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Andrew Luck for Patrick Willis trade?


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
The 94 team that gave up 40 points in one game to the Eagles....a home game at that? Not even close. Deion was absurdly good at the time, plenty of playmakers on that team, but that unit had holes.

The 70s stuff you'll have to judge on your own......I'm definitely too young for that. But I have a hard time comparing anything from those days to anything these days, the game is just too different.

Yeah, the 94 team that gave up 40 to the Eagles.

Is 40 points the threshold?
The 2000 Ravens gave up 36 to Jacksonville in Baltimore.
The 85 Bears gave up 38 to the Dolphins.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fuckin A......yes, that Bucs team was good, and I'd say it was led by Derrick Brooks and Warren Sapp, with Lynch and Barber not far behind. It was a great defense, and it was not led by an MLB. Nor was it one of the defenses I was talking about. Happy?


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Want to bring up any other defenses I wasn't talking about IMAC? We can do this all day, which is great because you're always very fun.


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fuckin A......yes, that Bucs team was good, and I'd say it was led by Derrick Brooks and Warren Sapp, with Lynch and Barber not far behind. It was a great defense, and it was not led by an MLB. Nor was it one of the defenses I was talking about. Happy?

Why wasn't it one of the defenses you were talking about?

Over 16 games they gave up 2 LESS points than the 85 Bears and gave up 91 less yards.

Compared to the 2000 Ravens they gave up 31 more points (less than 2 per game) and 77 more yards (less than 5 yards per game).

So, was the defense that was statistically better than the 85 Bears one you didn't see? Was it one you didn't think of at the time? Was it one you chose to ignore because it didn't fit your MLB theory?

For the record, the 2011 49ers, with 2 games to play, have already given up 311 more yards and only 11 less points than the 2002 Bucs.

If we can hold Seattle and St Louis to a combined 10 points and 310 yards we will be statistically better than that Bucs defense.


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Want to bring up any other defenses I wasn't talking about IMAC? We can do this all day, which is great because you're always very fun.

Would you like me to? I mean, I don't want to bring up great defenses that you clearly haven't seen like the 2002 Bucs.


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
As clyde said; that's what it comes down to. If you believe he will be a franchise-type QB then you make the trade. QB is too important a position to pass up. I am not convinced about Luck so I'll keep Willis.

Exactly, (See! Billy Idol gets it! lol!!)

And now you have to define what expectations come with being a franchise QB, because we are on the verge of making Alex Smith a franchise QB...

Jesus, Ghost, how many of these over-hyped college players have you and I had to put up with? "Oooo, he's going to be the next Terry Bradshaw or the next Roger Staubach, or Joe Montana or the next John Elway", when in reality, most of them wind up being the next Alex Smith or Carson Palmer.

Do you remember the hype surrounding Jeff George? This Andrew Luck hype reminds me a lot of that level of hype.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Was it one you chose to ignore because it didn't fit your MLB theory?

No, just one of the ones that I wasn't considering one of my top few D's. Is there some sort of contest for Football Knowledge going on I don't know about? Why do you take this so seriously?


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Exactly, (See! Billy Idol gets it! lol!!)

And now you have to define what expectations come with being a franchise QB, because we are on the verge of making Alex Smith a franchise QB...

Jesus, Ghost, how many of these over-hyped college players have you and I had to put up with? "Oooo, he's going to be the next Terry Bradshaw or the next Roger Staubach, or Joe Montana or the next John Elway", when in reality, most of them wind up being the next Alex Smith or Carson Palmer.

Do you remember the hype surrounding Jeff George? This Andrew Luck hype reminds me a lot of that level of hype.

I just posted in this thread i think, maybe another one that Luck has a lot of pressure on him already. I mean i know all 1st round type QB's do but this kid seems to have more than the others. Guess well see if he can crack it.


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Unable to make your case?

How about the 2002 Bucs with Shlton Quarles at MLB?

So, are you now comparing Willis to Quarles? Or are you trying to suggest that Willis is no more valuable to our team than Quarles was to TB because they play the same position.

If that is the case then what you are suggesting is the highest value of any position on a football team is equal to only the weakest player playing that position; and that is, well, just goofy, don't you think?

And lastly, if that is not what you are suggesting, then what is your point in bringing up Quarles?


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
So, are you now comparing Willis to Quarles? Or are you trying to suggest that Willis is no more valuable to our team than Quarles was to TB because they play the same position.

If that is the case then what you are suggesting is the highest value of any position on a football team is equal to only the weakest player playing that position; and that is, well, just goofy, don't you think?

And lastly, if that is not what you are suggesting, then what is your point in bringing up Quarles?

Did you by chance START the thread at the post you quoted?

space said that the best defenses he's ever seen all have elite MLBs. My contention is that the 2002 Bucs belong in a "greatest ever" discussion that includes the 85 Bears, 2000 Ravens and 2011 49ers based on the fact that they are statistically superior to the 85 Bears, very similar, though slightly behind, the 2000 Ravens, and likely to be superior to the 11 Niners.

Now, the Niners, Ravens and Bears all have/had elite MLBs. The 2002 Bucs didn't. I would consider that to be throwing a pretty major wrench into the theory that an elite MLB is necessary for an elite defense.

Of course, if you read more of the conversation, that would have been remarkably obvious.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Look, as if this weren't a simple matter of opinion, rather than FACT.....ask 100 people who was the better defense, the 02 Bucs or the 85 Bears.....I bet minimum 85 people say its the Bears. So get all obsessively fussy about something else that is totally unimportant to anyone.


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Look, as if this weren't a simple matter of opinion, rather than FACT.....ask 100 people who was the better defense, the 02 Bucs or the 85 Bears.....I bet minimum 85 people say its the Bears. So get all obsessively fussy about something else.

That's nice. But the facts suggest otherwise.

Of course, I haven't said the Bucs were BETTER than the Bears (the numbers suggest the case could be made). I simply stated they were in the discussion.

Here's what Mike Ditka said in January 2003 (the "that one" he references is the 85 Bears):

Bucs: Ditka rates '85 Bears defense vs. 2002 Bucs

"I think (Tampa Bay's) defense compares favorably to that one. I can't see why not. ... It's very well coached. I think philosophically what they do is very sound. They're going to take certain things away from you. They have a tendency to bend, not break. That's good. That's the way to play defense.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
You're right IMAC....when I said those were the three best defenses I ever saw, I was wrong. You're right and I'm wrong, about my own opinion. Thanks for pointing this out.