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Game Thread: #25 Washington @ Hawaii


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Got to like the discipline play and lack of stupid penalties. CP is grooming them the right way. All those fundamental drills they ran in spring and fall paying off.

True, but the reality is if Sark was still here so would his offense and the kids would have been more comfortable in it. They would have won this game 35-10 and had 10 - 14 penalties.

The reduction bodes well for the future, but there are some bumps in the road on the way there.



LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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That is all


The Crimson King

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Hey, not my fault Washington fans talk shit all summer, then their team comes out with a 1 point win over the mighty rainbows.....that's hilarious to me. Same level as auburn my ass


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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So who talked shit? Seems that's all you do. Tell me one Husky fan that boasted anything at any time. You can't. More empty fabricated bullshit by a lame troll.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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Put the moonshine away and go to bed bubba.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Put the moonshine away and go to bed bubba.

You kind of have to just ignore him. He's just a miserable troll always looking to rile people up. Pretty much all he posts for. Take it for what it is. Dumbasses aren't in short supply around here.

The Crimson King

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Feb 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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So who talked shit? Seems that's all you do. Tell me one Husky fan that boasted anything at any time. You can't. More empty fabricated bullshit by a lame troll.

LOL at you calling someone a troll. Aren't there plenty of threads on sec teams you should be posting in?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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LOL at you calling someone a troll. Aren't there plenty of threads on sec teams you should be posting in?

So you are trolling a UW thread to tell UW posters to go troll SEC threads? :scratch:

Kind of dumb, even for you isn't it?

I mean I love rich irony as much as the next guy, but that one was just dumb.

The Crimson King

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Feb 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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So you are trolling a UW thread to tell UW posters to go troll SEC threads? :scratch:

Kind of dumb, even for you isn't it?

I mean I love rich irony as much as the next guy, but that one was just dumb.

So you've not trolled countless threads all summer about 'team sec'?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I couldn't find the game on TV last night, so had to rely on published reports and highlights. UH went 1-11 last year, and UW barely escaped with a one point win? Hawaii dominated the stats, at least on first glance. More yards, 3rd down efficiency, possession time, and so on, Washington was, how shall we say, underwhelming?

This is a lose-lose situation. My Broncos didn't look good, and Coach Pete looked worse in his debut. At least Boise lost to a top 20 team, and kept it close for 3/4 of the game. UW apparently never got the horse out of the barn. Last time we were on the islands against them, I was there, 2012. The 49-14 win could have been even bigger, but Pete called off the dogs in the 2nd half, calling mostly runs and vanilla passes with a lot of reserves playing. What gives now?

So Wiz, Regent, and the others, I'm reading how you are trying to be positive about things, am I wrong in thinking that you guys have a lot to worry about?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I couldn't find the game on TV last night, so had to rely on published reports and highlights. UH went 1-11 last year, and UW barely escaped with a one point win? Hawaii dominated the stats, at least on first glance. More yards, 3rd down efficiency, possession time, and so on, Washington was, how shall we say, underwhelming?

This is a lose-lose situation. My Broncos didn't look good, and Coach Pete looked worse in his debut. At least Boise lost to a top 20 team, and kept it close for 3/4 of the game. UW apparently never got the horse out of the barn. Last time we were on the islands against them, I was there, 2012. The 49-14 win could have been even bigger, but Pete called off the dogs in the 2nd half, calling mostly runs and vanilla passes with a lot of reserves playing. What gives now?

So Wiz, Regent, and the others, I'm reading how you are trying to be positive about things, am I wrong in thinking that you guys have a lot to worry about?
As I already said here, two things have to be a concern from this game: There was no run defense and the O line had all kinds of issues. Both are veteran units that did much much better last year. So what's different and why did they both not only struggle the whole game, but not get that much better in terms of adjustments as the game wore on?

It took a while for a running back to emerge and that clearly was Coleman in that 4th quarter and Lindquist had some early success, but was so rattled I think he physically shat himself somewhere in the 3rd quarter and probably a second time late. Those issues, along with a few missed tackles in the young secondary, are things you expected. Those are not as much of a concern.

