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America's Team Hate and Smacktalk thread


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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I love it when you guys start talking about "facts". It seems the "facts" get skewed when it doesn't add up in a positive light for the Boys. Where do you come up with this stuff? The Cowboy fan wonderland encyclopedia?

Here are the FACTS.

Theismann NFL Offensive Player of the Year (1)
Romo NFL Offensive Player of the Year (0)

Theismann 6-2 career playoff record
Romo 1-3 career playoff record

Theismann (2) game winning playoff drives
Romo (0) game winning playoff drives

Theismann Super Bowl Appearances (2)
Romo Super Bowl Appearances (0)

Theismann Super Winning QB (1)
Romo Super Bowl Winning QB (0)

Game over

So I take it thiesman was better than Marino, Tarkington, Fouts, and Kelly? Look no one will ever dispute a SB is the ultimate goal, it is a team award.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Yea that was pretty funny according to Dallas fans, but even as he was being carried off that night he left that field a champion. How this team dreams of a champion like Theismann, but all they get are nightmares.:laugh3:

not for nothing but, you bring nothing but clueless troll shit


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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So I take it thiesman was better than Marino, Tarkington, Fouts, and Kelly? Look no one will ever dispute a SB is the ultimate goal, it is a team award.

that a boy manster....bring um in on one of the most stupid of stupid topics cause blue jinx threw out his best shock value statement. This should get two pages alone.

I'm out for the day

shark....read option defense baby....should be fun
joy....what can I say....football debate or pep squad statements? guess that's all in the eye of the beholder


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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that a boy manster....bring um in on one of the most stupid of stupid topics cause blue jinx threw out his best shock value statement. This should get two pages alone.

I'm out for the day

shark....read option defense baby....should be fun
joy....what can I say....football debate or pep squad statements? guess that's all in the eye of the beholder

Sorry PDay, but I always saw the SB argument as the measuring stick for a player as asinine. How many of these guys here were in on the Emmitt vs. Barry discussion saying Barry was head and shoulders better? How many of them were bitching and crying that Irvin got into the HOF before Monk. The SB is a team award. Yes HOF voters let it influence their vote, but just because a player has a SB it doesn't make him great. It simply makes him a player on the team that won the championship. Hell sometimes the team that won wasn't even the best team. Before I start another argument here Theismans Redskins were the best team and the deserved the title.


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,454.55
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Sorry PDay, but I always saw the SB argument as the measuring stick for a player as asinine. How many of these guys here were in on the Emmitt vs. Barry discussion saying Barry was head and shoulders better? How many of them were bitching and crying that Irvin got into the HOF before Monk. The SB is a team award. Yes HOF voters let it influence their vote, but just because a player has a SB it doesn't make him great. It simply makes him a player on the team that won the championship. Hell sometimes the team that won wasn't even the best team. Before I start another argument here Theismans Redskins were the best team and the deserved the title.

Theismann won the NFL Player of the Year in 1983. You know what that means right? Of course you don't. He might not have had the fantasy stats of Romo, but has Romo ever had 1 season as good as Theismann's best? No.

Romo is the Sergio Garcia of golf. Hell, speaking of Garcia's...He might be the Jeff Garcia of the NFL!

Jeff Garcia
161 TD's
83 INT's
2-4 career in playoffs
2 game winning playoff drives

Tony Romo
177 TD's
91 INT's
1-3 career in playoffs
0 game winning playoff drives


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Theismann won the NFL Player of the Year in 1983. You know what that means right? Of course you don't. He might not have had the fantasy stats of Romo, but has Romo ever had 1 season as good as Theismann's best? No.

Romo is the Sergio Garcia of golf. Hell, speaking of Garcia's...He might be the Jeff Garcia of the NFL!

