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Woj: Cavs fire David Blatt


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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That's eerie to say the least.

Pretty prophetic:

I have a question for LeBron James that I really hope he'll field someday.

A question that can be asked a variety of ways:
What kind of coach do you want?
Who out there is a coach for whom you'd actually like to play?
Who could the Cleveland Cavaliers hire that would earn your backing?

I don't have the answers to any of those queries. Cavs assistant coach Tyronn Lue is my best guess.


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Pretty prophetic:
if LeBron really got his way whenever he wanted- Blatt would have been fired a long long time ago. If LeBron got his way every time he wanted- Mark Jackson would have been the coach from the start--- DAvid Griffin was too smart to hire Mark Jackson after all the stuff he heard in GSW- and unsurprisingly no one else has hired him either. Lue is the compromise and really seem to have a good relationship from LeBron from the start once they were thrown together.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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if LeBron really got his way whenever he wanted- Blatt would have been fired a long long time ago. If LeBron got his way every time he wanted- Mark Jackson would have been the coach from the start--- DAvid Griffin was too smart to hire Mark Jackson after all the stuff he heard in GSW- and unsurprisingly no one else has hired him either. Lue is the compromise and really seem to have a good relationship from LeBron from the start once they were thrown together.

You keep telling yourself Lebron had nothing to do with it.

The rest of the world knows better.


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You keep telling yourself Lebron had nothing to do with it.

The rest of the world knows better.
i never said LEbron had nothing to do with it...go back and look. Obviously LeBron wanted the change. But like I said- if the Cavs listened to LeBron Blatt would have been gone last January. The problem was WAAAY bigger than LeBron- it was the whole locker room--- and when you have a guy like Peter Vescey who is one of the best old school NBA reporters of all time tweeting that in the days before the firing that David Blatt said "Its either me or Kevin Love"- its hard for me to put it all on LeBron. Without a doubt if you are a coach and cant have a good working relationship with LeBron your gone- but it was a lot more than just that which led to Blatt's dismissal.


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With Miller nearing retirement and with no clear role next season on the Cavs, a source close to James described trading Miller as being "the right thing to do" to give Miller options about where he wants to continue playing.

We all know James is Capt. Considerate.

Look he nice he was to ship Miller out of town so he could become a vital rotation player in Denver vs riding the pine as a cheerleader in Cleveland.


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i never said LEbron had nothing to do with it...go back and look. Obviously LeBron wanted the change. But like I said- if the Cavs listened to LeBron Blatt would have been gone last January. The problem was WAAAY bigger than LeBron- it was the whole locker room--- and when you have a guy like Peter Vescey who is one of the best old school NBA reporters of all time tweeting that in the days before the firing that David Blatt said "Its either me or Kevin Love"- its hard for me to put it all on LeBron. Without a doubt if you are a coach and cant have a good working relationship with LeBron your gone- but it was a lot more than just that which led to Blatt's dismissal.

Keep telling yourself it wasn't James decision, but the replacement coach was already hired, and it just so happens to be someone James hand picked.
Why no search?
Why no other candidates?

I get it. Blatt was hired before Gilbert found out he could strike a deal with the devil.

Like in most situations, a new coach (James once he met with Gilbert) wants his own people there.

He got his way because he knows he can.

It's not rocket science.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Keep telling yourself it wasn't James decision, but the replacement coach was already hired, and it just so happens to be someone James hand picked.
Why no search?
Why no other candidates?

I get it. Blatt was hired before Gilbert found out he could strike a deal with the devil.

Like in most situations, a new coach (James once he met with Gilbert) wants his own people there.

He got his way because he knows he can.

It's not rocket science.
if it was up to LeBron he would have been gone over a year ago- it was no secret then and its not now. I dont know why that is so hard to understand. OF course the #1 thing a coach has to do is have a good relationship with LEBron.

And let me educate you a little about the "why no search, why no other candidates"....if you read a number of the stories that have been circulating lately youd have a clue.

