I'm a Bullet Proof Tiger
I agree with you, Arcia should be playing more.
I like the T. Laroussa train of thought, in that you don't put your weakest hitter 9th, bat him 8th (as I see that you did in your line-up). Let your 9 hitter be a table setter for the top of the line-up.
My thought process: as you said keep a line-up pretty much the same with this exception; with Willinghams mega slump I would move him down to 5th or 6th until he snaps out of it. The problem that arises then, is who bats 3rd? With this weak ass lineup, there's not really an option. The best option would be Arcia? He's not ready to be a 3 hitter. Last year I would have said give Plouffe a shot at it short term until Willy's slump is over.
Honestly, I am glad I don't have to fill out the lineup card right now!
Baseball is so streaky that I will go with a hot bat, Doumit was hitting good for a little while then fell into a funk again, that is why I think we were seeing him in the outfield. Even Gardy knows his role should be simply back-up catcher, he fills that role well.
Gardy has been reaching for whatever he could, to get someone that could hit or has been better as of late, than the "other" guy. That's why I think this lineup has changed so much lately. It's a case of who sucks the least right now!
Watching this team, I think that other than Mauer and Morneau you could throw the rest of the players names in a hat and pull them out one by one, fill in the lineup card and come up with the same results.
Your point about consistancy is good, but with a team consistantly losing like this, I'd be shaking things up also. If Gardy simply stood pat and left the lineup exactly the same through this, he'd be catching grief for not being proactive and mixing it up.
I like the T. Laroussa train of thought, in that you don't put your weakest hitter 9th, bat him 8th (as I see that you did in your line-up). Let your 9 hitter be a table setter for the top of the line-up.
My thought process: as you said keep a line-up pretty much the same with this exception; with Willinghams mega slump I would move him down to 5th or 6th until he snaps out of it. The problem that arises then, is who bats 3rd? With this weak ass lineup, there's not really an option. The best option would be Arcia? He's not ready to be a 3 hitter. Last year I would have said give Plouffe a shot at it short term until Willy's slump is over.
Honestly, I am glad I don't have to fill out the lineup card right now!
Baseball is so streaky that I will go with a hot bat, Doumit was hitting good for a little while then fell into a funk again, that is why I think we were seeing him in the outfield. Even Gardy knows his role should be simply back-up catcher, he fills that role well.
Gardy has been reaching for whatever he could, to get someone that could hit or has been better as of late, than the "other" guy. That's why I think this lineup has changed so much lately. It's a case of who sucks the least right now!
Watching this team, I think that other than Mauer and Morneau you could throw the rest of the players names in a hat and pull them out one by one, fill in the lineup card and come up with the same results.
Your point about consistancy is good, but with a team consistantly losing like this, I'd be shaking things up also. If Gardy simply stood pat and left the lineup exactly the same through this, he'd be catching grief for not being proactive and mixing it up.