Well-Known Member
Pretty sure these are the rules......just not sure how you monitor them.Maybe.
If they don't adjust, it will. The way they are doing things is incredibly dumb. I'm not talking about not doing a bubble because logistically with the amount of people they have, it might not be possible (I have some ideas but I don't feel like explaining them out right now). I'm talking about every thing else. They are basically letting the players/coaches/team personnel work on the honor system. Everyone only socially distances at the ball park. Once they are leaving the ball park, people can venture out into the world ever how they please. You've got people flying home on commercial flights and then flying back to join their teams during days off. Stuff like that. That's incredibly reckless. You're going to have to drill into everyone that they can basically only go to the ball park and only to their place of residence in the city they are playing not (if its their actual home, fine, but if they leave in say Florida but play for the Yankees, they aren't allowed to go home). If you do go somewhere else, its a mandatory quarantine for X amount of days or you have to have like 3 consecutive negative tests