the league in power situations, getting stuffed just 17% of the time. Lynch converted 17 of 20 3rd/4ths & short this year.

Statistics were on our side... WE did not have to panic and throw the ball there... Our coaching staff blew it plain and simple...
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Easily we get 2 more play's off even if we ran on 2nd down ... We could a ran the ball and did hurry up and ran the ball again then used the time-out if we needed... NO way do we waste 20 seconds ... When your near the goal line it's easier to line back up because players are not down field there all near the line...

Guaranteed if they had ran a quick running play on 2nd down and got in that everyone's ass would have puckered up. And those of you now calling for heads would have been yelling at your screens about them not running enough clock down and giving Brady too much time to work with.

I'd bet anything Brady would have driven them easily close enough to at least tie it with a FG as bad as Seattle's defense was beat up and playing in the 4th.

There was no 'gimmie' that we missed out on.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Guaranteed if they had ran a quick running play on 2nd down and got in that everyone's ass would have puckered up. And those of you now calling for heads would have been yelling at your screens about them not running enough clock down and giving Brady too much time to work with.

I'd bet anything Brady would have driven them easily close enough to at least tie it with a FG as bad as Seattle's defense was beat up and playing in the 4th.

There was no 'gimmie' that we missed out on.

I updated the post... Look at the Pats stats for stopping short yardage running play's .... DEAD last in the league...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Easily we get 2 more play's off even if we ran on 2nd down ... We could a ran the ball and did hurry up and ran the ball again then used the time-out if we needed... NO way do we waste 20 seconds ... When your near the goal line it's easier to line back up because players are not down field there all near the line...

Another heart breaking stat ..... The Pats allowed opponents to score 81% of the time in power situations (runs on 3rd/4th & <2, or w/i 2 yds of goalline). Dead last in NFL.

26 seconds left, run the ball. Pats are going to take their time getting off the pile. 8-10 seconds off the clock before we enter the huddle. Assuming a mush huddle with no change in the personnel package, it's another 8-10 seconds to get the line. Now we're at 10 seconds, best case scenario, to run two plays.

Possible, in theory. But you're really, really playing with fire. You're also assuming everything will run perfectly between plays, and handcuffing yourself to the package you have on the field.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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26 seconds left, run the ball. Pats are going to take their time getting off the pile. 8-10 seconds off the clock before we enter the huddle. Assuming a mush huddle with no change in the personnel package, it's another 8-10 seconds to get the line. Now we're at 10 seconds, best case scenario, to run two plays.

Possible, in theory. But you're really, really playing with fire. You're also assuming everything will run perfectly between plays, and handcuffing yourself to the package you have on the field.

Having that time-out in our hip pocket gave us the options.... even if 10 seconds went off the clock on 2nd down we only have 2 more play's left with a time-out in our hip pocket... We would a gotten both play's off if needed..