Jeff Garcia
161 TD's
83 INT's
2-4 career in playoffs
2 game winning playoff drives

Tony Romo
177 TD's
91 INT's
1-3 career in playoffs
0 game winning playoff drives

Dude, you are a clueless little bitch. Where are Joes TD's and INT's? I will give you the Redskins won a SB with Joe at QB while Dallas with Romo have not. But go look at their seasons and get back to me. I will admit the 1093 Redskins were better than any team Romo has QB'd. Go through their respective rosters. Tell me how many of Romo's teammates would you swap out. (Starters only, I wouldn't what your peanut brain trying to swap a Dallas starter for a 3rd stinger)


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
Hoopla Cash
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Manster the thing that stands out to me most about Joe T is during the strike in 82'(?) he got the whole team working out together on his own and as you know the only team in the league with not 1 player to cross the line. He may have been a cocky little SOB but was a leader


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Aug 6, 2013
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It is very hard for a team to get to a SB, but you have to have a capable QB that doesn't throw head scratching INT's for that team to get there. Romo has failed miserably in this dept even when he had a great team. Just like the loss to Seattle wasn't RG3's fault he is pinned with that loss nonetheless, same with Romo in the Giants playoff game at your house.

I'm all shock? Child please. Actually, like Fordman the great moderator proclaiming he's a great poster, so too am I.

Fluff can never have value when facts show there worth - Apratt21 circa 2004
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i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,454.55
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Dude, you are a clueless little bitch. Where are Joes TD's and INT's? I will give you the Redskins won a SB with Joe at QB while Dallas with Romo have not. But go look at their seasons and get back to me. I will admit the 1093 Redskins were better than any team Romo has QB'd. Go through their respective rosters. Tell me how many of Romo's teammates would you swap out. (Starters only, I wouldn't what your peanut brain trying to swap a Dallas starter for a 3rd stinger)

"Dude", look at Romo who threw for almost 5,000 yards and 28 TD's last season compared to RG3's 3,200 yards and 20 TD's! What's your point? Was Romo a better QB/Leader of his TEAM than RG3 last season?

Not even close. Tony Romo to this point in his career = The Garcia brothers

RG3 at this point in his career = no one in the history of the NFL to really compare him to.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 5,257.19
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So Let me get this, an I want you to go on record. Are you trying to float the idea that if RG3 cant run the read option or be a running QB that he will fail?? Please, give us your honest opinion on this??

And secondly... Dallas has Romo whom you profess to be a great QB. They have Dez Bryant, whom you proclaim one of the top five WRs in the league. You have Jason Witten, a first ballot hall of famer. So why hasnt dallas been able to get past the first round of the playoffs?? You score bunches of points after all. So why havent they been as good as Houston??

But please, answer the first question. Forget injury. You seriously think the only thing RG3 has is his legs??
its simple. if the Cowboys score 35 points , they give up 38 points. I know that's Romos fault too.
Its a team sport. Takes more than just the QB to win a game.
Takes more than the simple minded to know that.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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Manster the thing that stands out to me most about Joe T is during the strike in 82'(?) he got the whole team working out together on his own and as you know the only team in the league with not 1 player to cross the line. He may have been a cocky little SOB but was a leader

I'm not trying to say Joe sucked. And I can admit I stretched the truth by including Joe's name when I said Romo is head and Shoulders above many Skin QB's many of you have seen. I will freely say Romo is not head and shoulders better, but I can also argue Joe was not all that better either. I must laugh though the Redskins are willing to argue A Heisman runner up, 1st round QB against a UDFA. And if you really think about it any Skin fan 28 and under have literally never saw Joe, so I think what I said up until RGIII came aboard any Skin fan under 33 have absolutely no real memory of a very good Washington QB. Please don't insult us with Williams or Rypien.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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"Dude", look at Romo who threw for almost 5,000 yards and 28 TD's last season compared to RG3's 3,200 yards and 20 TD's! What's your point? Was Romo a better QB/Leader of his TEAM than RG3 last season?

Not even close. Tony Romo to this point in his career = The Garcia brothers

RG3 at this point in his career = no one in the history of the NFL to really compare him to.

When will you FINALLY understand football is a team sport.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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It is very hard for a team to get to a SB, but you have to have a capable QB that doesn't throw head scratching INT's for that team to get there. Romo has failed miserably in this dept even when he had a great team. Just like the loss to Seattle wasn't RG3's fault he is pinned with that loss nonetheless, same with Romo in the Giants playoff game at your house.

