Newly appointed fentanyl czar
There you go @jstewismybastardson , Italia takes gold in the men's 100m backstroke 

The last couple of years when my daughter was doing gymnastics, she was doing 16 hours per week of training. To even think about making the national team you would be looking to doing at least double that amount of training. As jstew said above, it's a full commitment.
My daughter did competitive trampoline for about 18 months and we were so glad when she decided to stop. Gruesome injuries.We had a guy in Junior High who was tremendous on the Trampoline. He was certainly Olympic bound until he broke his fibula... Not sure what became of him after.
“Pair of Levis” earn tries for the aussies
Queue the Paris Olympics is a disaster crowd, right about now.I guess it was only a matter of time...
Just finished watching the surfing comp. That was one heck of a wave leading up to this as well.
That is an official wrestling move called checking the oil.
my two oldest great nephews are all stars in richmond at soccer.It's weird about goals. The 4yo Niece wants to start playing Soccer, which me and one of her aunts (My other Sister in law) used to play.