First- when the Cavs did the coaching search Ty Lue was interviewed. The job came down to between him and Blatt. The Cavs liked the idea of Blatt taking over a rebuilding team- but were well aware that it would take Blatt a while to adjust to the NBA game- so what did they do? They made their runner up- Lue- the highest paid assistant coach in the history of the NBA.

CAvs win the lotto, LeBron ditches Miami, knows he can get KLove- and all of a sudden the team is 100% different- and this is the part that i think is a little funny- BOTH the PLAYERS AND BLATT relied on Lue- Blatt to learn the NBA game- and the players to have a coach that knew what he was doing on a daily basis in the league.

So why no coaching search? They had the candidate they interviewed not long before that, liked him a lot, AND he already had LeBron's seal of approval. As Mark Stein's article that Trojanfan just posted- Who do you think LeBron's ideal coach is? HIS GUESS WAS LUE BACK IN JUNE. Hope i helped ya out.


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Apr 17, 2013
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if it was up to LeBron he would have been gone over a year ago- it was no secret then and its not now. I dont know why that is so hard to understand. OF course the #1 thing a coach has to do is have a good relationship with LEBron.

And let me educate you a little about the "why no search, why no other candidates"....if you read a number of the stories that have been circulating lately youd have a clue.

First- when the Cavs did the coaching search Ty Lue was interviewed. The job came down to between him and Blatt. The Cavs liked the idea of Blatt taking over a rebuilding team- but were well aware that it would take Blatt a while to adjust to the NBA game- so what did they do? They made their runner up- Lue- the highest paid assistant coach in the history of the NBA.

CAvs win the lotto, LeBron ditches Miami, knows he can get KLove- and all of a sudden the team is 100% different- and this is the part that i think is a little funny- BOTH the PLAYERS AND BLATT relied on Lue- Blatt to learn the NBA game- and the players to have a coach that knew what he was doing on a daily basis in the league.

So why no coaching search? They had the candidate they interviewed not long before that, liked him a lot, AND he already had LeBron's seal of approval. As Mark Stein's article that Trojanfan just posted- Who do you think LeBron's ideal coach is? HIS GUESS WAS LUE BACK IN JUNE. Hope i helped ya out.

First and foremost, Ive said the move is indifference.
My issue isn't even with James.
If Gilbert made the deal, he has to own up to it.
BUT, don't start telling us that you felt Blatt wasn't doing just fine.

I'll bet I can find at least 2 dozen posts where you were telling us how great the Cavs were AND one of the reasons was Blatt having gained a years experience which more than implies you thought he was doing a better job then last year.


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Jul 17, 2014
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First and foremost, Ive said the move is indifference.
My issue isn't even with James.
If Gilbert made the deal, he has to own up to it.
BUT, don't start telling us that you felt Blatt wasn't doing just fine.

I'll bet I can find at least 2 dozen posts where you were telling us how great the Cavs were AND one of the reasons was Blatt having gained a years experience which more than implies you thought he was doing a better job then last year.
that morning BEFOER he was fired I had a post where I doubted if Blatt could do teh job- ask Trojan- he was on the same exact page.

I swear to you - did you read Blatts comments on Wednesday of last week? they were ALARMING!

I mean- what coach- after an ass beating like that says things like "Well, weve been pretty good thus far, i think this criticism is unfair, blah blah blah" ??!!?!?!?!?


i dont know one NBA coach that I have ever seen who wouldnt jump on that to motivate their players--- its what anyone with half a brain would do---- LeBron OF COURSE was saying that- and HAD been saying stuff tothat effect all year- "we have a long way to go- were winning but its just not right, we gotta keep working etc. etc. etc. etc."

Blatt had basically already given the players an excuse to lose with how he was talking. What coach does that?

