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2018-2019 NBA Regular Season Thread


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Jul 17, 2014
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There you go with the extremes again. "light years ahead"?

when it comes to comparing players you seem like many. If you have nothing else, play the defense card. But if the metrics don't support the D then play the eye test card.

I actually watch Kevin Love play nearly every game. Is he a great defender? Absolutely not. But he is far from a poor defender. Guy is almost always in the right place and knows what he is supposed to do. And unlike guys who can play better D than him, but don't often, Love always seems to give effort.
lol...he is "light years ahead" becuase he coaches children.

In fact, the fact that he coaches children is an inhibitor for him and he is too blind to see it. Its what makes him stuck in the NBA of 20-30 years ago and totally fails to take into account that the rules that govern a game with a bunch of children are very different from 6'8" 285 pound monsters that can do things that no person that size should be able to do. -and that is the 100% truth. You see it a lot from people who never made it and are bitter about it- they try and act like their tiny bit of knowledge taken from their tiny little corner is actually applicable. As i said- a hindrance more than a help.

I run into something similar when I deal with clients who might have some limited experience in the law, i.e. were real estate agents and have some knowledge about tax liens, or had past cases etc....Every situation is different and is more about the process then knowledge. When you think you can rely on knowledge you can fuck up big time. Applying knowledge from coaching children to the NBA is when you can get crazy ideas like Mathew Dellavadova helps the Cavs more than Kyrie Irving. That shit is simply just not applicable. It actually can makeyou dangerously wrong to rely on that knowledge because you can be just so sure you are right that it borders on delusion. thats where our buddy is.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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In Curry’s rookie year and some into his second year, Keith Smart used to bench Curry for Acie Law. Acie fuckin Law. Smart took some head coaching games from Nelson during his rookie year then took over full time as head coach the following year. You can see why his tenure was short.

Trae is actually given a much bigger leash than Curry was given his first two years. Plus Curry was playing along side Monta Ellis who was a volume shooter and at the time the Warriors best player.

I think Trae is a stud but also he’s doing things and getting more opportunity because of Curry. Curry had to cross so many hurdles to get to where he is during his time in the NBA.

Acie Law was a beast in college lol


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Dec 25, 2018
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Early 30's. He just turned 35 on Sunday and this has been going on for like 3 years now so roughly 31/32 when it happened
Awful as hard not to root for guys like this. Yeah, I know, another Cleveland spin from me but I liken it to Brad Daugherty having to retire early...he was only 28. Different cat from Bosh. Much more quiet, but both were/are class acts and a shame to see guys like this have to retire so young.


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Jul 17, 2014
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And I'll double down on Nance being able to play Green's role on GS if he was asked. Especially now that Green has played so much worse.

Never knew he was as good a ball handler as he was until so many went down earlier and he was put in the role with the ability to facilitate.

If ainge called the Cavs and offered Kyrie back for Sexton, Nance, Clarkson and Zizic how fast would Gilbert hang up?

Though I bet if the deal was made, Tatum and Brown would offer to get Kyrie to the airport...even rent a plane if necessary.
Nance can actually really pass the ball to.


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@bksballer89 As much as I rip on the Heat's cap situation i do have to say- having Richardson and Winslow signed up long term for a combined, what? 25-27M a year for multiple years after this one is a great base to grow from. Winslow looks like he can be the rare 15-5-5 guy at some point. Richardson looks legit. He is prob. a little over exposed this year- as seen by his 3pt and fg%, but if they got another real scorer around him to take the pressure off he would see that efficiency go up I believe.


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Dec 25, 2018
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oh, my stars and garters...:L

what curse?



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@bksballer89 As much as I rip on the Heat's cap situation i do have to say- having Richardson and Winslow signed up long term for a combined, what? 25-27M a year for multiple years after this one is a great base to grow from. Winslow looks like he can be the rare 15-5-5 guy at some point. Richardson looks legit. He is prob. a little over exposed this year- as seen by his 3pt and fg%, but if they got another real scorer around him to take the pressure off he would see that efficiency go up I believe.

Don't forget about Bam.
I think he's going to be the best of the 3.


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They said LeBron "almost" blew off the Lakers game to come to the Bosh ceremony last night.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I can't tell who will be better clarkson or nance. Clarkson when he is consistent is almost a star

Clarkson is all about his own shot. As long as he isn't your PG, he's solid.

Both aren't starter level talents; they are best suited to be rotational players.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Clarkson is all about his own shot. As long as he isn't your PG, he's solid.

Both aren't starter level talents; they are best suited to be rotational players.
Ideally, on a good team, I agree. Clarkson is an exceptional 6th man and Nance a solid rotational guy.