Team Player
The real solution and it would improve the sport immensely but will never happen for reasons we've discussed, would be to move to olympic sized rinks. That way you can't afford to keep fighters on your team.
After the Sabres/Leafs game, ESPN put up a poll asking "Should the NHL ban fighting?"
31,024 people around the World voted, and 90% said "No".
So yeah, I don't think too many fans are screaming for it to go away.
Everyone who plays the game is aware of what can happen, and they are still in favor of it. Are you saying the majority of players are simply too dumb or ignorant about it?
Internet polls should NEVER be used as evidence of anything other than that 90% of the people who took that poll voted this way, which shows very little. By nature, fans turned off by fighting in hockey would not be checking out that poll. And only hardcore hockey fans (who likely skew more in the "fighting is traditionally!" category) are likely reading up on the game online. Don't post Internet polls as evidence - they are unscientific.
Using DirectTV commercial logic...
When you read that fighting is the topic, you go look for evidence fighting is liked by fans. When you find that evidence in an Internet poll, you post it online. When you post it online, someone points out is it not scientific. When Darkstone reads about things that are unscientific, he cries. Don't make Darkstone cry.
The real solution and it would improve the sport immensely but will never happen for reasons we've discussed, would be to move to olympic sized rinks. That way you can't afford to keep fighters on your team.
Do you know how much money Jeremy Jacobs makes on those seats that would be displaced?
Money is far more important. The league is all about profit protection.
I say they should let the fans at the game fight it out too. Fuck it, Next Sabres V Leafs game I am going to drop the first person wearing a Leafs jersey. man, woman or child I don't give a fuck they are going down !!!!
A few main points:
Fighting is not a part of the game of hockey. It's in the culture, sure, but it's not part of the sport itself. There is a fundamental difference between taking a harder line on fighting (read, attempting to eliminate it completely) than getting rid of hitting. Hitting occurs during actual game play. Actual game play ceases at the start of a fight. Ergo, fighting is not part of the game of hockey.
Yes, hitting can lead to injuries. Even legal hits can lead to injury. I've injured myself getting out of bed in the morning. Anything can cause injury. But hits can be used to separate a player from the puck, take a player out of the play. They serve a purpose in the course of the contest. What does fighting accomplish in terms of the actual game of hockey? Nothing. It sends two players to the penalty box for five minutes and stops game action for a couple minutes. It serves no tangible purpose. Thus, while hitting can lead to injuries, there is a tangible trade-off. You might get hurt, but you can free the puck up for your team. With fights, whether you get hurt or not, you leave the ice for five minutes. Oh boy!
I propose that if you decide to fight, if you decide to leave the game of hockey for a bit of boxing, that should be your last action in that game. You decided to play something that wasn't hockey, so you're done playing hockey today. Suspensions can be added as players fight frequently. Coupled with increasingly stringent checking rules (I like Doobee's ideas on this), there will be no increase in cheap shots.
The final point I have is that the players' opinions on the matter mean nothing. We're talking about guys who largely have no legitimate training in any fields relevant to brain health who are largely in their twenties and at a stage in their lives (a stage which I believe is significantly lengthened in professional athletes due to their highly-physical livelihoods) in which they feel invincible in the face of even the most compelling evidence to the contrary. "That might have happened to the other guy, but it'll never happen to me." We're all guilty of those sorts of thoughts in life, even the most grounded of us. These guys aren't grounded, though. They're physically elite. They're not worried about these sorts of things happening to them, and you'll never convince them in any real way that it can.
Fighting is stupid and pointless and not part of the game of hockey, and the players' particular worldviews make them among the least qualified people to decide whether or not fighting has a place in the culture of hockey.
Internet polls should NEVER be used as evidence of anything other than that 90% of the people who took that poll voted this way, which shows very little.
The real solution and it would improve the sport immensely but will never happen for reasons we've discussed, would be to move to olympic sized rinks. That way you can't afford to keep fighters on your team.
I say they should let the fans at the game fight it out too. Fuck it, Next Sabres V Leafs game I am going to drop the first person wearing a Leafs jersey. man, woman or child I don't give a fuck they are going down !!!!
Fuck this thumbs up shit, we need rep back
I'd gladly wait the 48 hours and spread it around so IPW could get his due
HA HA DASH ... TENNIS IS FOR PUSSIES AND QUEERS!!! (say the tough guys)
Olympic-sized hockey rinks...a Detroit fan's dream.
Lord Stanley's Cup would soon be renamed Lord Illitch's Coffee Mug if that came true.![]()
Insulting people who like sports you don't follow is bush league and immature.