Animale rurale
olskool, While I dont completely agreed with the manner in which you handled these attacks. I do agree you were and are being bullied. To flourish on this board you must fit into a very small box. A cliche a club or whatever word you would like to use. There are one or two that control the board and if you dont to tow the line or goosestep to their music then so long. Pretty sad really. I am not condoning foul language but do believe fans should be able to post their opinions without worry to SS style attacks. If you stay you will find some very smart and knowledgeable Ram fans here. But they too are made to tow the line. Good luck to you olskool hope it works out for you. I am sure now this will bring attacks on myself (oh well) or a tenth ave freezeout, just my take for what its worth. Go Rams.