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shit! winning those 4 in a row- and 3 on the road is just about the best stretch the heat have had this season and it was without the guy.....
and those January stats?--- they are based on 10 games- since he missed all those games in January---- and was just listening to haberstroh- and the 2 games where the Heat were the best defensively- and this is what he said- were when the Mavs were hungover on New years day- and a couple days later on the 3rd when the Wizards played with 7 guys and scored 75 points!!! lol....
he is just so totally the biggest fake impact stat guy going in the league today...it cracks me up.
The Heat changed their offense since the Wizards game 2 weeks ago. It is the reason for their improved play along with getting healthy finally.
The Mavs were hungover but the Heat weren't? Cool story