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2014 off season releases/re-signings updates


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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Actually, I would love to move Jonte Green over to safety and see what he can do there. He could play near the line of scrimmage and possibly cover slot receivers.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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Looks like the Lions are open to bringing Delmas back.

My guess is that Leroy Harris is gone soon. 2 Mil to not play a snap?

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Now we just need to re-sign Suh and the Lions are sitting on a ton of cap space.

Sorry Thunder, I dont know what you think is a "ton of cap space" but I guarantee you that its not even close to what you are thinking.

We may have freed up $11.5m today but we were $6m negative before that. So you have $5.5m in space. We just signed Raiola to a "significant" raise that comes out of that $5.5m. The tender offer for Bell will be no less than $2m, and could be $3m if they tender him with a 1st round grade. Riight now only 51 players are counting of the 53 that ultimately have to in addition to the practice squad. There are none of the one year vet deals that are always signed either and we have no back up QB and no kicker. What about all of our other FA's? Even after today's cuts the Lions are actually still in the red. There remains zero cap space as of yet.

Not sure just how much you think a new deal for Suh will save but you have to remember that the rookies will come out of that amount. The absolute max you could save on a new deal for Suh is $12m, and that would mean he signs a deal with the minimum salary and no signing bonus. What do you think the likelihood is that he will do that? I would expect more in the $7-8m savings range. By the time you take out the rookies and fill out the roster you dont have any cap space. More cuts are likley to be coming if the Lions plan to pursue any free agents.

Hillard, Palmer, Jones, Mosley, Leshoure, and even Sims could all be on the chopping block.

Gulf of Brazil

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Jan 3, 2014
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Now we just need to re-sign Suh and the Lions are sitting on a ton of cap space.

Your statement is waaaaaay off, as we were approx. 7 mil over the cap prior to today's cuts.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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Hillard, Palmer, Jones, Mosley, Leshoure, and even Sims could all be on the chopping block.

I hope Mosley is not on the Block, I really like what he did for us. I am not sure on Jones either, I think his status depends on what they do with young, but I can't say I would miss him.

I still think Leroy Harris is next

Gulf of Brazil

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Jan 3, 2014
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Wait until CJ's extreme cap hits come to fruition.. if you think we're screwed now... just wait until 2015 new league year..I bet very few will be bitching about it, saying he's the best ever, but his upcoming cap hits will kill this teams financial future even more. And forget the "we'll worry about that ordeal when it comes". This deal for CJ and likely Suh's extension nullify any future thought of a "A" FA player, not that I want to see any.... ever...

2013 cap hit...... 8,773,000.00
2014 cap hit......13,058,000.00
2015 cap hit......20, 588,000.00
2016 cap hit......24,008,000.00 or cut him and absorb a dead money of 12,914,000.00
2017 cap hit......21,358,000.00 or cut him and absorb a dead money of 4,857,000.00


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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On the Bright side Houston can be released for 3.2 in savings next year!

Gulf of Brazil

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Jan 3, 2014
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On the Bright side Houston can be released for 3.2 in savings next year!

And do what by cutting Houston, losing 2.6 mil with him not being on the roster. Get a FA for 6 mil a year ? right back to the same shit as usual with $$$ concerns...

I expect Houston to bounce back this year and if he doesn't, you could be right on point Mebert. Hopefully Slay and Greenwood play lights out this year. Bentley could be gone, before Houston, with all his injuries, pass interference penalties.

On a side note, Houston's father was allegedly involved in the Sam Hurd (ex-Chicago and Dal WR)
drug case and he was repeatedly questioned by the Det media if that was worriesome to him or was he merely trying to live up to the big contract. He's never been a #1 CB nor was he paid last year like one.
Apr 20, 2013
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so on a serious note here if we tank again this year which i sure as hell hope we dont do we consider trading calvin(my favorite player ever) so we dont have that cap hit we would free up alot of room and we would defintley get 2 first round picks i would think for him once again i would hate to do it but....

