Well-Known Member
There’s no way that the Bucks would want to follow this match. They’d probably nip that in the bud fast. What I’d do is you’d put on the Christian/Omega match and in the next match you’d put on something like Britt and Statlander or PAC and Andrade (or even Starks/Cage if that gets announced), then the close the show with Punk and Darby.The show sold out before Punk was announced for AEW so I won't go as far as saying the crowd is there to see him specifically although he will be far and away the most over wrestler there.
I get the logic of Punk ending the show but for me the prestige of the title is most important and it should always close unless there's something like Rock/Hogan that's literally impossible to follow. I would have it as the high energy opener then follow it with a Bucks match to keep the momentum, then slow it down with a methodical Miro match, then ramp the energy back up to the title match to close. You also have to wonder if there's another suprise like Cole or Danielson ending the show after the title match.