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2018-2019 NBA Regular Season Thread


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Milwaukee's defensive strategy on Harden last night was pretty awesome.

The first rule of any defensive system at any level is to not allow a straight line drive.

Well, Harden's primary defender sat on his left shoulder, essentially gifting him a straight line drive and a clear path to the rim every touch. Milwaukee's bigs basically played a 1 man zone at the rim to challenge all his shots there.

Harden really struggled to get going and never really got and clean looks at 3s. I think he will see that strategy again down the line.


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Sticking with Dragic while he's playing poorly instead of going to Waiters who has been really good tonight makes zero sense to me.

No reason for Waiters to sit out the first half of the 4th in favor for Dragic.

I see zero sense of urgency from Spo. Dude is coaching like this is a regular game in December

Spo has arguably the most job security of any head coach in the NBA sans Popovich.

There wasn't much expectation out of this roster other than to make the playoffs. If he misses it, it'd be considered a minor disappointment from a performance standpoint. It'd be a bigger disappointment as Wade goes out (potentially) not making the playoffs in his last season.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Lebron airballed the free throw
glad to see the Lakers won that game though.

Basically guarantees, unless some crazy shit happens, that they will get no better than the 10th slot in the lotto- and either them or Minne will get 10/11.


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Spo has arguably the most job security of any head coach in the NBA sans Popovich.

There wasn't much expectation out of this roster other than to make the playoffs. If he misses it, it'd be considered a minor disappointment from a performance standpoint. It'd be a bigger disappointment as Wade goes out (potentially) not making the playoffs in his last season.
Spo is a good coach its just a poorly constructed roster.

Its obvious from the past few years that Spo just does not like how Whiteside effects the team winning. He seems to have finally had enough and Whiteside has gone to the bench and is averaging less than 17 minutes per game over the last month.

A PER of almost 23 and 12 and 12 a night is great stats- but it just does not translate is to wins is sure what it seems like Spo seems to think.
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Orlando- with Bamba and Isaac still very raw, are in contention for a playoff spot.

Getting the 8th seed, for them, would be good. Being able to get those guys some experience, (even if its just experiencing it by mostly watching/spot duty for Bamba) would be good.

If the Magic keep Vucevic and develop Bamba and Isaac into the players that I think they can eventually be, itll be itneresting.

I dunno- its an interesting strategy taking 2 high ceiling guys that have very raw NBA talents. Bamba and Isaac were both extremely raw skill wise coming out of college but both have immense potential. As opposed to a guy that is highly skilled but maybe does not have that high of a ceiling.

Its a big risk without a doubt. We shall see in the next year or two if they can develop Isaac and Bamba into impact guys- or if they will just be busts and never realize there potential.

If they can develop those guys and retain Vucevic things just might be looking up for Orlando.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Those hamstrings get kinda tight, and those legs get pretty heavy this time of year.

Any extra time off now will benefit him and the team down the road in late April..and into May.

All frontline teams do it with their starters...and even in some cases with their bench players.

But yeah...he could at least come off the bench if needed...but I don't think they'll be needing him tonight against the Cavs.

Just sayin'
I get it happens, but usually on the B2B nights. Cs had a day off before and 2 after this game. sure, ended up not needing him, but might have.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Are you messing with me? Why you so difficult?

Again, apples to oranges. And either you didn't think about how different these situations are or you just don't get it.

Reddick starts alongside a 6'10 PG who can guard 1-4 and Butler who is as good a perimeter defender as there is in the league. It is really easy for the Sixers to pick their matchups because of how long and versatile the rest of the team is.

Curry started alongside Monta Ellis and Cory Maggette/Anthony Morrow. Ellis is the same size as Curry and none of those guys are exactly known for defense.

So was Curry hidden some? I don't know. You would have to ask @CitySushi. but certainly not to the extent Reddick is. And it is even possible that Curry would have been the one they put on the other teams' best guy since he was younger and had less offensive responsibility. But I am not sure there.

What I do know is the situation then was much different than what exists now with Klay always taking the biggest threat. The Warriors didn't have that stopper.
Not being difficult at all. Just a conversation.

So pretty much it's this.......
Redick D bad
Curry bad but you'll find an excuse.


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Dec 25, 2018
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I am high school coach. So Wiggy's "coaching kids" claim is just another unsolicited dig he always tries to bring out. And if you want to hear more about my resume you can PM me. But the fact that I have a rather substantial basketball resume puts me light years ahead of him, and that is the point.
There you go with the extremes again. "light years ahead"?

when it comes to comparing players you seem like many. If you have nothing else, play the defense card. But if the metrics don't support the D then play the eye test card.

