I wouldn't expect anything less.
Yeah...attack mode...keep saying it and maybe it will be true. Funny how for you it's chatting, but for me it's attacking...
Never mind I just read your signature...now I get it...Good Luck
Hey, can't we all just get along.
Allow me to start a chant that we all can get behind.
There. Now you can all feel much better.
Can you change it to
12th man!!!!!
So that my school can make a little coin off of it?![]()
Can you change it to
12th man!!!!!
So that my school can make a little coin off of it?![]()
I know most of you have missed me, and I thought I would check in to see what's up in Cowboyforumwonderland. Same ol', same ol' I see. PDay, derailing the thread with his distaste with UK via his "kitty litter shovel"...LOL, somethings never change do they PDay?
Look, fellas...do you not see what is going on here with Nosferatu? Good job by the way, Nos for getting the boy fans all riled up! Let me break it down for you boy fans.
Nos, is a Minny fan. Check. Nos, has a Lester Hayes jersey as his avatar. Check. Nos, lives in Texas. Check. Is it coming into focus yet?...Lester Hayes was born in Texas. Check. My guess is...Lester Hayes might be Nos's Daddy, hence the distaste for anything Texas...
Khan PDay is a victim, plain and simple. He can't help it if his vast football knowledge dwarfs the average poster. ''His is a superior intellect''![]()
Khan PDay is a victim, plain and simple. He can't help it if his vast football knowledge dwarfs the average poster. ''His is a superior intellect''![]()
come on man I know you and Pday are going at it .... but please dont encourage and side with known trolls
like eric....needs a buddy
like eric....needs a buddy
how would you know clueless?
you arrived two days after eric quit....remember?
smart man would quit....that ain't you under either name
more 3rd grade weak sauce
you wanted to play, just like jumping on the redskin's troll 3rd grade post here.
wasn't it you just three days ago posting about dishing it out and not being able to take it??
C'mon...man up
That's typical PDay, beg for help from other posters, and then run like the wind when someone comes on and rightfully points out what a jerk you are. The simple fact is, those ''trolls'' are far better posters than you are, plain and simple