Well-Known Member
Okay. One last time.
A bang/bank passing play ate six seconds off the clock. Let's assume two running plays will take twelve (I'm being reeeeeeeeeal generous here. We ran no huddle on a rushing play at the end of the first half. It ate thirty seconds of clock.). Now, there is at least ten seconds for a muddle huddle and the spotting of the ball. That leaves four seconds left.
So there is essentially a three second margin of error. Think of how many times things are changed at the line, players are confused and need more information from the QB, defensive players go out of their way to lay in the pile as long as possible to run the clock...
Terrible idea.
26 seconds is a lot of time to run 3 plays from the 1yd line with one TO. Lynch up the middle on 2nd gets stopped, TO called. Wilson read option fakes to Lynch boot legs to the corner of the end zone and if unsuccessful goes out killing the clock. 4th down is either Lynch up the gut or Wilson rolls out for a pass or run to the end zone. It is very possible to run 3 plays which could all be running plays in under 26 secs.