Not only that- but...I AM GOING TO LOVE IT when Kevin Love starts playing some fucking ball once they get his new sets in- sets that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE NBA was like? WTF? Why dont the Cavs have Love at the elbow? He thrived there- and he gets no touches there.....Lue in his first press conference- "I am going to get Love the ball at the elbow and we are putting about 12 actions for him there" GEEZUS.


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by the way....Love in 28 minutes tonight goes for 21 points, 10 boards and 4 assists, 2 blocks and 2 steals


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that morning BEFOER he was fired I had a post where I doubted if Blatt could do teh job- ask Trojan- he was on the same exact page.

I swear to you - did you read Blatts comments on Wednesday of last week? they were ALARMING!

I mean- what coach- after an ass beating like that says things like "Well, weve been pretty good thus far, i think this criticism is unfair, blah blah blah" ??!!?!?!?!?


i dont know one NBA coach that I have ever seen who wouldnt jump on that to motivate their players--- its what anyone with half a brain would do---- LeBron OF COURSE was saying that- and HAD been saying stuff tothat effect all year- "we have a long way to go- were winning but its just not right, we gotta keep working etc. etc. etc. etc."

Blatt had basically already given the players an excuse to lose with how he was talking. What coach does that?

Not only that- but...I AM GOING TO LOVE IT when Kevin Love starts playing some fucking ball once they get his new sets in- sets that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE NBA was like? WTF? Why dont the Cavs have Love at the elbow? He thrived there- and he gets no touches there.....Lue in his first press conference- "I am going to get Love the ball at the elbow and we are putting about 12 actions for him there" GEEZUS.

After a loss like that, you either over react or under react.
It was the first time he faced that type of adversity, so whatever he said, personally, I'd take with a grain of salt.
I'd say it was just used as the excuse they 'needed".

Aa far as Love. I KNEW he would have a good game tonight.
It's what he does.
Big stats at meaningless times.

As far as how he might or might not her used, thats the catch 22 like it was here.
Do you really want him to have the ball more than James/Kyrie in key situations?

You can make him a bigger role in the offense at the expense of others, which is fine, but you can't change the face that he can't defend even a little, and that is and will always be his biggest drawback.


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It was the Suns.....The worse team in basketball

Typical Wiggy.
Not understanding that Love puts up big stats in meaningless times.


You like posting marathons.

Give us all of Love stats in games that were decided by 6 or less points.
His 4th qtr stats in all Cavs losses this year and his stats vs any top tier team this year.
His stats in games when James didn't play that made a difference in a win.


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Jul 17, 2014
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After a loss like that, you either over react or under react.
It was the first time he faced that type of adversity, so whatever he said, personally, I'd take with a grain of salt.
I'd say it was just used as the excuse they 'needed".

Aa far as Love. I KNEW he would have a good game tonight.
It's what he does.
Big stats at meaningless times.

As far as how he might or might not her used, thats the catch 22 like it was here.
Do you really want him to have the ball more than James/Kyrie in key situations?

You can make him a bigger role in the offense at the expense of others, which is fine, but you can't change the face that he can't defend even a little, and that is and will always be his biggest drawback.
this was an exchange between me and you earlier THIS season:

TurnUpTheHeatBeasley Round 4 Please


Apr 17, 2013
SportsHoopla Bookie:
$ 930

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Blatts a total fuckhead...hes playing Kevin Love inside in the post against Chicago- a team with bigs who HATE playing on the outside- BESIDES Mirotic who was in foul trouble halfway through the 2nd....

A few posts ago you said Cavs would be better cause of Blatts experience.
So typical of you.
All over the road

I think that is pretty accurate- I gave and still give Blatt credit for navigating the playoffs with all those injuries, but i have been pretty vocal for a long time on how dumb Blatt was at rotations and using Love.


