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2016-17 NBA Regular Season Thread

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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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i dont know how ANYONE can EXPECT any team in any major sport to win a title. As i have said a million times on here--- no matter how good you are- no matter how great your players are, your coaching etc- you always need some good luck to win.

Like Miami--- not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4---- and what happened? they won 2 of 4- which is great. But no one "expected" the Heat to win all 4 titles. Thats just not how pro sports works.

Everyone expected the Warriors to win the Finals last year when they started- and CERTAINLY "expected" them to win up 3-1- but they choked their balls off.

LeBron is 32 right now--- if he plays 5 more years--- for a total of 8 years in Cleveland- if he wins 2-3 titles and makes the Finals 5-6 times that would be overwhelmingly a succesfull run.

shit- of COURSE everyone "expected" the Lakers to win the year they lost to the Pistons- but it didnt happen- because thats just simply not how pro sports work. The examples are infinite.

its why you play the games

i do know one thing though- as long as THE KING is playing at the height of his abilities- the Cavs will go deep into the playoffs and have a chance at winning it every single year. You cant "expect" anything more than that.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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LOL. Keep hitting me with the rainbows because you can't distinguish that favorite means most likely. Every year the Cavs don't win the championship should be a disappointment. As constructed the Warriors should feel the same way.

Only I'm not sitting here being a bitch about it. I'll man up and say if the Warriors don't win, it's a disappointment. While you sit there and make every excuse and hedge you can. You're just a bitch about it. It's not even questionable at this point.

You talk all this shit about your team and never back it up. You say how great your team is then back track and say "whoa, they shouldn't be expected to win". You're so full of shit and it's clear as day you're a front runner fan. Front runners are the ones who are there when they win and gone when they lose. So you make every excuse you can on why they should lose, all the while talking shit on why they will win. So either way at the end you can say I told you so. You're the worst kind of fan. You're worse than bandwagon fans who join in on the fun.



Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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i dont know how ANYONE can EXPECT any team in any major sport to win a title. As i have said a million times on here--- no matter how good you are- no matter how great your players are, your coaching etc- you always need some good luck to win.

Like Miami--- not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4---- and what happened? they won 2 of 4- which is great. But no one "expected" the Heat to win all 4 titles. Thats just not how pro sports works.

Everyone expected the Warriors to win the Finals last year when they started- and CERTAINLY "expected" them to win up 3-1- but they choked their balls off.

LeBron is 32 right now--- if he plays 5 more years--- for a total of 8 years in Cleveland- if he wins 2-3 titles and makes the Finals 5-6 times that would be overwhelmingly a succesfull run.

shit- of COURSE everyone "expected" the Lakers to win the year they lost to the Pistons- but it didnt happen- because thats just simply not how pro sports work. The examples are infinite.

its why you play the games

i do know one thing though- as long as THE KING is playing at the height of his abilities- the Cavs will go deep into the playoffs and have a chance at winning it every single year. You cant "expect" anything more than that.

Translation:"i'm gonna continue to play both sides of the fence so i can run my mouth and talk my shit. DEAL with it".-WiggyRuss:rolleyes2:

yo tf12, thought trolls had to be entertaining to stick around. today he's hitting the ol' bore-ometer pretty hard...


Jan 4, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Hoopla Cash
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i dont know how ANYONE can EXPECT any team in any major sport to win a title. As i have said a million times on here--- no matter how good you are- no matter how great your players are, your coaching etc- you always need some good luck to win.

Like Miami--- not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4---- and what happened? they won 2 of 4- which is great. But no one "expected" the Heat to win all 4 titles. Thats just not how pro sports works.

Everyone expected the Warriors to win the Finals last year when they started- and CERTAINLY "expected" them to win up 3-1- but they choked their balls off.

LeBron is 32 right now--- if he plays 5 more years--- for a total of 8 years in Cleveland- if he wins 2-3 titles and makes the Finals 5-6 times that would be overwhelmingly a succesfull run.

shit- of COURSE everyone "expected" the Lakers to win the year they lost to the Pistons- but it didnt happen- because thats just simply not how pro sports work. The examples are infinite.

its why you play the games

i do know one thing though- as long as THE KING is playing at the height of his abilities- the Cavs will go deep into the playoffs and have a chance at winning it every single year. You cant "expect" anything more than that.



