New Member
This I can 100% agree with. In fact I think you can place QB's into 3 or 4 time frames. Those who played prior to the 70's, those who played from the 70's through the 90's and those playing from the 2000's through today. I'm sure some of you will easily add another time frame. And please trust me I for one am not trying to get any Skin fan to turn their back on RGIII. Truth is if I were a skins fan I would have hopes with RGIII, but I would keep those hope suppressed a little until I see if he is still the RGIII before the injury and if not can he be what I'd hope he is if he has too stay in the pocket. Right now IMO RGIII is a question mark. If he comes back with no bad effect from the injury he will be very hard to defend, if not what do you havein him? As for Romo the reason I don't fear him being our QB is I know he can be a very good NFL QB. Yes he is a QB that needs his teammates to help him out a little but tell me what QB doesn't.
Balls of steel. Hey, nice trophy. :third: