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Alabama is not a Redneck Fanbase


Sep 6, 2010
Madison, MS
Hoopla Cash
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their total is 35th. that ranking system doesnt even show property crimes. just violent crimes. and im pretty sure their violent crime rate has dropped from 17th to 23rd in the most recent rankings.

and notice how the rest of the south is in orange & red???

It's because everyone in MS is packing heat.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Is it not possible that there is less racism in the south today BECAUSE of their past? Perhaps, southerners are more tolerant and commit fewer hate crimes because they are understandably embarrassed about the past and want to change the perception.

As for the hate crime reporting rate being so high in California, it's because out here, if there is a crime against someone different from you it's almost always going to be considered a hate crime. In California hate crimes extend to every race (except white people) and sexual orientation.

For example, 2 people can get into a fight and if the "winner" of the fight is straight and the loser of the fight is gay, it's a hate crime. Even if it was mutual combat.

Hate crimes maybe "underreported in the South, but they are also "overreported" in other parts of the country!!


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Sorry, i read this and still cannot see that its a clear cut case of hate. The extent of the injuries could also suggest a spurned lover as it seems like these injuries could be consistent with an angry person who was passionate about the person and wanted to inflict great pain due to a breakup or infidelity.

Evidently it didnt meet the terms for "hate crime" as if wasnt classified as such and without more evidence, going on the words of the victims family is not enough to judge this on. Is it possible it was a hate crime, yes, does it meet the criteria to be classified under the states laws, no.


Go Bucks!
Aug 2, 2011
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
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Show me the cases that have happened that were not classified as hate crimes that should have been. you seem to know so much about it, please show the world your proof. John, you dont seem to realize that many southern people are not racist in today's world. We didnt grow up being taught that hate that our grandfathers had going for them. Times are different in the South compared to when my father was a child, compared to when I was a child and compared to when my kids were children. We are more tolerant now whether you want to believe that or not. You see all southerners as slave owning, slave hanging murderers, We simply are not who you paint us out to be. I feel sad for you that you believe your own bullshit, but i have lived it and see it daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and know that we are not who you think us to be, no matter how many articles you read on the internet or pictures you can find that show a different side of life in the south. Realism trumps virtual-ism every day.

Tonight on AC360: Mississippi hit and run a hate crime? ? Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That pic has three women in it and Saban is still the smallest person in it.:laugh3:

What about the woman in pink next to him, he is bigger than her...not by much, but he is.

Small in stature, but mighty in his coaching abilities. Beat him on the field if you can.:yahoo:


Go Bucks!
Aug 2, 2011
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
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Sorry, i read this and still cannot see that its a clear cut case of hate. The extent of the injuries could also suggest a spurned lover as it seems like these injuries could be consistent with an angry person who was passionate about the person and wanted to inflict great pain due to a breakup or infidelity.

Evidently it didnt meet the terms for "hate crime" as if wasnt classified as such and without more evidence, going on the words of the victims family is not enough to judge this on. Is it possible it was a hate crime, yes, does it meet the criteria to be classified under the states laws, no.

No, in Mississippi, the Hate Crimes law does not extend to gays. In California, it does, as in Ohio. The point is that the criteria for reporting hate crimes differs between states, so comparing who has more reported hate crimes is invalid especially if the argument is that reporting fewer hate crimes means those states have less hate crime.


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Sorry, i read this and still cannot see that its a clear cut case of hate. The extent of the injuries could also suggest a spurned lover as it seems like these injuries could be consistent with an angry person who was passionate about the person and wanted to inflict great pain due to a breakup or infidelity.

Evidently it didnt meet the terms for "hate crime" as if wasnt classified as such and without more evidence, going on the words of the victims family is not enough to judge this on. Is it possible it was a hate crime, yes, does it meet the criteria to be classified under the states laws, no.

yeah no one kills gays because there gay......its always because the gay lover that does the crime

#uss iowa explosion


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Jul 2, 2013
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No, in Mississippi, the Hate Crimes law does not extend to gays. In California, it does, as in Ohio. The point is that the criteria for reporting hate crimes differs between states, so comparing who has more reported hate crimes is invalid especially if the argument is that reporting fewer hate crimes means those states have less hate crime.


that doesnt fit my argument!!!!!!!

thats not true :bawling:



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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My observation since I moved here is that the people in MS are shockingly nice. The black population is very high in Jackson, but I STiLL haven't seen any racial problems here since moving. Not one. I see black and white mixing all the time here. Nobody cares. Sure, there is always going to be a bunch of goofs that are racist in any region, but that doesn't mean that they would take anyone's life.

