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Alabama's Da'shawn hand arrested for DUI


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I didn't read the story to be honest, and didn't know that. That's kinda BS then. Sleeping it off in his car was actually a responsible thing to do IMO.

I'm sure the law exists for a good reason and he got caught up in it. If he hadn't turned the car on, he might have been ok as far as getting caught(still would have been a DUI without turning it on).

But I'm not going to get upset with him over that. In general, he has a great reputation, gets good grades and is said to be the last person you'd expect to get in trouble like this.

Still, even if he had actually driven, I still don't think being suspended is helpful. It's just public and people assume anything that isn't public = nothing.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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Fair enough, but generally collegiate athletes receive punishment for conduct that is unbecoming for the university. I'm unsure what the precedent is for DUIs, but I think he should be held accountable, especially because this reflects poorly on the University of Alabama.

If Saban got a DUI I'm sure there would be some sort of punishment and suspension from Alabama beyond what the courts give him but he doesn;t feel the football players need it. lol. Obviously self serving.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Ohh so that's it then. No rebuffing what I said? Is it any wonder why no one believes your shit on here.

If you ever figure out the point of what was said had absolutely nothing to do with comparing the two, let me know and I'll upgrade you to only "mostly stupid".


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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If Saban got a DUI I'm sure there would be some sort of punishment and suspension from Alabama beyond what the courts give him but he doesn;t feel the football players need it. lol. Obviously self serving.

If Saban gets a DUI, he is gone.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
Hoopla Cash
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If Saban gets a DUI, he is gone.

Very few places where a boss gets a DUI and hes gone and people under him get some classes and community service for the same behavior


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I'm a beer rep genius. Some of my customers are old school and decision makers. Having lunch/beers with them helps make the sale. I'm not always sober when I leave accounts.



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If you ever figure out the point of what was said had absolutely nothing to do with comparing the two, let me know and I'll upgrade you to only "mostly stupid".

Hmm let's see

It depends on the kid and his history.

A kid that is constantly in trouble, bad attitude, etc = probably going to be suspended or kicked off the team even. Because they are a liability. If they aren't very good, it's even more likely because they are even more of a burden.

And maybe people who fall in the special snowflake category don't want to hear that, but it should be that way. It's the same exact way in life.

I once worked at a telemarketing place many years ago. 1 Friday night, basically nobody showed up(mostly highschool kids). I personally was always missing days, coming in late, or leaving early because I didn't give a fuck. So come monday they had a big meeting, for the only time in my life, I got fired along with a bunch of other people for missing that Friday.

A few days later, they called me back, hired me back and told me I could work any hours I wanted, so long as I put in 30 hours a week. Because I was good and they wanted my sales.

And I could give plenty more examples. I've been at my current job for 17 years, and I work at home. Even when I lived literally next door to the office, I was the person that was there the least. Meanwhile, other people had to be there at 9am, work all day everyday and they made way less money than I did. Because again, I'm good at what I do, and I get special treatment because of it.

If I was shitty at my job, nobody is going to put up with that. And I'm sure there are limits to what I could get away with. Because things are NOT based on single incidents like this, they are done based on the bigger picture. The more you contribute, the more you get away with.

So if you aren't as good at your job as others, then guess what - you better walk the line. Because you are expendable and you will be replaced.

And all the "special snowflakes" can cry about how it's not fair, but it shouldn't be fair. It would be stupid and against the best interests of everyone involved if we for some stupid reason pretended like every situation was the same, and that all people are equal in everything. People have a right to be treated fair by the government, and that's it.

Sorry, I live in the real world and I don't give a crap about social justice warriors.

This thread is 17 pages long because people want to see Alabama hurt and have less chance at beating FSU. So I guess any response in the opposite is that way, regardless.

However, I have the same argument no matter what team it is. Suspending players is a bullshit punishment for the most part that is done mostly for PR reasons and nothing more. And I'm glad Alabama has a coach who will tell everyone else to suck his harry balls while he drags them along.

Yeah you still were comparing your dime store telemarketer job to a kid getting a dui and not suspended.

You have to be the stupidest person in Arizona to not see how you are comparing the both with that post. But then again nothing is shocking anymore with you.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Hmm let's see

Yeah you still were comparing your dime store telemarketer job to a kid getting a dui and not suspended.

You have to be the stupidest person in Arizona to not see how you are comparing the both with that post. But then again nothing is shocking anymore with you.



Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think everyone deserves the same punishment. This isn't an anti-Alabama thing or an anti-football player thing, this is an anti-stupidity thing.
Gotta disagree with you there bro.

Too many use this legal system as the end all, be all, and it isn't. It isn't that way for a large part of the population. There are always other forms of punitive damage from decisions we make outside of the of the legal system. And rightly so.

Actions you bring at times can reflect on others and they should have a right to also hand out punishments for it outside of the legal system, provided that punishment is consistent across all similar actions by those in the same position.

A couple of people here want to make that line about all students holding athletes to the same standard and that's just ludicrous in my opinion. The more visible the action and the more it impacts an institution the higher the reaction is going to be.

I mean I could get a DUI and would still have a job. I work in the gambling industry. No one gives a shit about that. But I would lose my license for most other felonies and even misdemeanors involving any type of violence or weapons. That's because of the commission we hold our licenses from is concerned about organized crime. Some of you could have such a charge and not face any kind of fallout at work. You need to know what is, and what is not, something that can jeopardize your job and deal with it, or get a job you can handle those stipulations from. It's that simple.

If you can't take that added punishment, either don't play college football or go to a DII/DIII school where it won't ever reach the mass public. You don't have any type of right to play football. It's a privilege. It comes with perks and it comes with a higher standard. Accept it or quit.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
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And with that comes some sort of accountability and responsibility. Just like the coach who was let go for calling an escort service. He didn't even break a law at least nothing serious but he did not represent the school in a good light. You can't accept the privileges and then when you fuck up want to be treated like a regular student.
He was just calling the escort service. He just wanted to say hi and see how things were going. Definitely shouldn't be punished.

-4D20 if this was something that happened to an Alabama coach or player.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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He was just calling the escort service. He just wanted to say hi and see how things were going. Definitely shouldn't be punished.

-4D20 if this was something that happened to an Alabama coach or player.

Don't trip on that slipperly slope.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Right On Cue. Just like a Saban non suspension. Great Work
I can see why you are upset. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that seems to be 999 more words than you can understand at a single time.


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Sep 7, 2011
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I can see why you are upset. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that seems to be 999 more words than you can understand at a single time.

LOL the guy that gifs comebacks is now making insults too. BAHAHAHA that might mean something if it wasn't coming from you.