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I'm an idiot
I'm an idiot
Originally Posted by clyde_carbon
But you can't put things in perspective when it comes to Alex Smith on this board, Bem. That's not allowed.
So I've noticed - sad actually.
You guys are so fucking sorry. You always stressed "perspective" when Smith was being trashed too, right? Cazic-level nonsense.
You guys are so fucking sorry. You always stressed "perspective" when Smith was being trashed too, right? Cazic-level nonsense.
so when you get proven wrong, you resort to childish antics?
Proven wrong? Please explain how your "lol" proved me wrong and precisely what it proved me wrong about.
Harbaugh said Smith threw the ball "very well" all week after not throwing for three days to rest the sprained middle finger on his...
for the slow people...
You guys are so fucking sorry. You always stressed "perspective" when Smith was being trashed too, right? Cazic-level nonsense.
And for the really slow people
The entire team was given three days off and had a light practice on Monday. Thus, to suggest "Smith was given 3 days off from practice to heal [his finger]" is a lie.
This is classic Harbaugh spin - try to keep up. So, once again and for you only, the entire team had three days off, not just Alex to heal his finger. What part of that do you not understand?
The fact that Harbaugh spun it that way to the media and you bought it confirms my post fix - you're an idiot.
btw, did you hear what Staley said about Smith's finger? Quite revealing you should go take a listen.
In my very first post in this thread I said that Alex had a good game, but apparently that wasn't enough.
Good was in there but the other 168 words were used to minimize the goodness.
And that wasn't enough so you had to follow it up with 4 more posts slowing down the non-existent hype train.
Say what it was, not "He had a good game within the scheme and what he was asked to do, but let's put things in perspective."
It was a great game but it was pretty much wrapped up at half time.
fact of the matter is, there was an issue with smith's finger. there's no spin needed after the fact, but they're not gonna say there's an issue with smith's finger when it is still an issue...