Gulf of Brazil

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Jan 3, 2014
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so on a serious note here if we tank again this year which i sure as hell hope we dont do we consider trading calvin(my favorite player ever) so we dont have that cap hit we would free up alot of room and we would defintley get 2 first round picks i would think for him once again i would hate to do it but....

Calvin would be a 20.974 million dead money cap hit next year by trading him in 2015. A cap hit of 20.588 mil to play for the lions in 2015 or trade him and still account for a 20.974 cap hit without him. If I'm wrong about this, Dr. Evil hopefully with step in and state so...
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Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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Calvin would be a 20.974 million dead money cap hit next year by trading him in 2015. A cap hit of 20.588 mil to play for the lions in 2015 or trade him and still account for a 20.974 cap hit without him. If I'm wrong about this, Dr. Evil hopefully with step in and state so...

It would cost about 400k more against the cap to trade CJ in 2015 then to keep him on the roster.

Detroit Lions Salary Cap - 2015 Breakdown


Nothing To See Here
Apr 18, 2013
Spring Valley, WI
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Hate to see it, CJ is a fan (and my) favorite, yet the timing is such that past mistakes will still haunt us into the future. I do hope there is some other way (league modifies rules, making flexible cap space for players drafted before the current CBA?), which would allow for the team to take the financial hit without getting any additional penalties? Probably won't happen, but it sure would help the lovable losers achieve a bit of parity (albeit while having to wite a bigger check).


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Hate to see it, CJ is a fan (and my) favorite, yet the timing is such that past mistakes will still haunt us into the future. I do hope there is some other way (league modifies rules, making flexible cap space for players drafted before the current CBA?), which would allow for the team to take the financial hit without getting any additional penalties? Probably won't happen, but it sure would help the lovable losers achieve a bit of parity (albeit while having to wite a bigger check).

Ya we got screwed in the new CBA, is there any articles on teams like the Lions, Browns, Raiders etc getting the bad rap that year with the new rules change?

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Ya we got screwed in the new CBA, is there any articles on teams like the Lions, Browns, Raiders etc getting the bad rap that year with the new rules change?

Finally!!!! I have been waiting for someone to try and make a comparison of how other shitty teams who had to deal with the outrageous rookie deals as well are currently looking cap wise.

Look no further than right there for an extremely clear cut example of just how truly incompetent our front office really is. The Raiders have $63m in cap space and the Browns have $57m. Those arent misprints, that's the cap space they have.

I have said it before and will keep saying, we did not get into this mess because of the old contracts, we are in it because our GM and President are a Millen trained moron and dumbass drunk. It's that simple and those numbers prove it pretty darn clearly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Burleson wasnt a total bust by any means. He was nate burleson and he was overpaid to play here because at the time no one was coming to the lions. The lioms and the fans knew they were getting a decent number two receiver and he did good in the role until he got old and injured. Glad hes gone now but also appreciate the time he spent here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Wait until CJ's extreme cap hits come to fruition.. if you think we're screwed now... just wait until 2015 new league year..I bet very few will be bitching about it, saying he's the best ever, but his upcoming cap hits will kill this teams financial future even more. And forget the "we'll worry about that ordeal when it comes". This deal for CJ and likely Suh's extension nullify any future thought of a "A" FA player, not that I want to see any.... ever...

2013 cap hit...... 8,773,000.00
2014 cap hit......13,058,000.00
2015 cap hit......20, 588,000.00
2016 cap hit......24,008,000.00 or cut him and absorb a dead money of 12,914,000.00
2017 cap hit......21,358,000.00 or cut him and absorb a dead money of 4,857,000.00

The cap situation sucks but the lions arent going to win the superbowl through free agency anyhow. They need to draft well and develop those picks and pay their players in house.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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Would not surprise me if they resign him later in the year though. I agree he and Delmas will open up some much needed cap space.