Why was your veteran lines that out of sync against a team that was 1-11 last year? I'm sure some will blame the coaching staff and clearly they did not have these kids dialed into their assignments. There's no doubt these kids are not fully up to speed on what this staff is asking of them.

We will find out what kind of coaching staff this is next week. The largest jump in learning comes between weeks 1 and 2 and they have plenty of things to iron out. We should have a good idea after the Eastern Wa game if it's the schemes themselves, or their ability to teach it. If there is a drastic improvement then the problem in this game was the latter, if not it's a combination of both likely.

We might also find out how much improved Hawaii really is when Oregon State also plays them in their stadium. Their running back is a stud, but is their Oline really that good? It's a desperate program fighting to keep football at the school in light of recent comments from the athletic department. Most of the entire team gave up their whole summer break to work out and do everything they could to improve their team. Were they just better prepared because of it?

Still, mince no words here, Petersen won't have a lot of time to get this team together and show results with his schemes and staff. If this program takes any kind of a step back he will find little support from this city. He was handed a veteran team with enough pieces to at least maintain a status quo.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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New coach staff, QB who hasn't had a game start in 3 years. Playing @hawaii as first game of season.

You'd like a dominating performance out of the gate, but I'll take the W.

I'm expecting a vast improvement in the offense next week. Miles will most likely be out there to show what he can do.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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New coach staff, QB who hasn't had a game start in 3 years. Playing @hawaii as first game of season.

You'd like a dominating performance out of the gate, but I'll take the W.

I'm expecting a vast improvement in the offense next week. Miles will most likely be out there to show what he can do.

It will be a home game, with their most experienced and game ready QB, and now a feature back that emerged from the first game. The secondary should have some confidence as none of them really did anything super bad in the first game.

There are lots of reasons to expect something different, and yet when you keep looking at how both lines performed there are questions that need to be answered.

Note that EWU is no joke of an FCS program. They have upset FBS schools before and UW barely beat them a couple of years back on a late Trufant pick in the end zone that sealed the game. The eagles can throw the ball and will challenge that secondary all day.

If this game had been against them they would have lost. I have no doubt that Eastern would have beat that defense. So now the coaches are on the clock. You have one week to fix the things that mattered the most in the failures of those veterans and have that look a lot more like a D1 power 5 defense. Fail and you have serious problems with a loss at home.

Now I don't expect that to happen, just saying that's what is at stake.

I do know Miles won't be crapping himself sideways over pressure so that alone will be a huge step up. Go ahead and blitz him. Better contain him completely though or he will burn the crap out of you on the ground.

It's nice that Lindquist now has some game experience and knows what that's like, but that experiment is over.


Aug 31, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Not a lot of teams play that poorly and still pull off a win. The offense was good in the fact that they scored 17 unanswered when they were down with an inexperienced QB. The defense was good in the fact that they only allowed 16pts... especially for how long they were on the field. I was impressed with their stamina.



Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Not a lot of teams play that poorly and still pull off a win. The offense was good in the fact that they scored 17 unanswered when they were down with an inexperienced QB. The defense was good in the fact that they only allowed 16pts... especially for how long they were on the field. I was impressed with their stamina.



Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Is that funny?


Because you were playing Hawaii. Your post would make better sense if you were playing a team that might rank in the top100.

You got a new coach and a new staff, so just hope for improvements as the year goes on and hope to contend next year. Alabama lost to ULM in 2007 with Saban as a new coach, and then went undefeated in 2008.

This is not going to be your year.


Aug 31, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3

Because you were playing Hawaii. Your post would make better sense if you were playing a team that might rank in the top100.

You got a new coach and a new staff, so just hope for improvements as the year goes on and hope to contend next year. Alabama lost to ULM in 2007 with Saban as a new coach, and then went undefeated in 2008.

This is not going to be your year.

This is not going to be Alabama's year either.