Total bullshit.
James twice picked what he thought was his best path to be able to win rings.
I saw a stat that with Lebron off the court and Kyrie and Love on the court they were -3.1 per 48 minutes, that is equivalent to the Knicks, who won 31 games. Lebron is the difference between the Cavs not making the playoffs to them contending for a title. That's crazy
Gonna need the Warriors to close this one out. Might be a bit distracted after today, seeing as wife is going to be giving birth any day now. I don't want to have to split my attention between a tv and the delivery, lol. JK, JK.
Obv, I'll be watching the tv.
Your Honor--- the WHO, HOW, WHERE AND WHEN DOESNT MATTER.....Total bullshit.
James twice picked what he thought was his best path to be able to win rings.
Durant has now done it once.
Who, how, where or when doesn't matter.
It's the same thing.
If James would have went to Boston, people like you would have done the exact same thing.
Burn his jersey when he left and nut hug him when he returned.
(judge) please leave my court room and never come back.
Do you think Lebron would have had a better chance at NBA title if he joined the Spurs or Ws instead of the Cavs ?
LeBron BUILT the teams he went to----Do you really have an avatar of KD calling him a coward, while praising Lebron who has jumped from team to team, hand picking his teammates to chase a ring?
KD's comment during the final perfectly summed it all up -- Lebron paved the way for the rest of the league to switch teams and join forces.
It is humorous how quickly Cav fans forget about 'the decision' and Lebron going on stage talking about winning, not one, not two, nor three, not four.........![]()
(judge) please leave my court room and never come back.
LeBron BUILT the teams he went to----
KD jumped on a great teams jock.
if you cant tell the difference- you are a certified retard.
the Cavs and Heat won titles BECAUSE of LeBron---- if you took KD off this Warriors team- they would win titles and get to the Finals anyway- we already saw that.
When LeBron goes to a team he takes them from nothing to everything and when he leaves they are no longer anything near contenders.
KD went to a ready-made championship team coming off the best regular season of all time- a team that already won a title and got to the Finals multiple times.
KD and LEBron should not even be mentioned in the same sentnece- lebron is so far and above what KD was, is, and ever will be its ridiculous.
I would have love to of seen the reaction if LeBron went and joined the Celtics of Pierce, KG and Allen after being beat by them. He would have humiliated himself. Instead- he built his OWN thing- as the primary from the ground up. All Durant did was go jump on another t eams jock and is riding them to a title.
any team LeBron goes to is a "super team".....when you are a top 3 player of all time- thats what happens.
Gonna need the Warriors to close this one out. Might be a bit distracted after today, seeing as wife is going to be giving birth any day now. I don't want to have to split my attention between a tv and the delivery, lol. JK, JK.
Obv, I'll be watching the tv.
Do you really have an avatar of KD calling him a coward, while praising Lebron who has jumped from team to team, hand picking his teammates to chase a ring?
KD's comment during the final perfectly summed it all up -- Lebron paved the way for the rest of the league to switch teams and join forces.
It is humorous how quickly Cav fans forget about 'the decision' and Lebron going on stage talking about winning, not one, not two, nor three, not four.........![]()
(judge) please leave my court room and never come back.
Humor is not your strong suit.