Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Wade CHOSE to opt out even though he knew James was leaving, and kept that info from Riley. That's on him.
Difference between Wade and Bosh was and still is that Bosh was in DEMAND.
He had another max offer. That is 100% leverage.
Wade, up until last year missed way too many game for someone to invest long term cash in.
Now, he's just too old.
And don't forget, he WANTED 3/45 a year ago.
If he took the 2/40, hes banking an extra 15M.
I understand the market might make him rethink his position/worth, but if so, then quit bluffing/whining and go to where you feel 'respected'.
Like they all say, its business.
Bottom line is the Heat is offering him something fair now, and there is no reason to believe that they wouldn't give him some type of 'fluff' contract at the end of his career.
Bottomline is Wade should have been a priority from the start (not the main one) and don't offer him $10 mil a year, that is a slap in the face. Delly got about that. By this market and what Wade did, he has earned to get a contract from $20-$25 mil. I mean Barnes got what $24 mil.