Boomer Sooner
Are you sure they didn't chase them or was it those mentioned players had NO interest in playing in

Are you sure they didn't chase them or was it those mentioned players had NO interest in playing in
dont know what the particulars of the contract is, but isnt 24 mil. over 3 yrs 8 mil a year avg. & wasnt his contract with the eagles 10.5 mil? So isnt this him taking less money?I kinda think this is the truer story.
"Now we'll see if the Redskins really have the resources to make Philadelphia look foolish. It's likely that Jackson picked Washington mainly because of the potential $24 million that came with his three-year deal ($16 million of which reportedly is guaranteed). It's even more probable that he didn't visit with any other teams because the Redskins offered him two opportunities a year at sticking it to Kelly. Revenge is a great motivating force. It can seduce the most practical of men into believing they're making wise choices.
The reality is that Jackson should've taken more time to investigate his options. He should've been more honest with himself about what went wrong in Philadelphia and how his own actions factored into it. If anything, Jackson should've paid attention to how little interest Reid displayed in wooing him to Kansas City. The Chiefs may not have had enough money to compete with Washington -- or the other eight teams that reportedly displayed interest in signing Jackson -- but it says plenty about Jackson's maturity that Reid didn't even get into the game.
If Jackson wanted money, he certainly got it. If he wanted to stay in the NFC East, then that wish came true as well. But if Jackson coveted stability, a chance to win and a place where he could make the most of his vast potential, then it's difficult to see the logic in his decision. That's because he's just joined an organization that has been a long-running joke in the league for a good reason. And as Jackson is about to find out, that's not about to change with his arrival"
dont know what the particulars of the contract is, but isnt 24 mil. over 3 yrs 8 mil a year avg. & wasnt his contract with the eagles 10.5 mil? So isnt this him taking less money?
considering that the 49'ers and Raiders both confirm that they contacted the LAPD who confirmed Jackson ties to the Crips, i still believe that Kelly didn't want that influence on his team. the redskins don't care
dont know what the particulars of the contract is, but isnt 24 mil. over 3 yrs 8 mil a year avg. & wasnt his contract with the eagles 10.5 mil? So isnt this him taking less money?
This is another reason I question what the Eagles know. He could cry all he wanted to, he was under contract. He either had to play for that or risk losing money on his next deal. I think something big is going to hit the news.
Hatcher - good player, good leader. Not worth those $'s (and isn't that what we are talking about?) in that scheme, but good player that can find a spot in any scheme. D Jax - bigger name than Decker, so I don't get the point. $16M in cash day one for a guy that people are still trying to figure out how deep his gang ties run and most teams seem to want no part of right now is a bad signing to me. RGIII seemed to start to be more concerned with RGIII than the team last year from my distant view. D Jax doesn't seem like he will be the best guy to have sitting next to him every day for the next 3 years.
Since the Redskins is a politically sensitive team name nowadays, I wonder if Desean and his buddies suggest changing the name to the BlueSkins...
I didnt think he was worth 10 mil. to start with. I just know he was claiming he wasnt getting paid what he was worth already at 10.5 you think somebody was going over 10M?
here is another way you can look at it.
His contract was 10M next year with no guaranteed money. Now he has 16M in guaranteed money.
I always thought the guaranteed money was the objective.
So its your assumption that Jackson has got to have some kind of major skeleton in his closet. No chance what so ever that Kelly just didnt like him and chose to release him because he felt he could win without him. I just want to make sure Im reading that correctly. Because we all no one has ever been fired from a job simply because they didnt get along with the new boss. Nine teams were interested in him. After the Herandez thing, you really think nine different teams all missed something in the over due diligence?
So its your assumption that Jackson has got to have some kind of major skeleton in his closet. No chance what so ever that Kelly just didnt like him and chose to release him because he felt he could win without him. I just want to make sure Im reading that correctly. Because we all no one has ever been fired from a job simply because they didnt get along with the new boss. Nine teams were interested in him. After the Herandez thing, you really think nine different teams all missed something in the over due diligence?
Don't forget MeAngelo Hall sitting on the other side of MeSean Jackson.
I do find it hard to believe that you just fire your top producer because you don't get along with him.
Well, out of curiousity what do you think it was? Is it your assumption that they got rid of a guy that put up the numbers he did last year simply because he "didnt get along with the new boss"? Does that make any sense when he fits Kelly's Offense better than any other, they obviously need WRs and they released him after all of the guys that could have replaced him were already signed? Especially since during the last few weeks he and the coach supposedly had spoken and Kelly supposedly told him "don't worry about anything and keep working hard and be ready for camp" and after the talk with Kelly D Jax tweeted: "Good to Talk to BIg Chip today !! Say or hear what ya want !! The Picture speaks for itself !! Winner…”
Some other interesting comments from people otehr than Kelly:
Kelce: "We just made an extremely unpopular decision, but I couldn't be more excited and happy with where this organization is going!!"
Unnamed Eagles (Yeah, I hate unnamed quotes too, but it's still valid): "Two Eagles players who requested anonymity said that Jackson wasn't a clubhouse cancer, but he had become a distraction. They would not offer specifics. Both questioned whether his loss would hurt the offense and opined that he wouldn't be difficult to replace."
My take is Kelly wanted him gone. He tried to trade him first and when that failed he had to release him or risk him actually being a distraction.
The whole big skeleton in the closet thing doesnt compute. Because all these guys have language in their deal that says if you do something off field that reflects bad on the team or deprives of your services while under contract, the team has the right to go after bonus money already paid. So IF there was some big skeleton in the closet, the team would actually be better served holding him and going after the bonus money rather than release him, take the cap hit and risk him going to a division rival.
Sources say 9 teams were interested. His agent said 9 teams were interested. Doesn't mean 9 teams wanted to sign him. Maybe 8 teams "were interested" in offering a one year incentive laden "make good" contract and nothing more.
I do find it hard to believe that you just fire your top producer because you don't get along with him.
You find it hard to believe fordman? Some years ago, didn't Jerry fire his "top producer" Jimmy Johnson? Or was Jimmy released from his contract because he couldn't get along with Jerry?
Jerry called that bet, and lost. The way I see it the Redskins have pocket AA with this deal. Time will tell if the best hand holds.
You find it hard to believe fordman? Some years ago, didn't Jerry fire his "top producer" Jimmy Johnson? Or was Jimmy released from his contract because he couldn't get along with Jerry?
Jerry called that bet, and lost. The way I see it the Redskins have pocket AA with this deal. Time will tell if the best hand holds.
You also realize the NFL can also take draft picks away or impose a fine on a team for drafting/taking a shot on a guy that has a history (of issues)
My take is Kelly wanted him gone. He tried to trade him first and when that failed he had to release him or risk him actually being a distraction.
The whole big skeleton in the closet thing doesnt compute. Because all these guys have language in their deal that says if you do something off field that reflects bad on the team or deprives of your services while under contract, the team has the right to go after bonus money already paid. So IF there was some big skeleton in the closet, the team would actually be better served holding him and going after the bonus money rather than release him, take the cap hit and risk him going to a division rival.
Yep... but what history of issues does he have?? He has not been in any real trouble outside of team discipline once or twice. The closest thing they have is he happens to be friends with some less than boyscout types. I mean its not like he has been charged with slapping his mom or anything like that. So, we didnt over pay for him. He isnt coming back off of injury or anything like that. He is in the prime of his career, and he isnt a one year wonder. His team released him under some vague cloud of there were issues but we arent saying. Really not seeing the negative here.