Jan 4, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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this dude CONTINUES to move the goal posts with his own special brand of tired bullshit...

It sounds like he's already conceded to the fact that they aren't winning the finals this year.

And LeBron gets a year older next year, and there's a chance he opts out and leaves.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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It sounds like he's already conceded to the fact that they aren't winning the finals this year.

And LeBron gets a year older next year, and there's a chance he opts out and leaves.
He pretty much knew the same thing last season- and of course that's how the Finals started out. I'm thinking he's not willing to bet that some form of trickery works out in James' favor two years in a row.
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Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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It sounds like he's already conceded to the fact that they aren't winning the finals this year.

And LeBron gets a year older next year, and there's a chance he opts out and leaves.

oh noooo...

according to your ol' whipping boy he's good for another 5 years and 3 or 4 more title runs. and if he's serious(and sane) about not expecting a title every year for LeClown and his court then why talk all this madness...?

all he's doing is wasting everyone's time...
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Jan 4, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Hoopla Cash
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He pretty much knew the same thing last season- and of course that's how the Finals started out. I'm thinking he's not willing to bet that some form of trickery works out in James' favor two years in a row.


Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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He pretty much knew the same thing last season- and of course that's how the Finals started out. I'm thinking he's not willing to bet that some form of trickery works out in James' favor two years in a row.

lol yeah, i'm doubting VERY seriously that happens twice...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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It sounds like he's already conceded to the fact that they aren't winning the finals this year.

And LeBron gets a year older next year, and there's a chance he opts out and leaves.

33, then 34, 35...

point is do players get better from that point on...?




Jan 4, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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33, then 34, 35...

point is do players get better from that point on...?


Especially since leBItchMadeFaggot relies on his athletic ability more than he does his talent, it's not like he's going to be a Kobe or Jordan still putting up big numbers when he gets older.

The only guys that usually still strive when they age, is guys that can shoot the lights out, when Jordan's athletic ability started to go, he started relying mainly on jumpers and he developed a 3, Kobe also relied much less on points in the paint.

LeCunt is a shit-tier shooter, he only shoots from a high clip at 3 because he has Kyrie driving the paint and dishing him wide open dimes, the fucking can can't even shoot 70% from the FT fine.

He can go fuck himself, is my point.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I totally agree that the season was a dissapointment if the Cavs dont win a title.

I just dont know anyone that thought LeBron would win a title every year he was here.

If in the big picture LeBron gets 2-3 titles and makes the Finals 5-6 times---- that will be an amazing success.

LeBron brought a title to a city that hadn't won anything in 5+ decades. For me his legacy is cemented. Only people that have issues w/ him will only focus on his Finals failures. But to be fair it's not like he lost those Finals all by himself, his teams did. Funny nobody gives D.Wade any shit, he was a very important part of those Heat teams as well. And I agree that nobody is expecting him to win a title every year.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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LeBron brought a title to a city that hadn't won anything in 5+ decades. For me his legacy is cemented. Only people that have issues w/ him will only focus on his Finals failures. But to be fair it's not like he lost those Finals all by himself, his teams did. Funny nobody gives D.Wade any shit, he was a very important part of those Heat teams as well. And I agree that nobody is expecting him to win a title every year.
I think the point you're missing is that James has anointed himself the King. Which is also saying he's the leader. And no, he didn't lose those Finals by himself & neither did any other LEADER that has lost on that stage. But they all share carrying the burden of losses as leaders. It's a club LBJ wanted to be a part of, can't cry now about it.

In terms of his legacy IMO that's subjective. Some people think his individual accolades are what shapes his legacy while others believe that in a team sport the success of the team is what matters the most.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I think his style of offense just isn't going to ever win a title if it's not complimented with defense. And the reason he couldn't get Kobe to buy into this system is because Kobe already knew that- having already won a title 5xs.

When I first read this comment, I was inclined to disagree. My thought was that it was because, by the time D.Antoni was the coach, he was too old to run it. But after some thought, I agree to a point. I don't think Kobe had a problem with D'Antoni's offense. The "7 seconds or less" thing was never the main part of his offense.

I agree that it was the lack of emphasis on defense that Kobe didn't agree with or like. As you point out, Kobe knows that defense is a big part of winning titles.
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