I actually watch Kevin Love play nearly every game. Is he a great defender? Absolutely not. But he is far from a poor defender. Guy is almost always in the right place and knows what he is supposed to do. And unlike guys who can play better D than him, but don't often, Love always seems to give effort.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Which one is more efficient?

Which one played less bad defense?

Case closed.

PER does not really measure efficiency. It slightly penalizes for poor efficiency and favors higher usage rates.
Yet something you used when it helped make your case.

You are pure comedy.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Nance and Clarkson have improved soooo much. Clarkson is just a shotmaker, he make any shot. Nance has established a jumpshot and suitable 3 ball. Good role players once they get another star around Love and Sexton
And I'll double down on Nance being able to play Green's role on GS if he was asked. Especially now that Green has played so much worse.

Never knew he was as good a ball handler as he was until so many went down earlier and he was put in the role with the ability to facilitate.

If ainge called the Cavs and offered Kyrie back for Sexton, Nance, Clarkson and Zizic how fast would Gilbert hang up?

Though I bet if the deal was made, Tatum and Brown would offer to get Kyrie to the airport...even rent a plane if necessary.


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Dec 25, 2018
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2nd half disaster.

Could really us Chris Bosh about now
Saw the ceremony to retire his jersey. Class act. Really a shame what happened to him. without looking, I'd guess he was still in his 20s or very early 30s when it happened.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Actually Curry being hidden wasn’t a real tactic until a few years into his career. You have to remember the Warriors sucked and there was no real point hiding him. When Mark Jackson took over the team that’s when He started to put Klay on the vest perimeter players. The Warriors did employ more cross matches into Jackson’s tenure as coach but that had more to do with favorable matchups. I suppose you can call it hiding him, and probably that would be a fair assessment.

However there were notable scheme changes to the difference when Kerr became coach. They employed more switching and it didn’t really matter who Steph initially guarded a lot of times. He often would get switched on to an elite offensive player and many times hold his own. Check out some of the finals footage when Lebron switches on to him. More times than you would think, Curry was an effective defender. NOT a stopper, just not a matador.

Curry is actually quite an adequate defender these days. Hea never going to be a guy you hope will get you a stop but he’s at a point where you don’t cringe if he’s guarding someone. I’m actually quite comfortable with him guarding a lot of guys in the NBA. Still though I’d prefer Klay to guard the elite guys every day of the week.
Truth be told, I don't think the guy is an awful defender. I just find Extreme Boy to be funny. Everyone "sucks", "is far better", "is light years better", "it's not even close", etc.

Curry was a very good rookie. so is Trae Young. definitely a fair comparison to say it's close between the 2 as rookies....and I would even say Curry was a little better.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Truth be told, I don't think the guy is an awful defender. I just find Extreme Boy to be funny. Everyone "sucks", "is far better", "is light years better", "it's not even close", etc.

Curry was a very good rookie. so is Trae Young. definitely a fair comparison to say it's close between the 2 as rookies....and I would even say Curry was a little better.

In Curry’s rookie year and some into his second year, Keith Smart used to bench Curry for Acie Law. Acie fuckin Law. Smart took some head coaching games from Nelson during his rookie year then took over full time as head coach the following year. You can see why his tenure was short.

Trae is actually given a much bigger leash than Curry was given his first two years. Plus Curry was playing along side Monta Ellis who was a volume shooter and at the time the Warriors best player.

I think Trae is a stud but also he’s doing things and getting more opportunity because of Curry. Curry had to cross so many hurdles to get to where he is during his time in the NBA.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Saw the ceremony to retire his jersey. Class act. Really a shame what happened to him. without looking, I'd guess he was still in his 20s or very early 30s when it happened.

Early 30's. He just turned 35 on Sunday and this has been going on for like 3 years now so roughly 31/32 when it happened


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Cleveland, OH
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In Curry’s rookie year and some into his second year, Keith Smart used to bench Curry for Acie Law. Acie fuckin Law. Smart took some head coaching games from Nelson during his rookie year then took over full time as head coach the following year. You can see why his tenure was short.

Trae is actually given a much bigger leash than Curry was given his first two years. Plus Curry was playing along side Monta Ellis who was a volume shooter and at the time the Warriors best player.

I think Trae is a stud but also he’s doing things and getting more opportunity because of Curry. Curry had to cross so many hurdles to get to where he is during his time in the NBA.
No doubt.......reminds me a little of Murray and Baker. Had Baker not had the season he had many might still have an issue with short QBs and B12 QBs