Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Chris Sale making his Red Sox debut today.
When I saw him as the listed starter it blew my mind. I totally forgot they got him

Chris Sale making his Red Sox debut today.
I finally saw, my buddy has season tickets in the upper deck and when it's empty they let season ticket holders from the upper deck go down into the lower deck and basically pick their seats, it was so empty he was right behind the Rays dugout, lol, fucking pathetic.Not necessarily but it was pretty empty
I finally saw, my buddy has season tickets in the upper deck and when it's empty they let season ticket holders from the upper deck go down into the lower deck and basically pick their seats, it was so empty he was right behind the Rays dugout, lol, fucking pathetic.
My co-worker and I were just talking about the attendance last night, and he said a few weeks ago he was at a get together and one of the heads of marketing for the Rays was there, and said it'll be within 3 years, but they don't want to move out of state. They're looking at Tampa, and the Channelside area, which won't change a damn thing.They need to move out of there
2 games cancelled cubs/cards and tigers/white sox![]()
Chris Sale making his Red Sox debut today.
2 games cancelled cubs/cards and tigers/white sox![]()
dougplayer said the White Sox are scared of the Tigers.
Dude looks like a meth-addled hillbilly wigger.
And the Indians own him.
fucking sticklerCall me a stickler, but they were postponed, not cancelled.
Not really the vibe I get from him and his family
Didn't say anything about his family. Yet.
Anyway, I don't see him in social settings like the one above. I see him when he's playing baseball, where he looks like a meth-addled hillbilly wigger.
Josh Tomlin and Cody Allen look more like "Meth-addled hillbilly wiggers", than Sale does, imo.
Seems like I hurt your feelings and you're attempting to get back at me by insulting players from the Indians. Kinda funny.
I think you have no idea what a meth-addled hillbilly wigger looks like. Part of that description is an emaciated appearance that Tomlin doesn't really have (at least not to the extent that Sale does) and Allen certainly doesn't.
I wouldn't disagree that the two of them look like hillbillies, though. Tomlin of the greasy-mechanic-from-rural-Georga-who-specializes-in-Ford-Mustang-and-John-Deere-tractor-tractor-engines variety,
...and Allen of the country-strong-wholesome-always-says-sir-and-ma'am-and-goes-to-church stripe.
You don't get out much, do you?
Because I don't hangout with Meth head wiggers means I don't get out much?
You sound really fucking poor, and white trashy, lmfao
You don't have to hangout with meth-addled hillbilly wiggers to know what they look like, but you do have to have gotten out in the world some. Frankly, I'm surprised someone from Florida isn't familiar with that look - the state is rife with them.
So, you think likening Sale, with his lanky physique and that wispy beard that really isn't full enough to grow yet, to a meth head is preposterous, but that my prose represents me as poor, white trash?
You're either being disingenuous, have no idea what you're talking about, or retarded. If I had to guess, it's a combo of 1 and 2.
I never said it's not preposterous that he looks like a meth head, I just said he's not.
and yes, the fact that you said "I dont' get out much", because I can't spot white trash wiggers, shows me the types you hangout with.
Sorry I don't live in an area with a bunch of meth head wiggers, sounds like a personal problem.