The problem with this guy is that he has bought the media line that conservatives in red states are racists, and they don't get much more red than MS and AL.

Couple that with the VERY low population, with a roughly 60-40 split between white/black and it's not really hard to believe that the citizens have been forced to get along. To add, MS is also a VERY Christian state, and they take such practices seriously.

To add-I have never seen racism like I experienced in California. I won't ever go back to that shithole.

This case doesnt count, you live there and see it everyday. He is talking about the perceived slight he hears about in news articles with a slant and the regions past. You dont qualify as an expert testimony because you make too much sense and live there among those hate filled racist rednecks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That pic has three women in it and Saban is still the smallest person in it.:laugh3:

I will give you two of them...but that girl on the right is clearly a giantess and shouldn't count as a woman.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But the motivation was that the victim is gay. In Mississippi that does not constitute a hate crime, but is most other states it does.

The 2 people involved were at a minimum friends. The friends of the victim say they were romantically involved.



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I did my due diligence on this one too. While it appears they could have a case based on heresay evidence by a mother with no real proof it was a hate crime. The fact one kid said he could tell it was a black man and the family of the victim saying it was. We dont have the kid yelling, "i gonna kill me a N-word" and then bragging about it later. Evidence shows they had been drinking vodka and smoking pot all night, could this be a case of kids being stupid. Its not uncommon for a kid to be a complete idiot and it not be racially motivated if he kills someone.

i will yield this one has its merits for a possible hate crime, but proving it was may be the hard part in this and even the FBI wont comment fully, which tells you they are not sure either.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yeah no one kills gays because there gay......its always because the gay lover that does the crime

#uss iowa explosion

You didnt read what i said and apparently are grasping again. This does not have a clear cut definition that the two were not romantically involved. Many gays keep their relationships quiet and this could easily be a simple case of jilted lover. Do you know for sure the man killed the other due to his being GAY? please tell me your not stupid enough to think your opinion is factual evidence admissible in court now too. Investigators have to go on the facts of the case and they did not find evidence to this point it had anything to do with the man being gay and the injuries do support a crime of passion. Facts speak, your opinion doesnt.


Go Bucks!
Aug 2, 2011
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
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I did my due diligence on this one too. While it appears they could have a case based on heresay evidence by a mother with no real proof it was a hate crime. The fact one kid said he could tell it was a black man and the family of the victim saying it was. We dont have the kid yelling, "i gonna kill me a N-word" and then bragging about it later. Evidence shows they had been drinking vodka and smoking pot all night, could this be a case of kids being stupid. Its not uncommon for a kid to be a complete idiot and it not be racially motivated if he kills someone.

i will yield this one has its merits for a possible hate crime, but proving it was may be the hard part in this and even the FBI wont comment fully, which tells you they are not sure either.

You are perfectly illustrating the point. The perception of what crimes are "hate crimes" is subjective. The fact that fewer are "reported" in certain regions of the country does not mean they don't happen, only that they are not perceived to be such where they probably would be in other regions.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The 2 people involved were at a minimum friends. The friends of the victim say they were romantically involved.


Did you see the reports on this, where did it say they determined in the investigation that it was due to the man being gay? i must have missed that. Crime of passion i could see due to the extent of the injuries, but hate crime due to him being gay, they have to show more evidence than what they have.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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You are perfectly illustrating the point. The perception of what crimes are "hate crimes" is subjective. The fact that fewer are "reported" in certain regions of the country does not mean they don't happen, only that they are not perceived to be such where they probably would be in other regions.

Perception goes both ways. Just because something is perceived as a "hate crime" in another region doesn't necessarily make it a hate crime.


Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No, in Mississippi, the Hate Crimes law does not extend to gays. In California, it does, as in Ohio. The point is that the criteria for reporting hate crimes differs between states, so comparing who has more reported hate crimes is invalid especially if the argument is that reporting fewer hate crimes means those states have less hate crime.
Ohio’s hate crimes, or "ethnic intimidation", law does not specifically address crimes motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Did you see the reports on this, where did it say they determined in the investigation that it was due to the man being gay? i must have missed that. Crime of passion i could see due to the extent of the injuries, but hate crime due to him being gay, they have to show more evidence than what they have.

I just read a thing where the friends of the victim were saying they were romantically involved and got into it at the bar before the rest happened.

Friends of the other guy said they were just friends, but the victims friends said romantically involved. I personally think the one guy was hiding it, while the victim being open about being gay was open to his friends about it.


Go Bucks!
Aug 2, 2011
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
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Ohio’s hate crimes, or "ethnic intimidation", law does not specifically address crimes motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression

You are correct. I apologize for the error.