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April 15th I said:

WiggyRussWell-Known Member

cleveland_indians.gif cleveland_cavaliers.gif cleveland_browns.gif

I think Blatt is an intelligent guy- after watching Brown and Scott implement just absolutely DREADFUL offenses, and especially with Scott who is an old school guy and just not really meshing with the new-school NBA players- Blatt's at least respectable.....I dont hate Blatt and I dont think Blatt is the greatest in the world. --- if he does well in the playoffs keep him- if its obvious he is somehow holding the team back get rid of him- if Lebron, Kyrie and Love want someonone else- get rid of him- if they want him keep him-


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Apr 17, 2013
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this was an exchange between me and you earlier THIS season:

View attachment 82650
TurnUpTheHeatBeasley Round 4 Please


Apr 17, 2013
SportsHoopla Bookie:
$ 930

View attachment 82651 View attachment 82652 View attachment 82653

Blatts a total fuckhead...hes playing Kevin Love inside in the post against Chicago- a team with bigs who HATE playing on the outside- BESIDES Mirotic who was in foul trouble halfway through the 2nd....

A few posts ago you said Cavs would be better cause of Blatts experience.
So typical of you.
All over the road

I think that is pretty accurate- I gave and still give Blatt credit for navigating the playoffs with all those injuries, but i have been pretty vocal for a long time on how dumb Blatt was at rotations and using Love.

Everyone questions everything here after losses.
I've never said that you said he was perfect.
I'm claiming that numerous times you said the Cavs were better this year and a part of why was his experience gained from last year.
I said yesterday that I didn't think he was doing that great of a job, and that if his methods lost the locker room, he should be gone, but no way on earth James wasn't behind it, from whatever point the mutiny began.


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here is a Trojanfan post from that same day that is rather prophetic itself....OBVIOUSLY this had been going on a while...

trojanfan12 said:
Yes he is. He's just struggling to find his spot in the offense. Right now, he seems like he's the #3 option when he should actually be the #2 and Kyrie should be the #3. He needs shots to get his offensive rhythm and he's not getting them as the #3, at least not as many as he needs.

The problem seems to be that none of the players respect the coach. The question for the Cavs is: Do they ride out the rest of the season with Blatt and hope the team gets it figured out? Or do they cut their losses and bring in a coach like George Karl who would have some credibility with the players?


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WiggyRussWell-Known Member

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WAMU said
My guess is they thought they had no chance in landing LeBron. If the Cavs dump Blatt who do they go after, maybe Mark Jackson or bring back George Karl?
They brought in Blatt before LEbron- you are correct

Cal, Izzo, Thibs, Mark Jackson---

I think there is a solid chance Calipari is the coach at the beginning of next year. He was close to taking a shitload of money to come to the Cavs last offseason- hes done all he could in college and could really cash in hugely


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here is a Trojanfan post from that same day that is rather prophetic itself....OBVIOUSLY this had been going on a while...

trojanfan12 said:
Yes he is. He's just struggling to find his spot in the offense. Right now, he seems like he's the #3 option when he should actually be the #2 and Kyrie should be the #3. He needs shots to get his offensive rhythm and he's not getting them as the #3, at least not as many as he needs.

The problem seems to be that none of the players respect the coach. The question for the Cavs is: Do they ride out the rest of the season with Blatt and hope the team gets it figured out? Or do they cut their losses and bring in a coach like George Karl who would have some credibility with the players?

Why are you naming Karl there, but now you just gave me a surmon that Lue was a no brainier?

Seems to me that you just like to post things you read, after the fact.


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WiggyRussWell-Known Member

View attachment 82660 View attachment 82661 View attachment 82662

WAMU said
My guess is they thought they had no chance in landing LeBron. If the Cavs dump Blatt who do they go after, maybe Mark Jackson or bring back George Karl?
They brought in Blatt before LEbron- you are correct

Cal, Izzo, Thibs, Mark Jackson---

I think there is a solid chance Calipari is the coach at the beginning of next year. He was close to taking a shitload of money to come to the Cavs last offseason- hes done all he could in college and could really cash in hugely

Once again, same question.
Lue was already there and you weren't naming him as a successor, now amongst another list of names.