You all are making way too much of my comment.
@msgkings322 is the one who is wrong here. And just a few weeks who he was willing to bet a lifetime ban that the Covid death toll would be under 100K.
My “doomsday” comments that you all keep picking apart are only in response to his overly optimistic, no chance of anything going wrong comments.
Not really.
@msgkings322 is just saying that, in his opinion, there's no chance the season doesn't finish. It's an opinion.
Instead of just saying you disagree and why. You're throwing out ridiculous things like "How will they get food?" as if the NBA was going to get to Orlando and suddenly realize that they hadn't thought of that.
While I won't go as far as to say that there's no chance the season isn't finished...I think the chances that the season gets finished are far more likely than not. In betting terms, it's the overwhelming, prohibitive favorite.
The NBA has generally shown itself to be one of, if not the smartest, professional sports leagues in history.
Adam Silver has shown that he puts the safety and needs of the people who work in the NBA above all else. The man shut down the entire league because 1 player tested positive. He didn't have to. But there wasn't much info out there at the time, so he erred on the side that protected the people who work in the NBA.
I think we can all trust that if he felt there was any kind of solid chance that they wouldn't be able to pull this off safely, the league wouldn't be looking to finish the season.