from before LeBron left dicklick- wiating for your mea culpa...
"ill be the first one to criticize lebron when he deserves it- like the Kevin love- fit in- dont fit out- text---- the Decision, his passive aggressiveness at times, undermining Blatt at times. LeBron is far from perfect and does some strange things at times. Responding to idiotic comments that Phil clearly meant as disparaging is not one of those times."
"LeBron has done PLENTY wrong.
I hated how he just ran Blatt out of town and didnt even give him a chance. Of course, the Decision, how he was passive-aggressive with Kevin Love via social media instead of being straight up with him--- GIVING UP in Game 5 vs. Boston was just pathetic- one of the worst performancesi have ever seen out of a big time player....LeBron is far far from perfect and does weird shit that i dont agree ----
but in the grand scheme of things- the guy is an all time great- has an all time great work ethic- is an all time great teammate, and has been amazing for the community.
Does he open his mouth and write shit on social media sometimes that is stupid/weird/totally unnceessary? yah......
but in the grand scheme of things that stuff is NOTHING compared to what he brings to your team, your culture, your c
I didn't read any of that. How many times do I have to tell you I don't read any of your long winded rants?
Tell you what though. Instead of having to read anymore of your thoughts about LeOuttaTown let's change the topic. And to show you I'll maybe stop questioning things you say about your ex favorite NBAer how about if I send you some frozen Rocky Mountain Oysters?
Next topic. What do you think of Pat Riley & Hassan Whiteside?