I'm all shock? Child please. Actually, like Fordman the great moderator proclaiming he's a great poster, so too am I.

Fluff can never have value when facts show there worth - Apratt21 circa 2004

Trent Dilfer is calling you. He's begging for you to get the rest of the world to see things your way.


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,454.55
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When will you FINALLY understand football is a team sport.

Again, Mansterbater your facts are twisted just like your dirty tighty whities. I know it's a TEAM sport. And, how MANY times have I said "the Redskins have a better TEAM than the Cowboys"? A lot.

You think the Redskins TEAM without RG3 was a "fluke" going undefeated this preseason? LOL

The Redskins TEAM has heart. The Redskins TEAM has depth. And, by the way...The Redskins TEAM also has RG3.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Again, Mansterbater your facts are twisted just like your dirty tighty whities. I know it's a TEAM sport. And, how MANY times have I said "the Redskins have a better TEAM than the Cowboys"? A lot.

You think the Redskins TEAM without RG3 was a "fluke" going undefeated this preseason? LOL

The Redskins TEAM has heart. The Redskins TEAM has depth. And, by the way...The Redskins TEAM also has RG3.

FUCK THE Skids & the Fish Eyed Fools who waive pom poms for them! :finger:

#NOT IMPRESSED! :whistle:


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
Fav. Team #1
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Again, Mansterbater your facts are twisted just like your dirty tighty whities. I know it's a TEAM sport. And, how MANY times have I said "the Redskins have a better TEAM than the Cowboys"? A lot.

You think the Redskins TEAM without RG3 was a "fluke" going undefeated this preseason? LOL

The Redskins TEAM has heart. The Redskins TEAM has depth. And, by the way...The Redskins TEAM also has RG3.

The redskins earned the NFCE last season and I never said anything else. However I think the Redskins did play a little over their head, and defenses not knowing how to play RGIII had a lot to do with your record. Now let's see if they can prove me wrong. Do you have any idea how many 1st year QB's have given their fans hope to a great future only to become pedestrian the rest of their careers. I have said too many times to count RGIII scare the shit out of me, but I caution you on naming him the 2nd coming until we see what he does after NFL defenses get a 2nd look. I have never said he will never be a great QB, but I caution any team from falling in love with a QB who runs as much as RGIII. The team has two choices. Let him continue running and risk a career ending injury, or take away to run as a primary weapon and see if he can lead the team from the safety of the pocket. He could prove me wrong, but until he does I don't have to bow down to him.


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,454.55
Fav. Team #1
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FUCK THE Skids & the Fish Eyed Fools who waive pom poms for them! :finger:

#NOT IMPRESSED! :whistle:

Eastbay, I love your avatar! As a psychology major at FSU that pic says everything we already knew about you...



i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,454.55
Fav. Team #1
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The redskins earned the NFCE last season and I never said anything else. However I think the Redskins did play a little over their head, and defenses not knowing how to play RGIII had a lot to do with your record. Now let's see if they can prove me wrong. Do you have any idea how many 1st year QB's have given their fans hope to a great future only to become pedestrian the rest of their careers. I have said too many times to count RGIII scare the shit out of me, but I caution you on naming him the 2nd coming until we see what he does after NFL defenses get a 2nd look. I have never said he will never be a great QB, but I caution any team from falling in love with a QB who runs as much as RGIII. The team has two choices. Let him continue running and risk a career ending injury, or take away to run as a primary weapon and see if he can lead the team from the safety of the pocket. He could prove me wrong, but until he does I don't have to bow down to him.

How many more "looks" do you think the Cowboys need? I mean, you had 9 games of tape before Thanksgiving, and then another 5 weeks of tape before week 17. Hilarious. You just need to shut it down Manster, before you sink any further in your own shit.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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How many more "looks" do you think the Cowboys need? I mean, you had 9 games of tape before Thanksgiving, and then another 5 weeks of tape before week 17. Hilarious. You just need to shut it down Manster, before you sink any further in your own shit.

Hell I could dig down in a pile of shit for a month,and still never reach where you're buried.