if Mecca doesnt take that bet you are more than welcome to if you have the cojones.
i mean- the bet is moot if the Cavs and Heat dont play eachother- there is no odds calculation on the Heat making the playoffs- if they choke down the stretch and end up at the back end of the lotto there is obviously no bet.
are you drunk? LOLThe hypocrisy here is unreal. If the Warriors were Wiggy's team, there's absolutely no way he would ever lay a bet with them with Durant's injury. But yet he's on the otherside saying I know full and well he'll be good to go and wants a hedge. GTFO.
I'd be willing to bet the Warriors will win the championship with anyone for any stakes.
Warriors must be fully healthy
Warriors must have home court advantage
Warriors must be given a +15 point spread in any game
Warriors must not have Scott Foster referee any of their games
Warriors must have at least 2 additional days of rest than their opponent
Warriors must have at least 30% fan base at the traveling arena
Warriors opponent can't take any shots within 32.5 feet of the basket
Warriors opponent must play with a 4 second shot clock.
are you drunk? LOL
you wont even take the caveat that if he plays 1 regular season its voidable because you KNOW its going to happen.
i just cant wait to humiliate you when he is playing before the regular season ends and its proven your little alarmist hissy fit here was unfounded. Itll be funny to see how you squirm out of that one- this is common sense.
but as always- time will vindicate.
trust me- if I thought Durant was actually going to be out- id take it in a second- why wouldnt I ? no way in hell the Warriors stay close to the Cavs withouthim. It would be a bitch-slapping of epic proportions.
Im just glad the Cavs have a lot easier road- esp. if the Warriors get the 2 seed and have to play a real team like OKC in the first round, and the Cavs get to play a creampuff like the Heat or Pistons in the first round.
Again, learn to keep it short & sweet.
He's helping you by pointing out reasons this bet favors you!!! My gawd you can't be this dim, can you?
@CitySushi LMAO like clockwork
The irony.
I think we finally ran wiggy away.
This is a long-winded way of saying "I'm a fucking pussy that doesn't want to take a bet". What prompted you to want your balls surgically removed by the way? Asking for a friend.